Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Charlie.

‘If only’… I couldn’t agree more with your blog. I’m voting for ‘another party’ in May. I’m praying for a hung parliament – with such a result, the Tory backbenchers will be so livid, (after having a multiple % lead in the polls only a few months ago) with ‘cast iron’ Dave that they’ll initiate a leadership contest to get Cameron out. He’s not a true blue Tory, he’s a liberal lefty – nothing between him and Clegg.
The Tories need a centre/centre right strong leader, to have the guts to give us a referendum on the EU, which the ‘out’ vote will win.
The marxist commissars will freak when we leave, but we can get back to getting this country on it’s feet.No more marxist indoctrination of political correctness, and end to the 120,000 laws which have implanted here by Brussels etc
If you want to see something that’s ‘in your face,’ read, especially to all those who think being in the EU is just peachy.