Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Janet Shaw.

I will be voting UKIP, not because I beleive them to be the best party, but because I am absolutely sick to death of the Labour Party who have passed laws that I don’t agree with, and were passed by Gordon Brown who was not elected. I am not sure about the Conservitives and wonder if they will be any stricter on immigration then the rubbish Labour Party. We were promised so much and told so many lies, that I am not surprised that nobody wants to go out and vote. I am also unhappy at the amount of money that MPs have made out of what should be a devotion to duty, but seems to be a get rich quick plan by most of them. I don’t trust them or like them. I am also upset that at the crime and yob culture that has developed in my area since Labour came to power, and the weak justice system. I want to see less money given to the public sector and more help for the private sector, and public section pensions reduced. I would also love to be out of the EU. So it looks like UKIP are my only choice.