Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Bainshie.

Ah global warming issue.

Firstly. People always get confused about the term ‘recently’. Time is relative.
If I say I ran a bath recently, that means probably in the last 30 minutes.

If I say I mowed my lawn recently, that could mean in the last 2-3 weeks.

If I say I got a new car recently, that could be up to a few months ago.

If I say a asteroid passed by earth recently, that could be a few years ago.

In global warming terms, the earth is several billion years old (Or at least 4500 years old if you believe the bible word for word :D). Recently is in the range of 10-15 years.

Secondly I do agree there is a ‘altercation’ of the details from global warming, however this as nothing to do with corrupt politicians or the such, but something that as always plagued science, that unless you give conclusive undeniable evidence (This rarely happens), if you harbor a theory that contradicts the norm its is generally ignored since people prefer ‘safe’ thinking.

The cooling down of the 1990’s is now attributed to the sun spot cycles we didn’t know about previously. Although this does give another issue against global warming. There is a lot about the planet and the universe we don’t know, and the current temperature rise could be nothing to do with CO2 emissions but an unknown science.

However that being said we are adding far more CO2 into the air then is naturally created in such a sort period of time, and it is natural to think this could have adverse effects.

In conclusion we can’t say for sure whether Global warming is false or not. However… Isn’t it better to stay on the safe side?

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