The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
I think anyone with a vote should think very carefully this time, who can clean up politics and do soething to get us out of this economic mess!
is there an on line questionaire we can do to help decide which party suits us?jo
Wow! I’d’ve never considered voting Lib Dem until last nights debate, Nick Clegg behaved like an adult, the other two like squabbling teenagers.
They all promise more nurses for the NHS, what about allied health professionals? Im a final year occupational therapy student, graduating to no job vacancies even though every department in every health trust is short staffed. This has been happening for years however the university I attend is still taking in 70+ students per year. More vacancies need filled therefore more funding is needed and the student enrollement numbers need reduced until the need for graduates increases. Stop paying for patients to go private for treatment so that targets are met and hire more staff! It needs sorted out.
As usual, I will not be voting.
I will be voting conservative – the labour party have destroyed anything that was good in this country and are fixated with a big brother outlook.
I want to pay reasonalble taxes but be allowed to spend/save what I earn and leave my hard earned inheritance to whoever I please. The tories have got it right on all counts and deserve a chance to prove it to the population.
why then are you voting for the tories if you want fairer taxes?surely an independent party have more realistic views on these policies!
I shall be voting for the Lib Dems, its time for a change!