The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Become Selfish ! …
… Like other people !
Become Organized ! …
… Like other people !
Become Militant ! …
… Like other people !
Become Political ! …
… Like other people !
Become Demanding ! …
… Like other people !
Take Care Of Your Own ! …
… Like other people !
Or Become Extinct !
Thank god the results of this poll are not real
bnp in government not in my life time
bnp equals national front with out the skin head element
still racist
still fascist
A Tory Government will increase Tax, Cut Services in Britain but increase Foreign aid.
Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC 1, Mr Cameron said that tax credits for middle class Britons would be repealed under a Tory government.
In addition, Labour’s 50 percent tax rate on people earning more than £150,000 would be kept and the Tories would also be looking at introducing new toll roads.
[[ Ending the untold billions spent subsidising the immigration swindle and all its ancillary costs (benefits, court and jail services, counter-terrorism measures, the “race relations” industry and a host of others); ]]
You mean kicking out all the non-white immigrants and bringing back racial discrimination. Who says the BNP isn’t a racist neo-Nazi party!
Why do you come out with lies innuendo and rubbish, The BNP has no intention of kicking out of Britain anyone legally here . They intend to stop the White poles Rumanian’s and any other color or creed from taking British any jobs, while we have nearly 3 million unemployed they intend to implement the Tory policy on repatriation. they intend to stop more invasion as we have no room we can feed 30 million no more . when the oil dries up who gets the food our kids or theres in our country So the BNP are realist nationalist say it as it is! You will see immigrants on here arguing against the BNP looking after there corner making sure they are ok not interested in what our families have given s much fork , ready to take it from us
I am looking at the possibility of a hung parliment next time around and would expect that the LibDems would back up the Tories on many votes within parliment however I am not sure that this is such a good thing as the LibDems won’t just follow the line for long and will start to disrupt the process within 12 months, so we could potentially be looking at another election with 2 years.
The way I see it is that we have only 2 real choices Labour or Tory the LibDems are not in a strong enough position to go much higher in terms of MPs thatn they currently have maybe they could get to around 65-70 but I don’t see any more than that, which still leaves the Tories and Labour as the dominant parties in parliment.
Having looked at many websites recently to see where to put my vote I have noticed that the BNP seem to be over running many websites with 100’s of video links to un related conspiracy theories etc and trying to now claim that recent results of by-elections are being rigged on postal voting etc, I think as an ordinary voter that the BNP are killing themselves with comments like this they are certainly not winning over people like me anyway if anything they are making me turn even further away from supporting them which is actually a shame as I believe their are one or two of their ideas I could get behind.
But the insistance on spamming as many websites as possible and insulting people who slightly disagree with them makes them look stupid and would be truning away more voters than it brings in. I know i’m going to get slated for making these comments but from the 100’s of people I have spoken to who are currently doing the same thing as me trying to work out where to put the X next year are saying the same thing we can’t take the BNP seriously because of the insistance on spamming and we read the same comments repeated over and over again on the many different websites.
So at this point I am coming down on the UKIP vote side as they can offer what I am looking for but they are not making themselves sound ridiculous by trying to block out as many people as possibly on the various websites.
I have been reading a few pages on here and have noticed that if anyone tries to show differing opinions the BNP supporters jump all over them with mass posts full of insults and designed to just push down the other posters so it looks like the BNP are on top and in some way winning.
But let me tell you from a floating voter point of view and as someone who had seriously considered voting for the BNP I have now decided that the BNP is not the way to go because of the tactics it is trying to apply all over the net which are to blatantly try and stop debate stop people expressing their view and to insult as many people as possible so that they just give up and go away and therefore seemingly leave the site to be controlled by the BNP in which I assume they will then be claiming some kind of victory over the rest of the parties.
But it isn’t working all you are doing is making people like me who has been considering voting BNP to walk away and go down another path because of the tactics being used.
That’s my view expressed and I fully expect to be slagged off for it but there we go.
Thanks for reading anyway
The liberals have lost the plot and all their arguments are now redundant.
Who are the liberals? The Lib Dems?
Voter2010,good write up but dont be fooled,you must of read comments on this site.That are very anti British.In a few years elections will be a thing of the past under this current goverment who is in the pay of a higher order.As for voting the useless ukip party which Lord pearson wanted to disband,SOME LEADER EH,DID YOU KNOW TO BECOME A MEMBER OF UKIP YOU WILL BE VETTED BY THE COMMUNIST RUN GANG OF THUGS KNOWN AS SEACHLIGHT.HEADED BY A CRIMINAL KNOWN AS GERRY GABLE.CHECK IT OUT.
Again you prove my point, straight back to accusations of conspiracy etc etc, the average voter (people like me) don’t read that stuff and if we do we don’t take it seriously, the BNP can’t win just by blaming everyone else and claiming all these stupid things to make it look like the world is against the BNP.
To stand any chance of winning seats you have to change and start working on getting people like me back to considering the BNP again, you won’t achieve this by just banging out conspiracy and accusations give me something I can hold on to something I can believe in.
I do believe in Nick Griffin.
He will be very instrumental in the downfall of the United Kingdom.
He likes fanning the flames of hatred in order to profit for himself.
he fans no such flame the lib/lab/con uaf do that without hep from nick griffin
The rest of the world would quite rightly turn their backs on Britain, if the BNP and Griffin do take power.
British people would die of embarassment.
The British Government finally enacted into law that if a British person were to commit a sex crime in another country, they could be tried here.
This was after various Governments complained about British men, paedophiles, visited poor countries to rape children.
Didn’t Spain and Brazil complain about all those British crooks that use their countries to escape from the police?
Have you seen the comments Griffin makes?
Griffin isn’t the whole party though is it, there is more to politics than one man, who else in the party are going to stand forward and play a part?
And Griffins history also puts me off, he is to dangerous to become PM the rest of the world would turn against the UK if he were PM his right-wing past is to much to delete from history.
the pope was a member of the Hitler youth get real be brave do whats rite for once make the decision like we did bin the liers thieves war mongers join the resistance join the opposition join the bnp! we are all ex Tory labor lib dem voters we have not changed just woke up found the courage and done the rite thing, BNP 4 me now and always down with tyranny and oppression the people must rule not the gov;
The pope’s brother Georg said: “Our father was a bitter enemy of Nazism because he believed it was in conflict with our faith”
some thing to hold on to! tax tax tax lies lies lies theft theft theft by the lib/lab/con u-kip ! that enough ,or how about 60 years of no real investment in the British manufacturing industry . 3 million soon to be on the dole.national debt climbing at£6000 a minute. we all owe £30/000 not the politicians who thieve every thing, you me your family my family! £ 1.5 million an hour disappearing into the black hole of the E/U. Did you get your vote on it NO?? odd we were promised it!£696 billion too Pakistan £895 million to India! the list goes on and on ! common purpose do you no of it
I’ve seen you post that too many times throughout this site, I sat and read hours of stuff before posting myself, just spamming the same old stuff isn’t proving the case is it?
well if the simple but honest stuff doesn’t wake you up then not much hope for you really is there You already have your mind made up and in fact you are no more a floating voter than I am. you are trying to debase the BNP . there is no need to debate policy the policy is there for all to look up! you can pick holes in any policy so no point in arguing that one !! its the facts that speak for them selves! people are being savaged by the lib/lab/con and its going to get worse! Now you disprove that
My point was you continually have to develop the argument repeating the same lines doesn’t make them more believeable does it?
If I constantly posted that the sky is actually a light shade of pink how many times would I have to post it before you believed it?
You never would would be the answer so develop new points push the debate forward and that way you may have a chance of showing people something new
“there is no need to debate policy the policy is there for all to look up”
And this is again where you will FAIL, starting next year people WILL be debating policy as soon as the election is called, you CAN’T sit back and say just read the website etc etc, it won’t wash.
you do not have to even read the bnp web site if you are to dense, do not mean to attack you its just so annoying that people refuse to see what the other parties have done to this country, it is there policies you should be looking very closely at. as you have been fooled for 60years by them ,yet you still want to put them back in to power ,whats wrong with you!!but you attack the bnp for thought crimes and look for flaws in policy! you refuse to see that the other parties are doing and have done nothing for you and me and this nation for 60years. what are they offering you thats worth voting for. The BNP are the opposition hence the fear they have of loosing there thiefdom
No because like I have said I will vote UKIP because the BNPs own team have put me off
I heard that as well..
So as the BNP, as party, is made up of criminals, child abusers and wife beaters; What do you have to do to become a member?
To become a member and to keep your membership you have to be White Irish/Scottish/welsh /English this will change in the new year!To allow our colored brothers who are British by birth to join. About time to i may add! You have to be decent honest law abiding and patriotic with love of our country and nation, petty offense not a problem/paedophilia’s not wanted ,murderers terrorists, not wanted. You must want to do your best for the nation above all else to improve the standards of morality law and order it for all here with equal justice under one law for all (no sharia)
Voter2010.You dont fool me you are a pretend floating voter,only to side with your red mates.When they started taking a beating by all the PRO BNP COMMENTS.still thinking of voting ukip they have not got a hope in hells chance,of getting the GE or why dont you vote for the respect party,with their very very poor votes.STILL THE BNP ARE DOING GREAT.EVEN BETTER WHEN THE PRESS SHOWS PHOTOS OF IMMIGRIANTS LIVING IN 1.0000OO HOUSES WHILE OUR BRAVE LADS FIGHTING IN THAT HELLHOLE COME BACK TO LIVE IN SQUALOUR OR WORSE ON THE STREETS.ALSO EVERY SERVICEMEN/WOMEN I MET SUPPORTS THE BNP.
Well you can be sure I won’t vote BNP that’s for sure, and when it’s been made plainly obvious today that the BNP are just attemtong to raid this site to big up the BNP by using false names (and talking to themselves) it looks like I have certainly made the right choice.
As for UKIP they have 13 MEPs that’s 11 more than the BNP they got over 4 million votes in the GE against the BNPs 943,000 so I would say they have far more chance of getting MPs elected than the BNP do sorry just a numbers based FACTOID for you.
uaf =2010 just been to a meeting of the bnp in salford first time i have been there over a 100 people in attendance could not find any racists or fascist or knuckle dragging skin heads just ex labour Tory lib dem ,people who have woken up an like my self do not like what they see with we have all had enough and enough is enough so we are all voting BNP
Well you can all get together after the election then for a group crying session :-)
Ok so lets have other commentators like the mebyon kernow party,who ever they are,explain their policies.However which way we go anti-BNP elements on this site will put their oar in.This making others and me defend the BNP.It would be nice to hear from a liberal democrat about their immigration policy,but we all know its the same as the rest.
But isn’t that exactly the point I was trying to make, the other parties cannot try to get across their policies here nor are they hardly allowed to say who they will vote for without being jumped on by the BNP and called names etc.
It is what’s been happening on sites like this and others around the web that I have decided to vote UKIP because the BNP are not allowing debate they just close people down with boring retoric, and this doesn’t win debate or elections.
I would have voted BNP but won’t now because I can’t support the stupid way the party members/supporters are going about things on the net, I haven’t seen many valid arguments on this site that would convince me to vote BNP apart from one or two posters that do enter in to full on debate, but you need to see it is actually the BNP people who are losing votes for themselves by the way they do things, which is also backed up by the BNP main website.
Winston Churchill wrote: ‘If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.’!
And how are Churchill’s quotes relevant to getting across policy and getting the country back on track?
if you do not understand the state of the nation and the fact that our credit rating is set to fall below India in two years ! if are lucky enough to not be effected by the invasion of Britain,Then lucky you for now! Churchill comments is to bring us to gether to wake people like you up! to join the opposition the only opposition to mass invasion and the E/U by joining the BNP
The Credit rating WON’T fall behind India in two years, the economy is on track to start the recovery in q1 next year (in time for the elections) two credit agencies have recently confirmed the UKs AAA rating, so I would say that when the economy does start to pick up next year the AAA will be safe.
And at the same time when the economy does start lift many millions of people in the Country will get a smile back again which will make it harder for the BNP to win again as voter apathy will slip a bit.
You have to watch the whole picture, even Nick Griffin has today changed the election goal for next year, in the new xmas message he says we will be fighting the next election on bringing the troops home so even he can see whats happening and needs a new line to fight with.
Change adapt or stay stale and lose
well it looks like you are wrong here!? The gov; is borrowing money just to pay off the interest of trillions of pound we are debt partly due to bailing out there friends in the banks we have not started to pay the loan yet,We have no real manufacturing industry as this shower of criminals in gov have exported it / so how do we raise money . Tax Tax Tax again we don’t have it. petrol is at a low but it is still high at the pumps WHY?? a further tax on fuel in the new year!After the elections if the Tories get in 20% vat, enough when will you say you have had enough or are you on the gravy train. even been a mention of vat on food to reduce consumption and raise revenue, Yet they are going to double overseas aid not with there money with mine! no one asked me . So i will as I have done once before be voting BNP no other choice had enough of the others!!
Like I said I am voting UKIP, but I am correct on the two credit agencies keeping the UKs AAA rating and all the forecasts show we can expect an upturn in the economy in q1, it’s been predicted all year and still hasn’t changed.
As for the banks that’s something I actually agree with if it hadn’t been done millions of British people would have lost all their savings and pensions in the failed banks, so we would have hurt millions of British people by doing nothing and letting them go under.
Thanks for the quote.
Churchill fought against the Nazis.
BNP vs Multicultural British War Heroes
This is a good vid:
This is the real history of Britain and it’s armed forces
India Gate in New Delhi is also a remembrance of all the 90,000 Indian soldiers who died fighting for the British Indian Army during the World War I and Afghan Wars.
You actually know what the Lib Dem immigration policy is without being told?
Yes Ed I read the parties websites, but my main point here is to try and show that the BNP supporters are in fact turning voters away by trying to kill other people’s views off with standard spam and boring videos that have no real relevance to the political debate we need to be having across the country, and the web plays a big part in that debate.
But I want to try and show that the BNP are killing their own vote by talking the same old crap and trying to dominate most of the websites which isn’t actually doing the cause any good.
The BNP policies are to serve themselves.
They want to close off imports and buy what?
Are you going to give up your £35.00 microwave and buy one for £450.00?
If our money was not stolen in taxes to fund the megalomania of the super rich who pay for nothing then we could afford to pay more for our good produced here ! the reason for the price is high profits and extra high taxes in rip off Britain! give us our hard earned money back so we can spend it!!the way we want the thieving politicians, do not even pay for bath plugs, or porno films they steal from us to pay for it! had enough of them
I think it’s time to give the LibDems a chance they have been around for years now so plenty of experience in parlimentry process, they currently have just over 60 MPs so time they had a shot at running the country Labour & Tories have had it long enough.