The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Can anyone please show me a graph of the UK national debt since the 2nd world war, adjusted to allow for inflation?
The polls published are possibly not accurate? I have been trying to make online enquiries as to who is available for me to vote for in my area, but it is a bit of a mine field. Unfortunately we cant just arbitrarily vote for our personsal choice of party (which to be honest would be preferable to voting for MP’s) so unless everyone has done their homework they will be arriving at the polling stations with pre-conceived expectation, only to be disappointed. I feel that Labour and the Conservatives are going to gain votes simply because voters, especially the younger ones, simply arent aware of the system?
The dedicated server that runs the general election 2010 site went down yesterday evening.
Been frantically getting a new dedicated server setup and recovering backups etc..
I backup my server every Sunday morning and I’m using those backups to restore my sites (own about 100 domains).
This means I’ve temporarily lost Sunday, Monday and Tuesdays comments etc… Will try to recover them, but it’s not easy and I’ve lost my own comments as well!!
Irritating thing is lost ~3,000 votes in the main poll!
Right, about 99 more domains to restore!!!
well done david, great pity.
I should be able to restore most of the lost comments when I’ve got all my sites back online.
Irritating thing is yesterday was my best traffic day because the election was called and before the problems this site had already made £85 from AdSense (site went down about 8pm). In the first 6 months of this site I think it made less than that overall!
I put it down to the Conservatives throwing money at AdWords advertising (the ads you see on this site are from Google’s adverting program), loads of my sites (non political ones as well) are showing Conservative ads, yesterday it was David Cameron’s wife’s YouTube video. I’m not complaining and I’m sure many political bloggers aren’t either as until recently I was getting the impression there was no money in having a site like this one. £85 a day is very good from one site that’s just got AdSense on it.
Got the new dedicated server running roughly as I want it, over 100 virtual servers back online so I’m making money again :-)
Fortunately none of the original site that went dead around 8:30pm last night was damaged/lost, so was able to install a local copy on my PC and manually pull the lost comments (about 80 comments) out and add them back to the three day old version of the site.
Also had the poll data up to the minute the site went dead, so worked out what votes were lost and added them back in to the main general election poll, maybe lost a dozen votes as I made that change, but better than loosing I think 2,000+ votes since Saturday!
Haven’t tried to fix the lost posts on the forum yet, but will probably tomorrow.
A few reasons to consider who not to vote for on May 6th.
Listen, Labor has had it’s chance.. it has been elected over and over again… and quite frankly, I’m bored of it. A blind person could see the problems Labor has brought up. I want to vote for a party that favor morals, fair and honest.
I want Britain to be pulled out of European union, in order to, what I believe to prevent new world order.. also to give us our freedom as a country, and have the laws that we make.. and not some guy we didn’t even elect.
I am voting labour for loads of reason
I was ashamed to be british when the tories were last in government because they encouraged so much self hate, against single mums, unemployed people, you name it they went for easy target and it was very disappionting.
I believe they are not pro british because all the policies were so short sited last time , we have a problem with childhood obsity because they lowered the standard in school meals to save money and privitised the service know we are paying more in the national health service to cure the people effected.
They privatised Dental care and we have the worse teeth in europe and people que to get a NHS dentist.
They let umeployment sore in the early 80’s which brought riots and so much discontenment and many areas have never recovered.
I do not want people who are millionaires running our country because they have no idea about suffering and think cuts which means honest peoples jobs is nothing because they have never had to worry about bills and making ends meet.
I have children and I want this to be a great country for everyone, with a minmun wage, a health service, education and all the good things such as helping people when they are out of work, I am happy to pay in tax for this. I feel the Tories will rip this all appart putting us back and blame the ression when it all goes wrong. By then it will be to late.
George Osbourne ecominic dream failed in the US and it will fail here so this is why I do not want the country full of sadness and the realities of that, riots, more crime and angrey people who start to hate because they are so scared.
I will be voting labour, they are not perfect but i believe they will help everyone and not a small group with money and privilage that the business leaders and their shareholders.
Surrey Mum Well along with the rest of us you entitled to your opinion, but that is the biggest load of rubbish i have ever read on here. way out of touch and far from the truth.
@ Sarah
1. “And as I previously stated (page 12)which you conveniently ignored..“I read the Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian and the Independent. I felt that the Daily Express was more your cup of tea as you previously said “no thanks” to an article from the Telegraph.”
I didn’t read and still haven’t read that post as I only look at the most recent pages; not conveniently ignoring it. The Telegraph and The Express are much of a muchness – useful in emergencies when the toilet roll runs out. What you need to remember when quoting figures from newspapers, is that journalists are sometimes a) not very good, b) good journalists but not good with numbers, c) giving their story a slant the readers want to read about etc etc etc.
2. “You jumped on this line in a literal interpretation with a “you’re barking up the wrong tree” along with previous jibes of the “people like you”.
I don’t think I’ve used the expression ‘people like you’ at any point within the context of a jibe – taking things too personally again.
3. “You’re obviously irritated with the whole capitalism and people taking a certain amount of responsibility for themselves point of view.”
Capitalism doesn’t irritate me (I am a beneficiary), but raw capitalism without adequate social conscience is a doomed ideology as, by definition, for capitalists to capitalise, there will be people at the bottom of the pile. Resentment towards the concept of taxpaying and living in a society with equal opportunity at least in health and education, is a stinking ideology. If people are hard working on low incomes, should the option of social affordable housing not be encouraged? You disparage it in your comment “I have accumulated much through sacrifice and hard slog not tax credits or council houses.” Good for you, but could you be any more stuck up?
4. “You remember the “how can you reconcile your statements”? Who else other than someone who is obviously rankled?”
I do indeed remember that comment. I also remember you have still failed to explain the contradiction you presented; you felt you weren’t given enough support to work in the late 90s, and now people have working tax credits available to them to supplement their incomes, you resent it.
5. “Lincoln actually stated “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” – the right to the benefits of capitalism and the right to earn them.”
Are you saying you have been denied the right to benefit from capitalism? Forgive me, I thought you must have benefitted from it as you have mentioned copiously that you have ‘accumulated much through hard work’ etc etc.
6. “Labour is prior to, and independent of, capital” – without Labour there is no capital so if everyone does nothing then everyone gets nothing.”
But everybody doesn’t to nothing. Couples with kids, hard working, low income, tax paying, council house. These, together with many other denominations, are the people you have zero ability to relate to.
7. “I don’t support throwing good money after bad (particularly when it’s not affordable) and I even went as far as putting my own idea of what the health service should encompass. Your response was pretty much that you took issue with most of what I proposed whilst acknowledging awareness of the merits of the French and Canadian systems.”
My response was pretty much that we should continue to support and improve the NHS and I illustrated that point in detail indicating areas of my own experience. Because of that, of course I take issue with what you say, as I think it’s out of touch, damaging and ill informed.
8. “That section wasn’t even aimed at you, so can I suggest you get over yourself.” What a laugh – you replied to my post!”
The section about the EU, which is clearly what I was referring to wasn’t aimed at you it was aimed at others posting on the blog. This is evident in my remark to open the paragraph: “As for the anti Euro sentiment echoing around this blog…” If by ‘this blog’, you think I meant you, then surely you do need to get over yourself a bit.
9. “A child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. This could be prevented by a basic mosquito net. How angry are you about that?” – sorry, so who is the “you” here?”
As already explained above, the ‘you’ here isn’t you Sarah. It was in direct response to the recent posts at the time regarding the EU by several bloggers none of which were you.
10. “People are upset about the EU because they don’t have a choice in it and the EU can impose laws not compatible with British Law against the will of the elected Government and the will of the people.”
It doesn’t upset me as much as many other things, as I have said multiple times now. People are talking about the EU ruining people’s lives, and someone gave the example of the man who went to court about selling bananas in imperial measures. Now whilst I think that’s silly that it happened, big waste of money etc, I don’t think it has ruined his life, in the sense that much more serious issues exist in the world where lives are not only ruined, but lost needlessly. On my list of things to be upset about, the EU doesn’t even feature. I’m entitled to that opinion, it doesn’t make me a bad person.
To avoid confusion….
@ the blog generally
I think the election will be a very close affair; the UK has apparently undergone economic recovery only surpassed by Canada as revealed by the BBC today – David Cameron will be gutted. My money’s on a hung parliament with (unfortunately) Cam the Sham as PM.
@ David
Got some stuff coming up end of May/June so this is probably my last post. Thanks for the site and good luck, hope you get plenty of debate in the run up to the election.