Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Matthew.

The politics of the day consisted of the good the bad and the ugly.
Admittedly labour and brown seem to be the bad choice, unable to make even basic desions.
Yet cameron’s hate campaign? Simply ugly tactics that make people lose faith in the political system. Why should we vote for someone who must pick out flaws in others rather than comment on there own parties merits?

Facing facts, the lib-dem clegg is the only one who managed to answer questions fully with out using slanderous acusations. Draw your attention for a few moments to the afganistan question in the last dabate, see which member actualy managed to answer the question, and those that spent half of thier time spouting a zelous loyalty to our troops. The loyalty I do agree with, but what good is loyalty if you do nothing to help those you are loyal to?
