Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by mark.

I’ll be voting Green. It’s a tough choice: do you vote for a Party because you think they’ve got the best person to be PM, because you think they’d make the best Govt, because you like their policies and approach, or because you think they’re the lesser of two evils? The problem with being pragmatic is that it re-inforces the status-quo, business as usual.
Then there’s the problem that if you vote for a Party, you can end up electing a really duff MP (as the expenses scandal showed). And all those MPs who are not part of Government have the job of holding Govt. to account and steering them towards good legislation – so we need good people there.
So I’ll vote Green if they have a good candidate, because I think they have the best policies and even when I’m not sure about the policy I like the vision.