Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Russell.


I am certainly no KKK/Neo Nazi or National Front, but will be voting BNP. Many of my older family members fought in the second world war, and do not like what has become of Britain since. Do not blame voters for voting BNP/UKIP, as this is a result/reflection of the failed policies of Labour & Conservatives governments. People have a choice on polling day and hopefully will vote according to their own experiences of the political parties and the social environment within which they live.
I have done my homework, read manifesto’s, visited websites and found myself agreeing with most of what the BNP preach (but not all).
Helen, please do not resort to name calling etc. If there is one thing about Britain that I am still proud of, is that people are able to have different political opinions. I may not share yours or someone elses views, but I will always listen and debate with them while taking on board anything I think is relative and sounds like common sense.

The BNP are in no way facist and are actually hated by neo nazi’s (the BNP has a Jewish councillor).

If you would like to debate in depth on any of the BNP’s policies, I would be more than happy to do so.

I think you will find that while disenfranchised Tory voters tend to vote UKIP, those who vote BNP tend to be disenfranchised Labour voters.