The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
I am a Labour supporter but am voting Lib/Dem to keep the Conservative out. Labour stand no chance in my area. The Conservatives destroyed our economy when times were good, I shudder to think what they are capable of when times are bad.
People seem to forget that when the Conservatives left office in 1997 which my MP Ken Clarke was chancellor the economy and the general finainces of the nation were in better shape than they ever had been. Only the Conservative party will be responsible for getting rid of waste and beurocracy.
But the nation was in a terrible state
yes it is bill, thanks to blair and brown. thats why they must not get back in.
A party that will offer the general public access to the documents they have a right to have.
A party that realises that the NHS is a public service, paid for by the public and the people employed by the NHS are public servants.
Does anyone know of a party that will work for the general public who pay them and not for themselves?
I would like to vote for the party who will adopt an adult approach to the job. 9- 5 work and not one moment wasted in stupid school yard behaviour.
I don’t need to know about the wives or the children or their schools or their hobbies. But I do need to know that whoever is elected will get their head down and do a proper day’s work for a proper day’s pay doing what they have been elected to do.
Libs have it just now, they look good to me and I am guessing they will work hard because they have the most to lose.
I agree wholeheartedly with the first two paragraphs . Not so sure about the third
There is another party to add to the list, ENGLISH DEMOCRATS. Will we be seeing this or are you just being selective in your postings.
How many MPs does the English Democrats have?
What percentage of the popular vote did the English Democrats gain in the 2005 general election?
Is there any reason to believe the English Democrat support has changed significantly since 2005? For example multiple by-election wins, handful of MEPs in the 2009 EU election, lots of local councilors.
How many MPs does the English Democrats seriously expect at the general election?
I already know the answer to these questions which is why the English Democrats are not part of the general election poll and are covered under Other Parties.
Now if you have something to say about the English Democrats, feel free.
Who are the English Democrats ?, can you tell me a candidate.
For the first time in this election farce i have heard a party talking sense, yes i will vote for the UKIP, thats if they have a candidate here, they want us out of the EEC , get rid of the £40 million a day it costs, why are they not in the other farce the TV debate, with 3 more disgraced labour MP’s getting legal aid so they can keep their ill gotten gains, its says what a country we have become, surely they cant get away with it, can they ?, what an example they set to all of us, they fiddle, we pay, it cant be bad can it.
Poll Update on Tuesday April 13 2010
Who will you vote for in Northern Ireland in the 2010 general election?
* Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) (17.92%, 191 Votes)
* Sinn Féin Party (25.05%, 267 Votes)
* Ulster Unionist Party (11.07%, 118 Votes)
* Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)
(17.82%, 190 Votes)
* Alliance Party (5.82%, 62 Votes)
* Other Political Party (22.33%, 238 Votes)
Looks like the Some competition on this poll too
I am a nurse who as voted Labour in previous elections. However, I am truly lost on who to vote for, and more importantly who i can trust. I feel there are many who just give soundbites and are false.