The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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What annoys me is a very large number of people are voting for other parties other than labour, conservative and Lib dems. The other parties are not mentioned enough and as a few people have previously commented – the likes of BNP give straight answers unlike the other 3! Conservative and lib dem will be no better than labour, let try someone who will speak the truth and tackle important issues head on that others are afraid to do!
Again I am not racist and its about time BNP voters were stopped being called that! We only want British people to stop being treated in a 2nd class manner!
Jade I totally agree with you! I am a very strong supporter of the BNP. They are straight talking and know what is best for this country. I too am far from racist, but a firm stop needs to be put on immigration and we, as Britons, need to stop being classed as second class citizens. We need to stop being last in line for jobs. We need to stop being discriminated against. We are British and Christian and we should be allowed to be proud of that. We should be allowed to fly our flags high without fear of upsetting those that are not native to our country. Our laws discriminate against us to prevent pride in our country, our history and our religion. We need to be more like America nad Australia; proud countries. Lets put a stock to the three “main” parties who will only lie, swerve questions they don’t want to answer and continue to destroy our home land. BNP all the way!
I too agree with Jade and Rikki – look at:
This is outragous! I know friends and family who are out of work, how have worked all their lifes to find out this!
I have been unemployed for months now. I am 53 and have worked my whole life so felt ashamed to be signed on, but what makes me angry is the little benefits I get whilst these immigrants are coming over here claiming every benefit under the sun and getting there houses paid for and living, quite frankly, a life of luxury!! Our country has become a joke and the whole world is pointing and laughing at us!! BNP in! It’s the only way to get our country’s pride back!!
Sorry to hear of your unemployment, as an over 50 year old you are in the worst group to be unemployed right now: the over 50s are in the highest group of long term unemployed!
You have less than 15 years before retirement (10 if a woman) and realistically who is going to hire you, retrain you (assuming your original career is in a dying industry) for a new job when they are only going to get 10 years of trained work out of you! I run a business and I wouldn’t hire an untrained 50+ year old (they’d have to be at least partially trained to consider taking a 50+ year old on).
At your age I would suggest looking at self employment and claiming tax credits at the same time to top up your self employed income as you don’t want to become one of the long term unemployed. It’s what I had to do after my back gave out in my last year at University in my early twenties! I wrote a little about it at
Now I run a very successful online business as a search engine optimisation consultant, businesses pay me to help them get good rankings from Google. I’m very good at what I do which is why you probably found my site near the top of Google for some kind of general election search.
Good luck if you go the self employed root, it can be hard work, but well worth it when things go well.
You are wrong on immigrants claiming benefits, they may well be taking jobs that could be taken by British born workers (which doesn’t make economic sense when ~2.5 million are unemployed), but they are not in general claiming benefits etc… as the majority of immigrants aren’t entitled to them.
Unfortunately the tabloids and the BNP use the odd extreme example of immigrants milking the system as the norm, when it isn’t.
Do a little research and you’ll find immigrants can’t claim a great deal when they arrive here, so immigrants claiming benefits is not a big issue. One of those scaremongering tactics used by the likes of the BNP to generate interest in their sort of hate politics!
I, too, have no time for the 3 main political parties. They all 3 say what they think you want to hear, and then do absolutely nothing. All they are really interested is the salary and ‘perks’ which go with the job.
I was thinking about voting for UKIP (at least they want nothing to do with Europe), but having read the above comments, I am now strongly considering a vote for the BNP (assuming that there is a BNP candidate in my area !)
Thank God for our first-past-the-post system with all it’s unfairness and bias in favour of the big 3!
At least while we have that system, scum like the BNP will never pollute our Parliament with their presence.
With our system, there is very often no point in voting for the party you actually support.
I live in the South Hams, where my party of choice (Labour) has absolutely no chance of winning, so I will vote Liberal, as they always come 2nd here.
In our system people should decide who they most disagree with, see who has the biggest chance of beating them, and vote accordingly.
Personally I’d vote for anyone who stood a chance of beating the Tories (except the BNP or UKIP).
i would consider voting for one of the minor parties though i feel that it is necessary not to waste mty vote so i will vote lib dem
Along with many others I support the Lib Dem campaign and hope to see a major swing away from the two main parties, who for the past 30 years have been equally complicit in destroying the industrial base of our country, selling off most of its national assets and have helped to create an entirely selfish society, where people have been encouraged to put their own self interests above those of their fellow citizens.
Along with over 30,000 other FB users I support the aims of the following group:
im 14 and so defino arent voting. if i was id go lib dem 4 prime minister and greens as 2nd choice or sumthin like that. btw plz don’t use my post as a omg teens are so irrisponsible can’t spell.
yes ed balls is doing a great job in education.
Hey Jo,
Thanks for your comment, I own this site and young people are very welcome here.
I’m 39 and still can’t spell particularly well! When I was at school I wouldn’t have got every word in this comment spelt correctly even if my life depended on it: would have been quicker to count the words I spelt correctly :-)
I’ve been creating websites for over 10 years and spend a LOT of time writing content, but still everything I write goes through a spell checker so my spelling (which has improved over the years) doesn’t detract from my arguments.
My grammar isn’t particularly up to standard either, but I think I get my arguments across which is the whole point of politics.
My hand writing is unreadable, even by me, I’d have made an awesome Doctor, can’t spell and I can’t even read my own hand writing :-)
The most important thing is not whether you can spell or not, but you are 14 and have enough interest in the future of your country to find a politics site like this one and make comments. I look forward to seeing more comments from young people like you Jo.
BTW I made four spelling mistakes above before spell checking :-)
imagine under ed balls then, none of us spell correctly all the time but the comment i replied to deserved it.
To resort to insulting another commenter’s spelling shows a lack of debating skills. Especially after the commenter mentioned his own concerns about his spelling suggesting he was worried about someone doing exactly what you did! Shows a complete lack of empathy for a 14 year old who has shown enough interest in politics and the future of his country to comment here.
Stick to the content of the argument as it really lowers the debate when commenter’s bring grammar and spelling into an argument. We can all read a comment for ourselves and decide if the person writing is worth listening to or not without others pointing out what may or may no be wrong with a comment for us!
But just to show how pedantic and petty I could be with your poorly written comments.
1st you lower case your name, should have the first letter of each name upper case. That’s a very childish mistake.
2nd You don’t use capitals at all (barely any) in your comments. You’ve made 46 comments on my site and I can count on two hands the number of capital letters used within them!
3rd your comments tend to be very small and have no real content, they don’t offer an actual argument. They are in the format:
“well at least try the tories, forget torries they are as bad as labour.”
It adds nothing to a debate and that one didn’t actually make any sense.
4th on the rare occasions you type more than one line you don’t appear to understand the concept of a paragraph (push the enter key twice) to make reading your comments easier rather than one long blurrrrrrr of text.
Take this comment from you:
“well its mostly immigrants that are bleeding us dry, the schools, the hospitals, if turkey join the eec and the other eastern block country trying to join, we will never cope, dont believe all this spin about cancer treatment in 7 days, it took me 5 weeks, in the waiting room there was hardly any english spoken, the labour party wanted to close the maternity unit here, thank god they did’nt or my first grandchild may of died, a sad state of affairs when people who have paid nothing into this country want all the services we have paid in years for. it needs to be stopped or we wont have a country that speaks english.”
It reads like a 5 year old thinks, and then this happened and then I did this and then I thought that and, and, and, then, then, then. It reads as a big verbal brain fart with no thought to what you are writing about or where your argument is trying to lead the viewer.
Not nice hey Jamie, which is why if you are good at putting your point of view across you don’t resort to this low tactic on commenting on the commenter’s writing style rather than the content of their message.
BTW Jo was writing the way a lot of teens talk and txt these days, it may be harder to read for us old farts, (though no harder than reading your comments) but it’s not that difficult to understand the meaning of the message, which is more than I can say for your comments, most of the time I haven’t clue what you are trying to say!