Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Elizabeth.

In Scotland we don’t really know what is going on locally and the media just don’t want to know about the appendage at the top of Britain. Just like the other appendage in the west called Wales.

Whilst we have the 3 main parties in Scotland we also have the SNP. Where I live is a LibDem stronghold so the only way to vote is for them to keep the Tories out.

However, if I still lived in my old constituency my vote would go to the SNP to get rid of the Labour Candidate who was the MP for that constituency in the last Government. The main parties may soon be sorry for the way they have treated Scotland and will possibly find to their cost that Scotland will decide on Independence.

Can we please have difinitive polls for Scotland after all we still have to pay UK taxes and live under the law of the land.

By the way some people seem to think Scotland is paid for by England and we don’t pay taxes up here. An excellent way to make the Scottish people very very angry.