Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Robert Upton.

I will vote for anyone, but labour. Altho I would rather vote for the green party, it would be a no vote.
Labour has had 12 years to get it right, they started with a country in pretty good shape.
Has everyone forgotton the :-
the raided pensions
gold sold during a 20 year low-2 billion pounds lost
morgage relief removed
marraige allowance removed
10p tax rate removed
75% tax on fuel
tax now on insurance
higher rate of NIC
and the give aways
£185 computor
£175 veg
£250 per child
and the list go on and on…………………
I dont pay super tax, no where near, and in real terms I’m alot worst of with labour, and I’m a working man.
So if your unemployed, a single mother, an immigrant, or a banker, Labour are for you.
If your an english worker, please give your vote some thought, for the sake of Britain, I refuse to use the word Great.