The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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The 3 main party’s are all the same, lets face it- all corrupt and out to please ones self.
I am actually looking to vote BNP. I know it sounds crazy to some, but a lot of their policy’s seem….right?
I wont vote for BNP under any circumstances because they are facist.
Personally I am most likely to vote Conservative. Even though I live in a Labour stronghold. UKIP sound like an excellent party for the most part having read the manifesto, however I am not wholey sold on the viability of them winning any seats. Shame really as I agreed with almost all their policies and I am not satisfied with our submissive possition in relation to Europe.
Make no mistake ! The conservatives are bigger facists than the BNP
You need to look up the word Fascist and see how a Tory run UAF suppress you right to chose who to vote for. I was once in your camp until I started to read behind the headlines – seriously look at the BNP website, look at the stories, do some research to see if they are true or not and then decide. Dont let others tell you who to vote for.
i have to agree i feel all this is due to two too many foreigners comin over laws changed on overcrowding because foreigners are sleeping in 100s in a room. work because they are excepting less money than we do they should stop them all for a few years at least! let our country get back on track!!!!!!!!!!
Haven’t posted for a while, but would like to say I have been watching the poll rise much quicker of late and good to see the poll having a decent set of realist numbers in it now the BNP have stopped spamming.
And well done David on getting a lot of top 10 search results for the blog, near enough every search I do related to the GE2010 this site is ranking top 5 :)
In the intro on this site it talks about the unrepesentativeness of the 1st past the post system. The only major UK wide party advocating a proportional representation system is the Lib Dem party. Living in Scotland I have seen the benefits of this in the Scottish Exec, where successive controlling parties cannot bullozer unpopular policies through as in Westminster (the Poll Tax, ID cards, EU constitution without referenda for possible examples? We’ll never know or sure). Instead policies are carried on merit as members from other parties are required and deals need to be struck to carry any policy. This could only be a good thing for all of the UK and for this reason alone, the Lib Dems will get my vote.
In no way shape or form can i support the BNP.
However i agree democracy in the UK is not fair.
(Does not exist ..)
The official opposition party to New Labour are not the Conservativs. The opposition comes from SKYs 24 hr a day propoganger against anyone who does not support the Tories.
Murdoch ,Lord Ashcroft and Alan Bolton and the News of the World and the sun are NATIONAL TRAITORS.
Soldiers die for their country supported by also by the Tories in Parliment, but exploit their deaths for Political reasons with their political wing media.SKY (and the BBC).
Whilst I do not like all their policies, its Liberal Democrats for me. A big party (and therefore with a realistic chance of Parliamentary influence)with a genuinely centrist outlook but not part of the Labservative dynasty that has dominated British politics for half a century. And their opposition to Iraq and advocation of proportional representation proves ‘they are not all the same’
The Lib Dems may not be perfect but they deserve a chance.
so mr brown has made a lot of pledges and promises, its full of them in his manifesto, why, if he has been our so called leader for 3 years is he trying to put things right that we have known for years should of been done, what has he been doing besides saving the world, certainly not looking after the general public, the working man is far worse off now than ever before. why did he not censure ed balls, as he and his wife, were also fiddling the books, of course he wont they are two peas in a pod. perhaps someone can tell me.
The only party that has a serious chance of changing this nation for the better is the Liberal democrats
Only party that will deliver without deceit is the Lib Dems.
A fairer tax system, a fairer voting system, return of basic rights that have been eroded under Labour and Tory governments, more nurses & less managers in the NHS, more teachers & assistants in schools, more police on the street instead of a stupid ID card scheme, job creation through support of energy efficiency and renewable energy generation.
The only party offering real change is the Lib Dems.
You obviously didn’t see Nick Clegg’s hopeless attempt to woo voters when interviewed by Jeremy Paxman last night. His immigration views are at best, worrying.