.It’s about time that we STOPPED giving money away to whatever person decides that it is not worth while working! and we have plenty of those people about
.Its about time We STOPPED paying people to have babies and who use birth of children as a bank account
One thing about the Poles and others is that the vast majority are not afraid of work and you have to admire them for that dont you.
Although I do agree that the ones that DO want to work here in the UK should get first chance of the jobs available here in the UK so I agree lets look after out own I agree with that
But the immigrants are just the tip of the iceburg and we cant blame them for everything ! I personally think we need to look a little closer to home and the present Government and this is how the Labour have secured many elections over the past few years by making sure they keep the voters voting for them as that way the voters are getting assured that we will continue Labour giving away our hard earned cash to so many of the ones that dont need it and the ones that just dont want to earn money but prefer to be a drain on society..
Imagine the savings of the country if we could just STOP being so SOFT on those of the country Have a child to get a house,
Have more children to get that bigger council house,
Have more children to get that new car,due to the extra money they get
They get offered a job and then Conveniently suffer from depression to get invalidity benefit or other anything rather than WORK for the children ..
To conclude if you got this far :).. the next time you go around an area that is well known for NO work and lots out of work
Take a look at how many of these houses have the newer car than you do and the SKY TV that will explain it all why I feel the way I do
Thanks for Reading
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