The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Well what a ? this is, in my opinion none of the main candidates will be able to get this country out of the mess it is currently in with one term, but i was around when this country was in this mess once before in the 1980`s but it took the conservatives a long time to get us out of it , so far labour has done a better job getting us out of a mess than they ever did.But i do think if there was a party that was going to change a few things so it can not happen again then maybe they would get my vote ,little things like WHY SHOULD ANY BANKER GET A BONUS PAYMENT FOR DOING SUCH A BAD JOB in no other career do u ever get a bonus for such rubish job .
i dont blame labour for this it was the banks greed that caused it and it was the consevatives in the 80`s that gave them such power .
And on another note very little is now being mentioned about the political partys swindle`s for money but with out any new laws it will happen again .SO WHO DO I VOTE ?? AT THE MOMENT LABOUR BUT ONLY JUST .
wot would happen if everybody abstained from voting? can this be possible since we arenot in agreement with any of the main parties!
I’ve looked at all of the parties and what they have planned. My issue is I do not trust either the Cons or the Labs or the Liberals. Anyone for a duckhouse etc? I’m voting BNP (No, I’m not racist and am educated) but at least they stick to their guns and provide honest answers. Even if people do not agree to their policies unlike the other parties who cannot give a straight answer. Like most British people… I’ve had enough and want to send out a clear message.
Like you, I’m not happy with the main parties… My husband and I belong to a group of voters who have worked and saved hard, don’t have kids, never had a new car, don’t take frequent foreign holidays and have never been on the wrong side of the law. I’m sick of hearing what the main parties will do for families. The 21st century gives us CHOICE and I have been brought up to believe…don’t have what you can’t afford.. and I am sick of paying for other people’s choices to have kids and expecting the rest of us to pay for them! Labour are particularly bad at this. We would like to see more to be done for those of us who’ve never sponged off the state in any shape or form and have always paid their taxes….we are sick of paying for those who bleed the rest of us dry!
well its mostly immigrants that are bleeding us dry, the schools, the hospitals, if turkey join the eec and the other eastern block country trying to join, we will never cope, dont believe all this spin about cancer treatment in 7 days, it took me 5 weeks, in the waiting room there was hardly any english spoken, the labour party wanted to close the maternity unit here, thank god they did’nt or my first grandchild may of died, a sad state of affairs when people who have paid nothing into this country want all the services we have paid in years for. it needs to be stopped or we wont have a country that speaks english.
Scandal after scandal is that a anti Labour comment?
None of the parties are scandal free but none could be quite as bad as the last Tory regime.
Who to vote for Labour and a return to Blairite centre ideals, vote Conservative and Thatcherism revisited with money for money and less for those that have little. Vote Liberal Democrats that have good ideas but few votes, or one, two or more groups of facists.
I think the question is how many people care about anything but themselves? Gone is the ideal of the greater good,its just self self self just like the main two parties.
Socialism doesnt work, capitalism makes the wealth gap bigger,the Lib-dems have forgotten how to rule!
Undecided but not voting for the ‘posh boy’
what is the point of paying a tax now and will get it back when we get old????? why do we have to pay for other. we all have family to look after we work and end up with nothing on the first week of pay day. everythign is getting expansive in uk.
Why Labour do not deserve your vote.
Let us start by making the comparison between Sir Fred Goodwin and Gordon Brown. Both men were responsible for bringing their respective organisations to the brink of economic collapse by imprudent over investment.
Would we really vote for keeping Goodwin on as Chief Executive of RBS on the basis that he had the experience? Considering the uproar over his enormous payoff for failure, I think not. However, in Brown’s case he has been promoted with barely a whimper from the very same people who complained about banker’s bonuses on the basis of his experience.
Firing an entrenched incumbent requires guts. If Labour is not capable of doing this, do you really think they will have the courage to make the much harder decisions required to get us out of the current economic mess.
Unfortunately, unlike most other professions, politicians do not appear to improve with experience, in fact quite the opposite.
So vote for anyone other than Labour on 6 May.
i dont like thier desicions on politics