The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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I believe englands needs a massive shake up a revolution in politics. We’ve had the same three parties in charge of england for to long. They have all had there chances to make things better but have failed the english people time and time again. What people want and need is permendent and realible jobs, we need to bring back in major industries like minning,steel, car manufactoring,english production instead of it going abroad. Another issue would be pulling out of the EU and just trading with europeon countries. Bringing in a visa type point system like australia and many other countries have and most of all england having a national hoilday a ST georges day followed by bank hoilday. so my vote will be the english democrats.
I am proud to say I shall be voting for Labour come election day!
I’m sorry but after reading and listening to so much (in my words) guff from the conservative party regarding this magic 12 billion they can save instantly without even outlining HOW and WHERE this can be saved I think its all false promises again.
At least labour has outlined exactly HOW and WHERE they can save money next year and also not wanting to shake things up in an already fragile country.
If conservatives came to power the gulf between the poor and the rich would be at the widest it most probably ever has, and not only that however things like the sure-start scheme could be either reduced or totally removed under the conservatives.
I have to agree with Surrey Mum when she says and I quote:
“I will be voting labour, they are not perfect but i believe they will help everyone and not a small group with money and privilage that the business leaders and their shareholders.”
This is a country which was ruined under the conservative party and therefore should NEVER be allowed control again!
I will be voting Labour i believe they are the best to represent our country. Yes they have led us into a recession however they have also brought us back out of it. The Tories led us into recession however they did not help us out, labour came back in and have to fix the mess of the tories
Any working class, middle class person who votes for the Tories must have a short memory”
is there somewhere to look at what each party will bring to the table?
i think the country has gone to hell.
– goverment should cancel all the debts including mortgages of all those owing 60k or more saying we own most of the banks now anyhow in order to bring spending back which will overall stop so many job loses in companies/shops that are getting no trade.
– All the goverment salaries should be cut on those earning 30k or more and the royal family should do with what they have and stop taking our taxes to keep their lavish lifestyles.
– Cut tax and NI on all those earning less than 30k take enough to keep the NHS and schools going,
– help all those who are either married or cohabiting with children that have been working all their lived not just the ones that have been on benefits all their lives.
– Get rid of all the foreign nationals who have been in the country and working for less than 5 years why pay jobseekers for people who never paid taxes?
-Bring in the visa system like Usa, canada and Australia.
But what do i know im only 25 been married for 3 years have a baby and earn buttons to keep the big knobs in the company driving their merc benz while i live on beans and toast and shop in the £1 store!!
The country needs a good shaking!! arrhhh :P
the independent published a centre page spread of each major issue – Economy, Health, Crime and Punishment, Military, Environment etc… and then outlined each of the 3 major parties policies on those issues – labour, conservative and lib dem.
you should still be able to view it online at the website for “The Independent”
Eve (Lib Dem Voter this time around)
It amazes me that people keep asking why the Conservatives cannot set out their plans on how they will tackle the mess that the U.K, are in. How can they when they do not know what the true state of the finances are. Do you honestly believe that Brown is telling the truth. I believe the situation is far worse than he tells us. Every time he opens his mouth out pops another lie.
Look back in history and you will see that every time, without exception, that Labour get in they leave the country in a far worse state that the Conservatives.
Labour have been in office for 13 years and have never kept a single promise they made. Schools, hospitals, police are all in a bigger mess than before. The NHS has so many layers of management that there are more chiefs than indians.
How anyone can think that all the latest promises Brown is making will be kept is living in cloud cuckoo land.
Remember that Brown raided the private section pension funds but the taxpayer will have to bail out the public sector pension fund.
Remember that Brown sold out gold reserves at a ridiculously low price.
He and Blair caused the current banking crisis by removing the Bank of England as the watchdog and putting in the FSA who proved useless.
You have to choose the Party that will do the least damage and that is the Conservatives. If UKIP had a chance I would vote for them as they are the only Party who will give us a choice about Europe.
The Conservatives aren’t the only party in this race you know… people keep writing off the Liberal Democrats, and frankly i know a fair amount of people that say “well, i WOULD vote for the Lib Dems but they don’t stand a chance” – Give them a thought and believe that they could get somewhere!! I think they’ll have a bigger majority than everyone thinks this time around!!
I understand though, that a lot of people will vote Tory for the mere fact that they do not want Labour to have another run in office.
Fingers crossed that Labour don’t get in, we’ve been messed up enough over the last 13 years and they’ve left the country in a bigger state than the tories ever did!!
well written fabs, echoes my previous postings, most have seen through brown except the people that dont want to look and listen, he certainly wont make britain great, in fact the opposite, as has been proved. i am just hoping he does not get elected or i will lose both my highly qualified sons who will most certainly leave the country for a better life for their families if i was younger i would also go as there will be no future here, at least they wont have to pay back the thousands they will be left with paying off browns borrowing.
I’ve only ever known Conservative or Labour governments and to be quite honest they are as bad as one another so i’m voting for the Lib Dems who surely can’t do any worse.
Good luck Nick Clegg
I cannot for the life of me belive some people still want to vote labour again! they have destroyed are cultral and national identity. Let most of our power to decide and choose laws that affect each and everyone of us go to euroupe. Send us into two unwanted wars whilt ill equiping our troops for the job. Destroy our strong ecomoney on a basis of stealth taxes and spending on non jobs and quangos. Ill educate our children and fill there minds with pc rubbish. But worst of all try and take control of individuals and buisness on all issues big or small it is nothing short of communism. I will be voting Consevatives but only because its the lesser of three evils. If UKIP were a big player in the political scene i would defenitly vote for them as they are straight talking smart men and women who do! speak for the scielent majority, Alas i will have to save my vote for them for the euroepean and local elections.