The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
seriously vote pirate party
Is the Pirate Party UK going to be fielding candidates at the next general election?
If so can add them as a polling option.
– Andrew Robinson, party leader, Pirate Party UK
someguy, you are not Somalian by any chance? ;-)
Ive put these results intoi the calculator at and it says it would produce a hung parliament with Labour as the biggest party needing 25 seats for a majority. Others (presumably at least half being BNP) would have 22 seats. So if you want another 5 years of a Lib-Dem Labour coalition government, Vote BNP or UKIP instead of Conservative
Whilst I agree with your sentiments, that swing calculator only takes into account the LibLabCon parties! It’s really time they updated it, I think it’s going to be different this time!
Great to see the BNP are in front with over 1000 votes already.
I wonder how long it will be before someone says “this poll has been manipulated?”
We know its been manipulated have the BNP got nothing better to do than create false accounts to manipulate polls like the YouGov poll ? (Actively encouraged on the BNP Social Network Site)
If the BNPs support was a true reflection then we would see it reflected in GE results wouldnt we ? As it is the BNP can only muster 4% at the most.
ah stop moaning like a little girl just becuase the poll fails to reflect your desire to see white people choose to commit collective ethnic suicide.
just go away will you, people are not falling for your lies anymore.
If you think that poll reflects the true voting patterns of the UK electorate in the next GE then the BNP are even more deluded than I could ever have imagined.
A power share between the Monster Raving Looney Party and the BNP.
About as stupendous as the current Establishment set up asuming they will continue to destroy this land without challenge.
Sorry I’d rate the MRLP as more capable of government than the Lib-Lab-Con morons who have all but destroyed the UK for good.
You heard it here first even a BNP supporter admits that the Monster Raving Looney Party are their political equal.
not too familiar with sarcasm then?
John, Youre going to have to up your game if you think sarcasm is going to win a serious political debate.
You actually beleive that this projected 34% of people is going to vote BNP in the next GE based on a manipulated internet showing ?
Truly delusional
that was last time a lot more people have gained confidence after the bnp vote in the e/u i can vouch for this by street reaction at table top/lots more inquiries and warmer response, people have brushed aside the absurdity of racism realizing a lot more is stake,we have a Stalinist loving gov; and we all no what Stalin did ,so racism is just the fog we have to see through to get the real picture!I am sure BNP will get more this time
It blatantly has been manipulated, just like the recent attempt to bias Yougov stats and all the other little tricks the BNP play to make themselves appear more popular than they are.
Propaganda is old hat; only the weak buy into it these days.
Lol, you seem to be forgeting…. once all the online BNPers have voted – a tiny fraction of the electorate your 1,000 votes will soon be lost behind all the real parties!-
Voting for any party is pointless, and in fact, immoral.
By voting, you are ligitimising a system which kills literally millions. 4,000 children starve every hour to sustain our lifestyle. People justify this by ignoring it, pretending it doesn’t exist, that it’s not important because it happens far away.
But that’s not true. Every one of those Children has a mother, just like your mother.Every one had a life just as important as your own, but because of the falacy of Capitalism, they die whilst you live.
So you decide to do something about it. You try to buy fairtrade. You avoid Israeli goods. You might even sign the occasional petition on street corners, all to combat that vague feeling of guilt in your gut.
Because you know it’s your fault.
It’s your fault. Its our fault, as a nation, as a group of states. It is the fault of so called “developed countries” like the UK. You have blood on your hands.
And only we can do something about it. Don’t think voting’s going to help, though. Every single party in the UK has the excluse aim of getting into power. Power provides wealth and status, the ultimate aims of our capitalist society.
So the only option left to us, the odinary people, is to revolt. WE hold the power to change the world. There are billions of us, and so, so few of them. Vote with your feet, with your fists. Take action against a system with a vested interest in the continued deaths of millions through war, starvation and climate change!
See you on the barricades, comrades!
(ps, not a communist. I hate the USSR as much as I hate all other states)
interesting to see the change in vote patterns. too bad that cameron will get the job. to be honest hes going to be another numpty that Britain will look back and laugh at.
Right people this is the way I look at things now, we are approaching 2010, and in 2010 we will elect a new Government that will Govern this country between 2010 and 2015 (the max term of a parliment)
Now on here we have had many videos posted (there are a few below) no the first one of those dates back to something that was in the Heath Government 1970-1074 firstly I would make the following comment on that, it is yet another conspiracy theory, but more too the point who actually cares anymore it’s over 30 years old.
This website is about who you will vote for in 2010 and not who did what in 1974.
So if you really want to convince people to vote for the BNP get off the olden days conspiracy stuff and preferably the NWO stuff and lets see some real debate about CURRENT 2010 to 2015 policy, surely that’s more important that what happend even last year.
We have a chance to elect a new government so defend your chosen party policy for 2010 to 2015 and forget about all the stuff that’s gone before.
If you really believe in your chosen party then defend said party and leave behing all the crap of the past.
He who controls the Past
Controls the future
George Orwell (198)
I am very sure the powers that be would love us to forget the past, especially since it is so relevant to what is happening today.
It the Labour and Conservative governments hadn’t decieved us in 1979 when we had the original referendum; if they had given us a referendum before the Lisbon Treaty was signed then there would be no need for any of this. Therewould be no basis for any conspiracy theories.
The rise of the BNP shows that this issue will not go away as long as we are denied our democratic rights to decide our own future
The isn’t an actual rise in the BNP, they have achieved more press yes, but it hasn’t meant a large rice in support.
Since the European Elections there have been 3 By-Elections for Westminster MP Seats and the BNP have actually polled less than 5% of the vote in all three of those.
There have been a number of Council elections since the EU Elections the BNP have polled less than 5% in all bar one of those by-elections, so the BNP haven’t increased their vote in real terms, the Tories have actually made an increase as have the LibDems (Labour have in many cases lost ground) the BNP has however remained static at around 4.5% of the vote.
So I notice from the poll above.
The fact of the matter is that the BNP have been vilified to such an extent by the media that a great many of them are too scared to voice there support for fear of reprisals. I know this because I have spoken to some of them
I know that bacause I felt that way myself for quite some time. But at the end of the day one has to stand up for what they believe in if things are to change.
As more and more people suffer from the increasingly oppresive regime we currently have and come to realise that they are not alone they will also overcome their fears and voice there support
So in which ways will the BNP Government Improve this?
If we take a look at some of the BNP Policies they say otherwise:
1. Economy: They plan on turning Britain into a Protectionist state which history shows NEVER works in fact it shows the opposite it causes more problems than it solves.
2. Environment: The BNP believe that immigration is to blame for evey environment problem in the UK, so they think that just stopping immigration and sending other home via “Voluntary Repatriation” will solve eveything. They also don’t believe in Climate Change “Its a Conspiracy by the elite” according to the BNP it is a plan by the New World Order, yet they contridict themselves on there own website by admiting it does exist and that they also accept it’s partylt man made.
So we have a party that doesn’t actually know where they stand on the issue of climat change.
3. Crime and Justice: The BNP think giving everyone a gun will stop crime (it ill cause more look at the USA), the BNP believe that bringing back hanging will stop murders (it doesn’y look at the USA.
The BNP want to bring back corporal punishment and left to Lee Barnes the BNP “Legal Expert” (this man claimed to be a qualified lawyer and it turns out not to be true, yet the BNP still call him the Legal Director) he wants to have public floggings for pettie crime, and wants to bring in community courts who will be able to hand down the death sentence.
4. The BNP “Workfare” programme is a copy of the Conservative’s “Project Work” programme from the early 90’s it didn’t work then it won’t work now.
And on this matter the BNP decide that their Employment policy should be part of Crime and Justice, and they try to infere if you read it that Everyone that is unemployed are the people committing crime, this simply isn’t true.
I could give many more.
Do a little basic maths and you’ll discover ~1/6th of the votes in the poll are for the BNP, but over half the comments are from BNP supporters. So why aren’t the non BNP supporters (which are in the majority) visiting this site, but not commenting?
How about this for a theory:
“The fact of the matter is that the non BNP voters have been vilified to such an extent by the BNP that a great many of them are too scared to voice there support for fear of reprisals.
As more and more people suffer from the increasingly oppressive BNP regime we currently have and come to realise that they are not alone they will also overcome their fears and voice there support for non BNP parties.”
Your argument is weak, you only have to look at the numbers of BNP supporters posting comments on the BNP’s website to realise they are not afraid of reprisals. I’ve never known a group of people more vocal than the BNP as shown on this website as well.
Ah but David, if you work for the government or indeed the MOD you tend not to put your head above the parapet. We do like a regular salary you know. The labour gubment are running the show like the 1930s in Germany, if you do not agree with them you lose your job, next it will be the Arbeits Lager!
David, you say that non BNP posters are vilified when they comment on this site, possibly so if they use expressions like nazi’s, racists, knuckle draggers, thugs, criminals, workshy, uneducated etc when referring to BNP supporters, which I am afraid many of your brainwashed marxist posters have done! And you have the temerity to say this is the reason many are scared to post here, what utter rubbish! BNP members are continually vilified in the “media” and here , they face the threat of losing their jobs if they dare admit this to any of the state or local govt. employers, it has already happened to some members! This in your so called “nulabour” paradise of “multicultural democracy! Where only WHITE british people can be racist, even when witnesses & victims of ethnic attacks on whites who hear them screaming racial abuse at the WHITE victim get no credence for the RACIAL element of the attack! Where demonstrations openly inciting violence against Britain & its troops are ignored by our politicised police “service” and any passer by who dares to express their disgust is arrested for “racial” abuse. Where the education system & most local govt is totally biased AGAINST the WHITE, nominally CHRISTIAN population, where British history is being phased out, where Christian symbols & celebrations are being actively surpressed to avoid offending other religions, (no prizes for guessing which one!) Where immigrants & so called “asylum seekers” are given priority over indiginous inhabitants, most of whom have worked & paid N. insurance & taxes all their working lives! Where the current corrupt politicians who infest whitehall continually LIE to the public about what is really happening to our country, the prime example after the WMD FARCE is the covert policy of your beloved “nulabour” party to flood the country with immigrants, all of whom immediately jump on OUR FREE welfare wagon, to bolster their sagging support!! They continue to fiddle their expenses & vote themselves HUGE increases in salaries, pour Billions of pounds into corrupt third world countries with not one word about the unchecked population growth in these same countries! Agree to give yet more money to the unelected EU bureaucrats! Bail out greedy Bankers whose mismanagement over the last 12 years or so, netted them obscene profits & bonuses, whilst the ordinary Brit struggles to make ends meet! This is why the average, non brainwashed Briton is totally fed up to the back teeth with the lib/lab/con politicians & their hangers on! We are fed up with being treated like SECOND CLASS citizens in our OWN COUNTRY!
No doubt there will be the usual garbage in response from “vntbnp”, but like most other thinking people who have posted here I will ignore it, for far from being the reasoned response you claim, it is just a load of rehashed lies from the uaf school of brainwashing which continually FAILS to LOOK at the mess OUR country is in, which again makes me wonder as to his ethnicity & employment, methinks his snout must be firmly in the trough to ignore OUR, THE BRITISH’s plight!!!
Oh & please dont post another load of rubbish from him, just give him his own blog site where he can continue to howl at the moon without disturbing GENUINE posters who dont hide behind a pathetic pseudonym! Mind you I suppose a name like Terence Ngombo or Mohamed Khan, would be a bit of a giveaway!
I was copying the comment from UK Forever and editing it to match the facts: 1/6th of votes on the poll are for the BNP, but at least half the comments are pro BNP, if the BNP supporters were scared to post we wouldn’t expect more pro BNP comments relatively speaking.
If UK Forever’s comment was correct, we’d expect to see mostly anti-BNP comments here and we don’t. So UK Forever is wrong and I was being facetious with my comment, I do not believe what UK Forever said or my comment that non BNP supporters are scared to post also.
I guess you missed the subtle humour in my comment.
I was a very small child in the 70’s so have grown up with the world we have, and have learned to work with what we have.
So again I think it comes back to policy for 2010 to 2015, and we need to look at policy for the next five years to make a choice as to who to vote for to make the right decissions for this country.
We can’t turn back the clock and change 1974, we can’t get Heath arrested for Treason (check the treason laws and you’ll see this), so again why bother going backwards the rest of the world is noving forwards and we need to move forward with it, if we stop moving forwards we will die.
To use the BNP’s own phrase in it’s recent debates involving allow non-Whites in to the party, Nick Griffin tells the party they must
“Adapt or die” so the way we view or future needs to be the same, we MUST adapt to the world of the future or die trying to bring back the past.
When it comes to election times people start to focus on what matters, the labour party under Prime Minister Gordon Brown has the best policies. Fairness, Focus & the future. The Conservative Party are very much a gutless party, empty in leadership & hollow in ideas. It’s easy to batter the government over this & that & it’s very easy for the conservative party to tell people what they want to hear, or in some cases enjoy telling people what they don’t want to hear because they think they can get away with it, they want a mandate to be the nasty party! Gordon Brown is a bold solid leader, quiet but very much privately in-tune with the nation over whats right & whats good for the country & for us, the British people.
Ste, I don’t agree totally with you re Tory policy, they have some VERY good solid policies.
But I won’t agrue with you as either a Labour or Tory Government would be 100% better than a BNP one.