I cannot for the life of me belive some people still want to vote labour again! they have destroyed are cultral and national identity. Let most of our power to decide and choose laws that affect each and everyone of us go to euroupe. Send us into two unwanted wars whilt ill equiping our troops for the job. Destroy our strong ecomoney on a basis of stealth taxes and spending on non jobs and quangos. Ill educate our children and fill there minds with pc rubbish. But worst of all try and take control of individuals and buisness on all issues big or small it is nothing short of communism. I will be voting Consevatives but only because its the lesser of three evils. If UKIP were a big player in the political scene i would defenitly vote for them as they are straight talking smart men and women who do! speak for the scielent majority, Alas i will have to save my vote for them for the euroepean and local elections.