The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Who will I vote for in 2010 elections?? Good Question! although why you assimilate the 2005 election results as a comparison is not clear?
TOO many things have happened since the 2005 elections that to my mind it bears little resemblance to where we are today?
From what i hear ALL the major Parties are looking for Savage Cuts in spending to help payback the massive debts that we now have(& YES! thanks Mr Brown for that).
At first glance the “Tory’s are going “Clobber” everything/anyone??
Labour appear to be following the same old standards that have brought us to the point we are at now?
Lib/Dem’s?? well having seen what they have doine in Rochdale as the ruling party, i have LESS faith in them for anything?
I have always voted Conservative?? but, no more! UKIP seem interesting in that they have very little to say on Anything? (apart from their leader beating the commons speaker in his constituency??
On reflection i think i WILL vote “Tory” again, but, i can quite understand why people will throw their vote away, & the dangers that represents. ie, the BNP i think will gain massively? if so, Other Parties be WARNED!
If you’re disalusioned with the Tories, why vote for them at all? I basically agree with what your saying, although I do like the idea of people representing their distain for the politicians by ruining their votes I do understand that would probably do more harm than good…
Why not vote for a party that will totally change everything? The Greens?
well chris, if you cannot even spell disillusioned or disdain, what hope is there for any of your opinions?
I could have saved a lot of reading time if you had just written “i’m not voting labour”.
Simplified political policies in an unbiased format don’t really exist, I’ve been unbiased when posting the actual policies and manifestos on this website, but I posted them verbatim. When it comes to comparing them etc… I’m biased towards Labour/Lib Dems and couldn’t be more against BNP policies!
I seriously don’t think you’ll find a truly unbiased run down of the policies, I’m afraid you are stuck like the rest of us in reading multiple sources and hoping overall you get a balanced view.
I was watching SKY News yesterday and the PM said something like early detection of two types of cancer results in a 90%+ survival rate. The SKY News reporters dropped the early detection and mention of the two types of cancer (think it was bowel cancer and breast cancer) and turned the quote into something like:
Gordon brown said cancer survival rates are 90%+ under Labour, which is not true, so Gordon Brown is caught out lying again!
If you don’t get early diagnosis of those cancers you’ll probably die, but if you get early diagnosis for those two cancers you’ll probably live, hence the election pledge to decrease the time it takes to be diagnosed etc… to save more lives.
SKY News is meant to report the news, not make it up!!!
BTW I did like the cbeebies suggestion :-)
Good luck.
I usually sway towards the green party. Purely on the basis that they seem to put importance on values we should all share if we’re to leave anything for future generations to vote on. However, politics in this country is disturbingly corrupted. I guess it always has been, but these days it’s such pathetic corruption we can’t even be a little proud of it as a nation! Sadly, I think that we should all ruin our ballet papers…. Better this than voting in a party on the basis that they’re not as bad as the others. Ruined votes count, where as non votes don’t, so ruin your ballet on vote night and we’ll see just how in tune our governing staff really are………
Alternatively, stop voting for the 3 main parties, they’re all basically the same………
Political party government is the cause of most of the problems currently facing the English/uk voters.Thousands of new punitive laws from the Labour party government have been ‘rubber stamped’ by the so-called opposition parties. Pensioners have seen interest from meagre savings reduced to almost zero and small businesses deprived of finance whilst our politicians think only of the good of the party and not of their constituents.
I am voting for an independent candidate this time.
Conservative, without any doubt!
I always had a soft spot for the liberal democrats until today, when clegg came out with the truth about what his partys policys on dealing with illegal immegrants. whitch is,rather than deport 1million,is to give them an amnesty? then at a later date the right to british passport.By theway their was no mention of the 1million failed asylum seekers.Remember their maybe a hung parliament.?