The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
I don’t know who to vote for i really haven’t got a clue then i found this site if you click what you like it will poll your answers and give you which party you most like followed by the rest based on thire policy (that’s if they have one!)
I took that test and it gave me:
Labour 57.14%
Tory 42.86%
Lol not much help really pmsl, at least it didn’t give me any % for the BNP so it got that right lol.
I had a quick look at the 10 minute version, but noticed Labour policies completely missing from various options.
From memory nothing for business or media, culture and sport so didn’t bother taking the test.
And that’s why it gives duff results because half the info is missing.
I’ll be voting Green. It’s a tough choice: do you vote for a Party because you think they’ve got the best person to be PM, because you think they’d make the best Govt, because you like their policies and approach, or because you think they’re the lesser of two evils? The problem with being pragmatic is that it re-inforces the status-quo, business as usual.
Then there’s the problem that if you vote for a Party, you can end up electing a really duff MP (as the expenses scandal showed). And all those MPs who are not part of Government have the job of holding Govt. to account and steering them towards good legislation – so we need good people there.
So I’ll vote Green if they have a good candidate, because I think they have the best policies and even when I’m not sure about the policy I like the vision.
I will vote for anyone, but labour. Altho I would rather vote for the green party, it would be a no vote.
Labour has had 12 years to get it right, they started with a country in pretty good shape.
Has everyone forgotton the :-
the raided pensions
gold sold during a 20 year low-2 billion pounds lost
morgage relief removed
marraige allowance removed
10p tax rate removed
75% tax on fuel
tax now on insurance
higher rate of NIC
and the give aways
£185 computor
£175 veg
£250 per child
and the list go on and on…………………
I dont pay super tax, no where near, and in real terms I’m alot worst of with labour, and I’m a working man.
So if your unemployed, a single mother, an immigrant, or a banker, Labour are for you.
If your an english worker, please give your vote some thought, for the sake of Britain, I refuse to use the word Great.
I shall vote for the Liberal Party (that is not the Liberal Democrats) if indeed there is a Liberal Party candidate in my constituency. I have been Liberal all my life and am not going to change now.
Well jolly good for you, me old mediocrity.
Floating Voters and Don’t Know Votes.
Over the last 7 days there have been 80 Don’t Know : Floating Voter votes cast. That’s 25% of the total Don’t Know : Floating Voter votes (329) for the entire period of the poll: This poll went live in September last year, but that option was live from the last week in November (about 3 months or 12 weeks ago).
That’s a BIG increase in floating voters.
None of the Above has had 50 votes this week, which is quite a big increase as well (that option was added mid October).
In comparison
Labour votes 315 (21.69%)
Conservative votes 410 (28.24%)
Lib Dems votes 174 (11.98%)
UKIP votes 88 (6.06%)
Green votes 95 (6.54%)
Plaid Cymru Party votes 148 (10.19%)
Others votes 92 (6.34%)
NONE OF THE ABOVE votes 50 (3.44%)
Don’t Know : Floating votes 80 (5.51%)
1,452 votes this week.
Plaid Cymru Party 148 votes, last time I checked it was around 50. Obviously they can’t get 10% of the vote :-) Have we got a big Wales following right now?
Would make for an interesting parliament if those numbers come through in the general election.
I’ll try to do something like this every weekend if I remember.
Please note that UKIP stands for UK Independence Party – not Independent, as you have. Is it possible to change the poll by any chance?
UK Independence Party poll typo fixed.
Thanks for letting me know.
For the last 60 years we have had The Conservative Party and The Labour Party Running this country, they have got us to where we are today, BROKE, LAWLESS, NO INDUSTRY AND BIT BY BIT BEING SOLD OFF. Can we trust them ???
I wonder what the next 60 years will bring
Who is there to vote fore
i vote for conservatives as labour has actully sold the country part by part. no industries left in th uk, all the companies are going offshore and business ae affected. offshore model does not any tax but still take money out ouf UK. labour has no control over it. i dis-agree with the labour policies.
We MUST get UKIP in and see if they can do any better than the OLD groups we’ve having.
Get rid of the old.
Bring in the new.