Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Ding.

Well its conservative for me because of two main reasons.

The economy. The Tories have the full backing of the business community which has been shown recently. At the same time, the business community has nothing but contempt for Labour who prefer an over bloated public sector.

The Keynesian economics that both Labour & the Lib Dems run, has been shown to be nothing but a total car crash. This country deserves alot more than limping along at a snails pace.

The other issue though is defence, more importantly armed forces currently engaged in armed conflict. I cannot possibly vote for a party like Labour, who is responsible for a good friend of mine now having a prosthetic limb, just because the government would not provide either helicopter’s or armoured vehicle’s in a place that they are vitally needed

As far as I am concerned, on that alone, anyone who votes for Labour now or previously in 2005 should be totally and utterly ashamed of themselves.

That party and Gordon Brown make me feel sick.