The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
You want real change? Then don’t vote. That’s the only sure way to provoke any real change for the majority. Unfortunatley the majority has to stand together and do it.
Otherwise you are just playing their political game. The official political parties are all just front organizations for the real power which flows from a small elite group of the richest people who control the money supply through banks and financial organisations.
In the UK’s case the head of this financial cartel is whoever controls the B of E, which has been the same family since the battle of Waterloo.
Remember the B of E is just the same as the federal reserve in the US…it is a Private entity serving narrow private interests and is not a sovereign national organisation. Think about that, check up on it and you will see that is were all policy and political decision making ultimately stem from.
The bummer is, those narrow private interests tend to center around things detrimental to the majority of the countries inhabitants.
Unless the people of a country control the issuance, creation and management of its own money supply, then the people of that country will have no control at all of how things run. Many politicians have said as much, even Thomas Jefferson and Kennedy warned people about the problem.
So, when you understand this mechanism you may realize that the main political doctrines of the present and last century, such as communism and fascism, were financed and created to further the interests of the same financial elites who really do make the big decisions.
When Gordon Brown goes to meet the chairman of the B of E, he ain’t telling the chairman what to do, he’s getting his policy orders straight from the private interests which could collapse his country into the dark ages with the stroke of a pen or press of a button.
Oh, of course they all ready did that last year, didn’t they. And now you are going to vote for one of their parties. Which will help ratify the Lisbon Treaty, and then you won’t really need to vote ever again.
You see, while you are all bounced around the political arena worrying about immigration or whatever, you are being bounced in the exact direction they want you to go. So if the BNP really is a grassroots organisation then it should be mobilising the masses against the true enemy of British Society, which is the foreign bankers who ultimately contol sterling and tell the politicians what to do.
Don’t matter who you vote for, you will get the same crap.
And once you have the Lisbon Treaty you just have the European constitution by another name and you really will have foreign politicians controlling you. Europe will overide everything at parliament level. You won’t be consulted about anything – all future voting will be obsolete, completely.
Don’t get trapped watching the dog and pony show, that is all it is. Send a clear message and don’t vote. Or if you do, don’t expect improvement.
Since there will always be some that will vote even if only 10% of the country voted we’d still have a result.
Since the vote is split basically between 4 parties there is an argument if a new party was formed to serve the people and they were perceived as trustworthy (probably a bunch of celebrities or X-Factor/Big Brother contestants would work in our current society!!!) if most of those that don’t voted, voted for this celeb party they’d probably win (a very scary thought).
Democracy isn’t at fault, it’s voter apathy combined with a lot of British people not giving a s##t what happens in a general election :(
Not voting woon’t change anything – it will just mean that the extremists will win and we will end up with the same old faces.
If you really want a change – vote for the outsiders or better still stand for election yourself!
Doing nothing never changed anything.
i see you, like the governments of this country, don’t allow us a ‘none of the above’ or to register our protest
as if we’re sheep, you channel us down the route you want us to go in
you don’t want to register our voting for something other than what you present on your menu
what are you afraid of?
Well with regards a protest vote as I understand things most people will either not vote or vote for a party like the Monster Raving Loony Party when they want to protest?
And although there isn’t an option during a UK general election to vote for “None of the Above” I’ve now added the option.
So if you plan not to vote or whatever feel free to use “None of the Above”.
Hope you are happy now :)
I have a technical question, if you will permit me to ask on the forum.
Question is, the sample size (total votes) is currently too small for your survey to make a reliable prediction. – I would like to know at what point, at what sample size (total votes) would you consider the results to be significant and meaningful?
By the way, I find your web pages fascinating, thank you for providing them.
And oh! nearly forgot – vote BNP.
Thanks for the last line, gave me a big smile :-)
I’d not thought about when the sample size would be large enough. I suppose it depends on if the people visiting this page are a true cross sample of British people and right now it isn’t. I’m seeing many visitors coming direct from pro BNP websites (including the BNP’s official website) and that’s not a random sample of British people.
That being said, my job is getting traffic to websites from search engines and it’s still early in the 2010 general election cycle, I expect a BIG jump in search engine traffic when the election is announced and then we might see a more representative sampling. I expect to see at least tens of thousand of votes by the time the election takes place.
I have to say I’m impressed with BNP supporters conviction at this very early stage of the next general election. I don’t agree with your aims, but the country would be a much better place if more people got off their arse and cared about this countries future.
Thanks David.
I agree the BNP do seem to be enthusiastic.
If enthusiasm alone would win votes, we would have a BNP government next year.
Think about that as you nod off to sleep tonight!
It’s a lively debate, if nothing else.
you know whats getting on my nerves??!! the fact that labour and conservities assume that these are the only 2 parties in the running.. besides BNP who these 2 just waste their time slagging it off. And the conservities use there broadcast just to diss Gordon brown. to david cameron.. STOP WASTING TIME SLAGGING OTHER PPL OFF. U should be using the broadcast to say what you want to change, not what the other person has done wrong. And to Gordon Brown… Your broadcast made me laugh. you stated what great things Labour has done like 40 YRS AGO. I dont care about how great labour was in the pass, that was when YOU and TONY was not in control. since you 2 have come along you have messed up this country. I dont even know why so many people want to live here. this countries a joke because of you. tell you what most ppl in this country want..
DONT MAKE THE ETHNIC MINORITIES LIFE COMFORTABLE BY CONDEMMING AND PUNNISHING THE BRITS (anyone ever herd of the butchers shop made to be moved becuse muslims built a mosque near it and they found it offencive?)
Dont make companies employ etnic minorities because they dont have a fair amount in the company! (it depends who the best person is for the job, no matter what their culture/religion)
Lower public transport prices!! you think by making us pay congestion will make us use our cars less?? well at the price of public transport..HARDLY!!
When prisoners are given a sentence MAKE THEM SERVE THE WHO SENTENCE!!
Dont allow rapist peodos and murderers a short time in prisons while petty crimes get more
Any one entering the country illegaly CHUCK EM BACK OUT!!
Lower tv licence. I pay 7 a week just to watch eastenders!!! DUMB
Lower Utlilty bills for people on low incomes
Make people get a licence before they can breed dogs and cats
treat scum that are cruel to animals as if they have done it to a human
and make danny dyer your leader lol
Save General Election Night FaceBook Group
Stumbled upon the above group earlier and it throws up an interesting question, would moving the counting of political votes on a general election to Friday morning rather than the traditional “count the votes as fast as possible” harm to UK politics?
It’s hard enough getting people interested in politics at the best of times, I could see this harming the excitement of waiting up late at night to see who wins. I have to admit I do stay up on general election night until I know for sure who won.
Apparently these 25 parliamentary seats will be counting Friday morning with a further 135 undecided.
Great Yarmouth (unless it is not on the same day as local elections)
Maidenhead (wants to count Thursday but currently being boxed in by Wokingham)
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland
All three Newcastle-upon-Tyne constituencies
Norfolk North West
Norfolk South West
Norwich North
Both Reading seats
Rossendale and Darwen
Sittingbourne and Sheppey
South Ribble
St Ives
Windsor (wants to count Thursday but currently being boxed in by Wokingham)
If a significant number won’t count until Friday there is little point staying up on election night, which would be a shame.
This quote sums things up for me:
To the moderator, – David,
I know full well that web site visitor stats prove nothing much about voting intentions, but the thought crossed my mind that you and your readers/visitors might have an interest in the visitor stats for the main contenders in the election.
I thought it is related, anyway, and so have included links below.
I thought also that you might like to consider including them as a permanent feature on one of your pages? Just a suggestion, up to you of course, but it is all part and parcel of what your website is about, isn’t it?
I put the BNP last, of course.
Alexa toolbar rankings and the BNP, I wondered when this would come up.
I’m a Search Engine Optimisation Consultant, (I get sites ranked high in Google) I own over 100 domains and as a person who webmasters regularly come to for advice I know a LOT about Alexa rankings.
Alexa rankings are very easily manipulated, a single person can get a domain into the top 100,000 Alexa website ranking easily (it’s child’s play).
Even when there is no manipulation the results don’t mean much. Two of my domains, one which regularly breaks 10,000 visitors a day and the other rarely breaks 1,000 visitors a day.
Guess which one has an Alexa ranking of around 75,000 and which one over 200,000.
10K visitors = 200,000
<1K visitors = 75,000
Doesn't make a great deal of sense until you understand how Alexa works.
There's an Alexa toolbar which is installed on browsers like Internet Explorer, FireFox etc... and when a person with the toolbar installed visits a website it registers on Alexa as a visitor.
Only a tiny percentage of visitors will install the toolbar, so it doesn't give a true picture of visitor numbers. If 1 in 1,000 people have installed the toolbar and your site just so happens to get 3 Alexa toolbar users a day it looks like it's getting 3,000 visitors a day, when it might be getting as few as 3 visitors.
With my example above the users of the site with 10K visitors are not heavy Alexa toolbar users whilst the below 1K site must have a far higher proportion of Alexa toolbar users.
I know people who make a good living manipulating Alexa rankings. When an advertiser considers buying ad space on a site they'll look at Alexa rankings to determine if it's a popular site, higher the ranking (closer to one) the more they will pay.
I would not be surprised if a core group of BNP supporters are running the Alexa toolbar to boost the Alexa ranking. The BNP are very good at online promotion and that's what I'd advise them to do if they were one of my clients and it was important to them (which it is).
Take Alexa rankings with a BIG pinch of salt.
I see this comment going down well :-)
As you are so good at all this web site stuff, 100+ domains and all that (I haven’t got a clue).
Please can you point us to a poll which you think cannot be fixed?
Or one which you think could best represent a true poll?
Thanks in advance.
Please answer my question, as I said I know nothing about web site building, domain stuff or even search optimisation!
I have noticed though, (since you mention it in your above post) that you have had the time to thumbs down my original question!
Every visitor has the option to tick the thumbs up/thumbs down comment rating. I just read both your comments at the same time and saw on the first one, 1+ and 1- vote, neither are mine. I don’t have the time to be rating all the comments, too busy trying to keep up with them all!
And when I post this comment I’ll give you a thumbs up, so if you are still around you’ll see +2 and -1. Like you I can only tick a thumbs up/down once per comment.
Anyway, I don’t know of an accurate polling system. Really the only way to be sure of what the general election result will be is on the day when everyone gets a chance to vote, everything else is subject to manipulation and mistakes.
I recall one of the general elections I was watching on TV where the exit polls suggested a Conservative win, but Labour won easily. I think we can generally agree exit polls have to be one of the more accurate forms of polling, the people polled have at least voted, but in that instance they failed to give an accurate result.
If I recall correctly there was a suggestion voters exiting the polling stations lied, maybe embarrassed at who they voted for. Or maybe Conservative voters when they exit a polling station are more likely to answer a pollster than a Labour voter, who knows.
Polling is seriously flawed, so you can’t go on any poll and assume that WILL certainly be the result of the next general election, take them as a bit of fun and to generate interesting debate.
I just thought because you obviously know your stuff, you could suggest another poll which was maybe fairer than the Alexa.
Anyway Thankyou.
Oh you mean a better way to rank websites than using Alexa, thought you meant voting polls like this one.
There is no source of accurate traffic information to a site for obvious reason, would Tescos for example want ASDA to know exactly how many visitors they get, it’s valuable business information.
So Alexa is trying to get a measure of a sites traffic, but the method is seriously flawed. You’ll find a high proportion of webmasters (like me) will install the Alexa toolbar, so they can get an insight into their own sites traffic and their competitions, this means websites about building websites tend to get a much higher Alexa ranking than say a site about cooking. Then there’s the ease of manipulation I mentioned before!
BTW I’m not suggesting the BNP website isn’t popular, I was pointing out Alexa is a very flawed method for determining ranking, especially relative ranking. I’m sure the BNP website is far more popular than the other main political parties, for starters it’s a better built site for visitors with an open commenting system, (that alone can attract 10s of thousands of visitors a year, we all love to have our say) add to this the controversy surrounding the BNP and both supporters and non supporters visit the site regularly. I’ll never vote BNP, but I’ve been on the BNP’s site many times more than the other political parties put together. And I do have the Alexa toolbar installed :)
In comparison look at the Labour party website, no where to comment openly, no forum, just boring political articles with no visitor participation. There’s little reason to visit on a regular basis, their mistake (big one as well IMO).
I didn’t know any of that, thanks for the info, (seriously).
Regarding your last comment, I guess you may be right.
Best regards from me anyway, I give you a green tick.
Back to politics.
You say “I would not be surprised if a core group of BNP supporters are running the Alexa toolbar to boost the Alexa ranking. The BNP are very good at online promotion and that’s what I’d advise them to do if they were one of my clients and it was important to them”
Firstly, your lack of surprise is not actually admissable as evidence, is it?
Secondly, could they also simulate the ‘peak’ in traffic that occured at the QT show?
Thirdly, if Alexa is so fallible, why would anyone use it, it’s useless.
I doubt BNP members are trying to frig site rankings or on-line polls for that matter. My reason for this is, we want to know the truth!
My main interest in your poll is whether or not its results are comparing to those such as those published by public polls such as the telegraph for example. Obviously the likes of them can affect their results by where they choose to conduct their polls, whereas a website receives its results from practically anywhere.
As a BNP supporter its nice for me to see the BNP presently ahead of the mainstream parties. I wouldn’t be very happy if that was based on a lie – hence why I’m eager to see more people vote on your poll to gain a more stable average.
Changing the subject – I find some of the criticisms of you for allegedly having undemocratic views to be unfounded. We all see things from our own point of you to an extent. After all you have provided a site complete with polling system and open commenting. This sites great in my view – its a political free-for-all and a chance for anybody to air their views. If that ain’t democratic, then I don’t know what is :^>
Keep it up David,Topshelf website xD
We, the Libertarian Party, hold that each and every adult is the sole and sovereign owner of their life and legitimately acquired property; and that they will be free to live in whatever manner they so choose, so long as they do not infringe upon the freedom of others to do the same. We further hold that the defence of the individual against force or fraud by others should be the single function of government.
Sounds good to me.
They believe in legalising firearms,this a little strange though ;D
Sry bnp’ers just testing the waters of political diversity ;D
What The Libertarian Party Stands For
•Individual liberty, freedom and the self-responsibility that comes with it.
•Free enterprise and Honest Markets for the prosperity and opportunity they bring.
•Small Government and low taxation.
•Rule of Law applied without fear or favour.
The qualities of life shown above have slowly been accrued over the centuries by the bravery, courage, sacrifice and blood of our forebears. Much of this has been eroded in recent years. We wish to restore these hard-won freedoms to the United Kingdom, and this is why we formed the Libertarian Party.
Freedom is distinct from the idea of “rights”. People have freedoms, yet each freedom comes with the responsibility not to encroach upon the equal or superior freedoms of others. If someone has a “right”, which might be better described as an “entitlement”, it comes with an obligation upon a third party to furnish that entitlement. An example of a freedom is the freedom to learn. An example of a right is the right to an education. We are for Freedoms and Liberty, not “rights”.
In regards to the role of the State, we believe there is a need for Defence and the apparatus of law enforcement such as Courts, Prisons and a Police force that upholds Rule of Law with the consent of the People, not as a tool of the State. This is why we might be described as Minarchists, for we believe in a small State, one that does not interfere or tell you how to live your life, but will defend you against those who may try to do so.
This is radical man ;D I like ;P