Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Rei.

Reply to John Ross really regarding the comment he made… why would we need immigration by 2017?

I think the UK have been “getting used” to immigration for too long now. I was myself unemployed for almost a year when the depression hit, and even before then, i was so sick and tired of people who had no right to be here trying to beg money off me that i didn’t have.

I have no qualms at all with people emigrating here to work officially, but i seriously think that the UK has gone soft. Where else in the world would allow for this?

Maybe we should try and sort the people out who are here first before bringing more people into our already over populating country. How many people are out of work? How many people will be out of work if we bring somebody else in to do the job? That’s why we have education?? Oh no… because we don’t have the money for that…

It’s all a load of garbage to me, and i’m becoming more disillusioned with politics every day. I still have no idea who to vote for because i believe that things are only going to get worse… maybe i’ll emigrate hah!