I am voting labour for loads of reason
I was ashamed to be british when the tories were last in government because they encouraged so much self hate, against single mums, unemployed people, you name it they went for easy target and it was very disappionting.
I believe they are not pro british because all the policies were so short sited last time , we have a problem with childhood obsity because they lowered the standard in school meals to save money and privitised the service know we are paying more in the national health service to cure the people effected.
They privatised Dental care and we have the worse teeth in europe and people que to get a NHS dentist.
They let umeployment sore in the early 80’s which brought riots and so much discontenment and many areas have never recovered.
I do not want people who are millionaires running our country because they have no idea about suffering and think cuts which means honest peoples jobs is nothing because they have never had to worry about bills and making ends meet.
I have children and I want this to be a great country for everyone, with a minmun wage, a health service, education and all the good things such as helping people when they are out of work, I am happy to pay in tax for this. I feel the Tories will rip this all appart putting us back and blame the ression when it all goes wrong. By then it will be to late.
George Osbourne ecominic dream failed in the US and it will fail here so this is why I do not want the country full of sadness and the realities of that, riots, more crime and angrey people who start to hate because they are so scared.
I will be voting labour, they are not perfect but i believe they will help everyone and not a small group with money and privilage that the business leaders and their shareholders.