The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
It’s been a certain Lib-Dem vote for a while, but as it comes to crunch time they seem to be distancing themselves from their Electoral and Constitutional Reform policies and MANDATE from a large percentage of the PEOPLE. If they post another 22% at this election, and start stealing seats from both parties, then they should be in a position to force one of the bogus ‘Main Parties’ to form a coalition government. This government should be committed to REAL electoral reform, re-distribution of power through devolution to more local and accountable government. Hopefully real change and some constructive politics may help us rebuild our economy and address real issues such as our falling standards in education, industry and every other conceivable world league table. Only when our politicians and media barons face facts and realise that politics is about working together as opposed to disagreeing with each other and creating hype and ‘spin’; only then will we stop avoiding the important issues and will become a better nation for it.
One last bit… it’s sad that the only things that have got our country interested in politics are some sad stories about duck houses and gardening expenses, with mortgage fraud and house ‘flipping’ to boot.
As a UK site, this gives quite a seriously distorted impression of both Scottish and Welsh opinion
I’ll be voting SNP as I have done since 1970 – even more enthusiastically now since the outrageous Westminster free-for-all has been exposed (or at least the tip of has).
On Scottish and Welsh politics you are right, I don’t know a great deal about specific Wales and Scotland issues.
I created a politics forum where anyone can start a thread. Includes a section for Scottish National Party Forum for example.
Not many using the forum, most visitors who want to comment are commenting on this part of the site that doesn’t require registration (AKA easier).
Since the election was called traffic to the site has more than doubled, this site was down for part of yesterday (had a dedicated server crash) yet still had over 10,000 unique visitors.
it wont make a difference who wins. the country will still be short of houses,jobs and hope unless you r a criminal as they have more rights. mps will still be claiming expenses and bleet on about how hard done by they are. only one certain thing they will line their pockets before they line ours
People always judge on how much progress parties have made throughout those 4/5 years being in parliament, what would you do if you were in that position?
Would you want change the economy? How hard it is actually to make something change in a society that have no confidence on making a change in their own lives, let alone in the whole country.
If you were about to elected to be PM, the amount of pressure you have to please at least 4-5 million people across the united kingdom, don’t you think that’s a bit of a hard job? Could you actually do that?
If we want change then we have to believe in ourselves first instead of someone on the tv talking about change.
There is an alternative to the debate about Samantha Cameron and Sarah Brown.
For a look at the serious issues and ideas to deal with the terrible situation the country is in go to
The Jacobite Party looking for candidates in England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster. Lets take the country back from the bankers and the professional politicians
Iv never voted before coz i just dont know what they all have to offer,( in easy to understand jarrgon) cant they just print a list of easy to understand objectives,so i can understand. im put off conservs coz i remember poll tax was a killer for a working family of 4 all in a 3 bed house.
The Poll Tax was one of the fairest taxes ever proposed. The old ‘Rates’ and the present Council Tax are discriminatory against older people in larger family homes where the children have left home but the parents cannot afford to move or inded want to. What is fair about setting payment against a notional value of a property. It should be set against usage of local utilities and facilities. A household of four working adults in a three bed semi use more local authority provided services that two 70 year olds in a four bed detached bungalow. People on low incomes, unemployed, disabled etc can still get Benefits but those working should pay not those on fixed state pensions with only their house asset.
Poll tax as a fair tax is relative to what you consider fair taxation.
Yes the poll tax is fair if you look at it from the perspective of everyone contributes the same and everyone has the option to take the same out of the pot in public services etc…
However, from a perspective of affordability it’s far from fair. Everyone contributes the same which means the poor pay much more relatively speaking than the rich.
I suppose it depends on how you view our society. Do you see society as a every man for themselves or we all have a responsibility to help one another the best we can?
If the former you’ll see a tax like the poll tax as fair, if the latter you’ll see it as unfair.
I’m in the middle, I don’t have an issue with the concept of a poll tax as long as it doesn’t take the place of a progressive tax where those who can afford more, pay more.
UKIP makes sense