The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Does it really matter who gets voted in?They’re all two faced liars,only interested in lining their own pockets.
Yes Raymond, the biggest liar is the one ruining not running the country the unelected Brown, another Blair both compulsive liars.
yes raymond, you see if you tell lies many times in the end you believe they are true, i am watching old black brows reading out a bus time table, if you believe him then we have 3 very unwise men, the front bench look so bored as they know its not true, lets get rid of all of them, let the new lift attendant forget to stop at the top floor then we wont have to listen to the garbage thats spoken hoping we believe it in their own hearts they now its time for a change, let hope it happens soon. the statement that they are helping the film industry, let me tell you that is just not true i know from first hand. just vote conservative if no ukip or in the end its certain to end in destruction and the end of free speech.
I think that the most important thing is to get rid of labour mainly because they are introducing more and more law to curtail our civil liberties. We are sleepwalking into a Big Brother state not unlike East Germany before the wall came down. O have never voted Tory before but desparate times call for desperate measures
Ivan Jacoby is quite right in his comments – but for goodness sake Ivan, DO NOT vote for any of the 3 main parties, or we will end up exactly where we are !
Vote for someone other than these 3, and show them that we REALLY care.
I agree with this, it seems that people are more reluctant to speak out.
Something that I have noticed although can’t prove outright is that crimes against the system seem to be more harshly punished than crimes against an individual.
You seem to hear about how career burglars, muggers, car thieves, etc receiving ASBO’s, suspended sentences or 3 months in jail taking into account time served on remand. Then you hear how someone without a record broke the rule on the smoking ban and got sentenced to 6 months or someone protested against a Gagging Order at the Family courts (for being in contact with their children / grandchildren in care) and sentenced to a year without trial or jury.
I wouldn’t go as far as “We are sleepwalking into a Big Brother state not unlike East Germany before the wall came down.”, but I do worry about the direction Labour takes us in regarding our civil liberties.
It’s not my highest priority right now, the economy is and what the Conservatives have planned is likely to send us back into negative growth (AKA double dip recession).
Who’d have thought that in 2010 the Labour party are able to effectively fight a general election on the economy because the Conservatives apparently haven’t got a clue what to do beyond cut, cut, cut public sector costs which economists agree will send us back into recession!
If you’ve followed the Conservatives on the economy since the credit crunch, they started with:
Conservatives answer, do nothing positive, slash public spending and leave the rest to market forces.
Labour’s stimulus package was put in place (opposed by the Tories).
Conservatives answer, we need to cut that package NOW to reduce the deficit, slash public sector spending!
Labour’s stimulus package starts to work and economists get behind it with a consensus of don’t cut the lifeline until the economy is strong enough to withstand the pain.
Conservatives answer, yes it’s wrong to cut deep, but we still need to cut now, but only in areas on efficiency savings and we’ll do more than Labour, but can’t tell you how yet.
Could you imagine where we’d be now if the Conservatives was in government when the credit crunch hit, they wouldn’t have bailed the banks out and we’d all have lost our savings as banks went under! It’s cost us a bloody fortune to keep the economy afloat (and it sucks we, the tax payer had to bail out the banks), but at least the economy didn’t free fall as it probably would have had Labour done what the Conservatives wanted to do.
Under the Conservatives we’d be looking at a decade plus of young peoples long term unemployment and destroyed communities like we had in the 90s recession!
I have to admit before the credit crunch and recession I saw the Conservatives as a better choice for running the economy, but it’s been quite shocking that the Conservative party, the party that should be strong on the economy is so inept!
I have been a staunch Tory voter all my life (i’m 74), but i am totally disillusioned with all 3 of the main Parties.
Most of the MP’s only seem to want to ‘make’ themselves some money – expenses, travel, and whatever they can get away with.
We need someone morally strong whom we can absolutely trust, and who will get rid of all these leeches who are stealing OUR MONEY, and who will start to actually LISTEN to ‘Joe Public’.
At the forthcoming General Election, for the first time in my life, I will be voting for UKIP – at the very least, they will get us out of Europe, and back to ‘GREAT’ Britain.
The EEC is nothing more than a vast ‘Gravy Train’ for their members, and I want nothing to do with it.
I totally agree with the recent programme made by Michael Portillo, in that the general public should have much more say in who governs them.
I’m hoping people will vote for a few independents. Not not much chance around here – local lore is that you could put up a half empty yoghurt pot for election. If it had a blue pom-pom on it, the result would be a landslide victory!
The hyoed TV date will soon be on us, what a farce, gordon ( the man with the stifled yawn ) and the rest of ’em of course, if the ukip were there we would all vote for them, , its more like ukraine here than uk, brown our present day nero fiddled whilst the uk burned, his team of thieves are not satisfied with the enormous wages they get paid they want more, if we did what they have done we would be inside, remember nick leeson, he ruined a bank they have ruined a country, is stealing not a crime anymore, come on britain wake up there is still a chance to turn this country round, my taxes should help us, stop the massive payments to immigrants and their free housing, the free medical they get, i know of someone here who claims for 7 children in poland and is single, even winter fuel payments to people who left the country for a better life, whats wrong with us, the french would not allow it to happen or australia, maybe a brit to run the country is the answer, give council tax rebates to anyone who can prove they saw a policeman on the beat, especially in winter, get rid of blunketts bobbies, what an absolute waste of space and money, where are the real police who wont stand by and watch kids drown. if any party listens to us, the british,i will vote for them. if i listed all the mistakes messrs brown and bliar made i will never finish my book, and i must do that. i offered a nation newspaper evidence of corruption by a front bench MP, it was refused, i offered another all the evidence to stop the student scam, that was also refused, perhaps they had something to hide. now i dont bother as apathy is also in the hack industry.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
— Abraham Lincoln
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
— Abraham Lincoln
The last time I checked, nobody was destroying the rich. If you want to talk about destroyed people, you are barking up the wrong tree. And Lincoln’s beloved declaration of independence states all men are created equal; doesn’t exactly reconcile with some of your views.
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts. “
Abraham Lincoln. And you rely on the Daily Express for those facts. Nuff said.
“Labour is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labour, and could never have existed if labour had not first existed. Labour is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.“
As for the anti Euro sentiment echoing around this blog, it’s not something I know enough about – certainly not knowledgeable enough to get angry about it. I’m shocked that so many people get so angry about this particular issue, and can’t help but feel the anger is disproportionate to the issue in hand.
A child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. This could be prevented by a basic mosquito net. How angry are you about that?
People are angry over Europe because we were not asked if we wanted to be part of a federal Europe.In fact released secret government documents prove sedition and treason by government the bbc was employed to miss lead the people of England about Europe and has done well of avoiding any truth about laws under Europe.Our way of life has been destroyed because of Europe.want to re-engauge with the people ask us what we want instead of railroading us.That would be the new kind of politics the nation needs.
“Our way of life has been destroyed because of Europe.”
I don’t know a single person where this has been the case.
“Our way of life has been destroyed because of Europe.”
In reply Helen wrote
“I don’t know a single person where this has been the case”
I would proffer the case of the late Steve Thoburn, who in 2001 was prosecuted for selling bananas by the pound.
His appeals against conviction were taken to the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords and European Court of Human Rights.
He was prosecuted under a crass law foisted on us by some ‘Belgian bun short of a currant’ in Brussels. The EU finally had to concede that they weren’t able to bully and brow beat us into accepting metrication when In 2008 it abandoned its ENFORCED metrication programme.
His way of life and his liberty (and that of the other metric martyrs) was certainly destroyed by the EU trying to Lord it over us with yet another piece of ridiculous and draconian legislation
So there is one for you
you forgot light bulbs.
Well andrew now they NOW want to ban shops opening on sunday, its time to have a vote surely IF WERE BRITISH OR EUROPEAN, we cant go on like this, seeing bill and ben saying they dont want us to go back to the 70’s, they were about 10 at the time and should be playing with lego, so what do they know, studying politics then were they, what a waste of their childhood, i have to say the 70’s were good to most, no mass employment as it was not easy then for the state to keep you, so you worked, hospitals well run, real politicians running the country who did not lie to us, now look, they are all crooks, lining their own nests, look, if you dare, to whats happening, we cannot afford to continue like this, get someone in power who listens to us not brussels, stop the inane laws that we are asked to conform to. COME ON BRITAIN WAKE UP lets have some falklands spirit, union jacks waving, support for our troops, they fought the OUR country not some upstarts who dont appreciate us.
I don’t read the Express, I thought you did..
I’m assuming you are directing all this diatribe at me. You missed the essence of the post and instead launched into an unrelated tirade.
You need to wind your neck in and stop taking debate personally and just jumping on posts because of the writer rather than the content.
Accept that people live different lives and have different points of view due to their experiences (which may be wider than yours).
@ Sarah
“You need to wind your neck in and stop taking debate personally and just jumping on posts because of the writer rather than the content.”
Is that not indicative of you taking things personally? Possible the most contradictory sentence ever written. I’d love you to point out what element of my last post contained evidence of me taking things personally? Also, you have used excerpts from the Daily Express to illustrate points in your post – these are the facts you rely on; why claim I read it? I appreciate it might be useful in dire circumstances when there is no toilet roll, but that is all.
I do accept that people have different points of view. I’d have to be a bit thick not to accept that. I posted my views on health and I made my argument fairly and clearly in response to yours. I support investment and improvement of the NHS. What a shame you don’t appreciate the debate.
I haven’t responded to some of the others in any great detail because, when it comes to the EU, my knowledge is limited. I responded to your Lincoln quote because it attempted to support what I feel is a massively flawed ideology; something I have more knowledge and opinion on. Besides, my last post did address my thoughts on the EU generally, in that people seem to be disproportionately upset about it. That section wasn’t even aimed at you, so can I suggest you get over yourself.
“Also, you have used excerpts from the Daily Express to illustrate points in your post – these are the facts you rely on;”
And as I previously stated (page 12)which you conveniently ignored..
“I read the Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian and the Independent. I felt that the Daily Express was more your cup of tea as you previously said “no thanks” to an article from the Telegraph.”
We have widely different political views so I thought it would be unlikely that you would accept anything from any rag I might read!
The quote for Abraham Lincoln, was in fact metaphorical rather than literal in that a summing up of Labours efforts to squeeze the rich until their pips squeak (coined by Denis Healy, Labour) is destructive of society and the fabric of society.
You jumped on this line in a literal interpretation with a “you’re barking up the wrong tree” along with previous jibes of the “people like you”. You’re obviously irritated with the whole capitalism and people taking a certain amount of responsibility for themselves point of view.
You remember the “how can you reconcile your statements”? Who else other than someone who is obviously rankled?
Unfortunately I did get drawn in momentarily, however, I really don’t take it personally as I don’t care because I came from nothing and I have accumulated much through sacrifice and hard slog not tax credits or council houses. I’m proud of what I achieved, proud of the fruits of my labours and proud of holding everything together when I could have easily laid down and let Labour give me one in exchange for my vote.
Lincoln actually stated “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” – the right to the benefits of capitalism and the right to earn them.
“Labour is prior to, and independent of, capital” – without Labour there is no capital so if everyone does nothing then everyone gets nothing.
“I support investment and improvement of the NHS. What a shame you don’t appreciate the debate”
I don’t support throwing good money after bad (particularly when it’s not affordable) and I even went as far as putting my own idea of what the health service should encompass. Your response was pretty much that you took issue with most of what I proposed whilst acknowledging awareness of the merits of the French and Canadian systems (which it was based on among others!).
“That section wasn’t even aimed at you, so can I suggest you get over yourself.” What a laugh – you replied to my post!
“A child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. This could be prevented by a basic mosquito net. How angry are you about that?” – sorry, so who is the “you” here?
People are upset about the EU because they don’t have a choice in it and the EU can impose laws not compatible with British Law against the will of the elected Government and the will of the people.
Well the thing to do is to stop the £40 million paid every day to the common market and buy mosquito nets,think what we could do in this country with the money, anyone with any sense knows the EU is a complete waste of time and money and is yet another gravy train as can be proved by neil kinnock and his spouse who get a fortune, free travel, what on earth do they do for us and they are just 2 robbing us, 2 of many, watch the euro and see what it has done.
people are angry about europe because they dont understand it.
im not angry im severely worried.
just google “lisbon treaty death penalty” and ask yourself if you think it’s right that the death penalty has been reintroduced for “crimes against the EU state”
a very broad and unspecific term to execute a person
Unfortunately, Lincoln never wrote or said that.
May i just write about my recent experiences with the labour national health policy, it may make you vote differently, my mother was rushed to hospital with a broken arm and severe bruising to her face after a fall, after 2 days she was sent home the reason i am told was ” we are not a nursing home for the aged “, nice words, recently i had to rush my wife at 3 30 am to hospital with severe stomach pains, she laid on a trolley in full view of everyone being sick, after an argument i managed to get a bed with some curtains not on ward, she was made to remove all lower clothing, 7 doctors around the bed and many languages, not an english one anywhere, no wonder people die with wrong diagnosis, gordon, would your wife like that sort of treatment, of course not you have private heath care, i am not so lucky, so think wisely when you hear from brown that there are more doctors , more nurses, more this more that, it really is not true and if you vote for him again you will find out, the national health service is wonderful if it is run properly, brown appoints another 360 overseers this month alone, lucky for them. no wonder nurses are leaving and finding work abroad, i dont blame them, maybe they will come back after may 6.
So sorry to hear about your mum.
The Only time our people will come back is under a BNP Government Rule. I hope and pray your mum is ok. The BNP have the National Health on its Priority list have you seen the BNP Manifesto???
Thank you, i have to say that my mother died following the fall, yes well if i thought the BNP would get in I would cast my vote, you know young people dont know what it is like to leave your door unlocked at night, walk home from the pub alone, pubs shutting at 10 30 pm not 3 30 am, old people looked after by next door neighbours, now you have neighbours who dont speak english, no wonder our children cant read or write the education, education, education promised by labour was lost, how can anyone learn english with over 140 different languages in our schools, classes of 40 or more what happened to browns only 30 in a class, did he mean only 30 non whites, it seems so,