The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Ill be voting UKIP I would also like to see David Cameron in power as he has stated ”Scotland will never get independence and Alex Salmond is ‘living in perpetual episode of Braveheart”
Say no to the SNP
Say yes to UKIP / Conservative Party
However UKIP gets my vote
I think Labour should be it!
yes that are it, but not for government. what i have noticed that most of the posts saying vote labour have a very narrow point of view, they seem to be brainwashed and dont study what is really said, instead of thinking for themselves they listen to spin , when we write our thoughts on here we cant retract, so why can the government, they dont really listen to what the country wants or needs as we are not given a chance, as proved by brown on his tour on wednesday, if any party had sacked the members who cheated us, the tax payers, then they should get a vote, but really none can be trusted least of all brown just look at his record, it speaks for itself, it has been disaster from start to finish, of course he does not want to lose his lifestyle so he makes promises he knows cant be kept, you can fool some of the people some of the time.
“the posts saying vote labour have a very narrow point of view”
You could use that argument for most comments, it’s not like the average commenter is going to set out their entire political point of view in one comment, they will tend to concentrate on one or two specifics!
I find the national minimum wage a very compelling reason for voting Labour. The Conservatives were against it all the way and even now there are Tory backbenchers that have tried to circumvent the national minimum wage via a bill that if it got through would have allowed employers to not higher people unwilling to work below national minimum wage!!!
The above is not the only reason I’ll vote Labour and as I’ve said many times on my site I’m not a strong Labour supporter, I vote for them because there’s no suitable alternative that can win.
Do I want another Conservative government? NO WAY!!!
Do I want a continued Labour government? Hmm, not really!
Is there a viable alternative to voting Labour /Conservative? Lib Dems maybe, but they won’t win!
What do I do if I don’t want a Conservative government much more than I don’t want a Labour government? Vote Labour where Labour have a chance to win and vote Lib Dems where Lib Dems have a chance to win and I suppose vote for another party if they are strong in an area and not like the BNP (I’d rather not vote than vote BNP).
My vote order would be:
Labour or Lib Dems: torn between them, would be good for democracy if we had a Lib Dem government.
Green Party: I don’t like the Green policies, but their heart is in the right place at least and a few Green MPs might be good for democracy.
Conservatives: only to keep out either the BNP or to a lessor extent UKIP.
UKIP: only to keep out the BNP.
Some don’t realise that Gordon Brown got the country into the recession. While Tony Blair was PM he kept borrowing and borrowing money, leaving the population unaware to our spiralling debt problems. You may now see him as the man who got us ‘out’ of the recession, but he caused it in the first place. To be honest, I don’t like party politics, but I almost feel I shall be voting just so I am allowed to moan when promises are broken yet again
did you realise that gordon brown is borrowing a billion pounds ever 13 hours and 12 mins. the mind boggles where he gets it from, and i worry about £100 on my credit card,
I would not trust a single M.P. at the moment. They are in it for their own ends. They could not give a hang about the country.
The lot of them should say they are not standing again.
I would vote for the party that bans plastic bags countrywide.
The green party is a good option.
colin, with brown borrowing a billion pounds every 13 hours 12 minutes i would not worry about plastic bags, i would start to wonder where he gets it from and who is going to pay it back.
I will be voting Labour, not because I think they’re great by any means but they’re the only ones who can keep the completely disgusting Tories out.