The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Given the stats for the 2005 General Elections (I was unaware of specific figures before) it seems alarming that the ‘mother of all parliaments’ has a 1st past the post system with an obvious election boundary structure to suit these corrupt lowlifes from NL – yet we have Brown lecturing Zimbabwe and co on democracy.
On numbers alone the last election should have been in hung party territory.
If Cameron does get in one of the first things he must do is address this imbalance. What the hell is the electoral commission there for?
Or have they neen infected by this NL disease as well?
I don’t know much about boundary changes and the electoral commission. My limited understanding is Labour’s support is far more concentrated than the Conservative party.
What this means is Labour either does really well in an area or might as well not even bother fielding a candidate! The Conservatives in comparison have their voters spread more evenly over the country and so the same % of votes countrywide as Labour gets results in less seats. which is why Labour had a major victory with only 3% more of the vote and the polls showing the Tories with 5% more of the vote resulting in hung parliament territory!
There was a recent poll of target seats that had Labour ahead in the polls! It would appear to right Labour off at this stage under estimates how Labours share of the vote in concentrated areas affects the general election results.
I’m expecting more of the vote share to go to the smaller parties (UKIP, Greens, BNP), but not enough for them to have major breakthroughs, but maybe enough to change who wins in many marginal seats. Imagine what would happen if 10% of Conservative voters countrywide voted UKIP instead of Tory. Same concept for Labour. It could make a major difference to the results if the switch to the smaller parties isn’t uniform from the main parties.
nice writing david, a lot of sense, you will notice that the socialists want to alter it again so as to make it easier for them, god help the country, we must soon come to the conclusion that socialism does not work, like most of their voters. how can anyone take the bill and ben brothers seriously, balls wife, my god does she ever comb her hair, balls can hardly string too words together than make any sense, jack straw looks as bored as the rest of us, the hitler look alike who runs our troops, now mr liar coming back, is that the death bell ringing, the guy that hit prescott needs a medal or a knighthood more than a cyclist, and lastly does any member of our government have anyone serving in iraq or afghanistan ?. what about liars son. this will be my last comment as i am sure you are all fed up with me. ( hooray i hear you shout )
I just have write a comment on browns immigration speech today, his nose got longer every second, allow skilled workers in, so whats the point of apprentices as they wont have a job as it will be filled with foreigners, Control immigration, far too late, it started in 1965 under a labour government and has never stopped, now there is no chance, why do we need overseas workers anyway, its black economy as money is only sent out the country and not spent here, we have enough unemployed now so where is the reasoning, they could be trained now to do the jobs of immigrants with all their false diplomas, we have immigrants killing swans for food, so are they really good for us, of course not, living in tents, great if your a red indian, but thats immigration, what do you want swans or immigrants, get one person in and along come his or her family and children, maybe two jobs at stake, getting all the services that we have paid in for over the years, all that brown forgot was to say as we have so many millions surplus why not give them money to come here .
I agree entirely our immigration policy is out of control and has been for years, this government has no idea who is in the country. The people working here from abroad do send most of their money home of course it is no good for our ecconomy. When we have graduates and school leavers with no jobs we should be training them, at what stage do people born and bred here take some priority. Of course it all boils down to cheap labour but most of the people taking advantage of cheap labour probably pay their taxes abroad.
Does anyone know who their EU member is, i would not know if they walked in here at sat at my desk, any party thats gets us out of the EU pantomime will get my vote. in fact how are they voted in ?, anyone know ?, i would like to be nominated, i can spare a few hours a week. anyway, thanks for all the votes, when i have finished my film and my book i may be ready for the 2014 election.
I’ve always been a tory (ex soldier and we always seem to be mid or right wing). Im really concerned about the road our politics have taken. Fragmented families, massive state dependancy, huge migration. When they talk about net migration, what it means when they say 200,000 net. Too demonstrate we have a healthy relationship with our ex commonwealth country’s with an open door policy. We lose circa 250,000 persons to these far off shores each and every year. In return we open our borders to every bit of dross from around the world, not all freeloaders but mostly unchecked. An influx of 450,000. Therefore a net of 200,000. Another 450,000 individuals, happy to be here all happy to vote labour. Not to mention the 6.2 million state employees who don’t want to put thier jobs in jeopardy certainly don’t want to vote any other than Labour. Sorry, those sorrowful majority along with the million of quango workers who gravitate to tree huggers party’s. However, It points alarmingly towards another disgusting engineered Labour government. If it happens I’m going to apply for retirement in Australia.
Why do BNP supporters like you insist on posting under multiple names, 6 you’ve used?
Most of your 30 odd comments under 6 names have been supporting the BNP, so you are clearly a BNP supporter despite suggesting in this comment you’ll be voting UKIP.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an opening for you to come in with another username to say the BNP aren’t racist, they don’t have an issue with colour etc…
Little tip, when a commenter logs in with the same IP address every time the software that is used to run this site can very easily list all your comments with one click. It only works with commenter’s on a static IP (like you), but even those on dynamic IPs easily slip up.
I rarely check a commenter out, but yours sounded like a setup for another post to support the BNP on racism issues.
So far it’s only BNP supporters who have been caught out using multiple names to post to make it look like there are more BNP voters than there actually are.
Of these names: Cat, Mike McGill, Aba london, John C, Jeremiah, Zordana it looks like Jeremiah is the most used, so please stick with that one name otherwise I’ll be adding the moderator note to your comments.
Very, very sad.
Why is there a UK poll (including Plaid but not SNP) and seperate polls for Scotland and NI but not Wales???
Id this distinction representative of the views of this site???
English Democrats will surprise everyone this year ! there is an English undercurrent sweeping through the country which will prove they are a party which will need to be watched!
I will vote Tory because labour has to go. We have been lied too for so long my head is spinning. I thought that George Brown was truthful but the son of the manse lies just as Phony Blair did. Really I think that Britain needs a dictator to get it back on the straight and narrow as no politian relying on getting revoted can do it. David Cameron is honest, sometimes to his own detriment but I think that he will do a good job.
I will be voting for the UKIP as I think the labour Government are weak and `too politically correct` to the extreme. The Tories are pompous and out of touch with the average man/woman in the street.
UKIP state they will be tackling the outrageous immigrations to our countery.
The tipping point is 2017: when we have more people out of work, who will never work again, than people in work paying taxes. WE WILL NEED IMMIGRATION at this point. get used to it.
Reply to John Ross really regarding the comment he made… why would we need immigration by 2017?
I think the UK have been “getting used” to immigration for too long now. I was myself unemployed for almost a year when the depression hit, and even before then, i was so sick and tired of people who had no right to be here trying to beg money off me that i didn’t have.
I have no qualms at all with people emigrating here to work officially, but i seriously think that the UK has gone soft. Where else in the world would allow for this?
Maybe we should try and sort the people out who are here first before bringing more people into our already over populating country. How many people are out of work? How many people will be out of work if we bring somebody else in to do the job? That’s why we have education?? Oh no… because we don’t have the money for that…
It’s all a load of garbage to me, and i’m becoming more disillusioned with politics every day. I still have no idea who to vote for because i believe that things are only going to get worse… maybe i’ll emigrate hah!