Comment on General Election 2010 Poll Results by Anarchist.

Voting for any party is pointless, and in fact, immoral.

By voting, you are ligitimising a system which kills literally millions. 4,000 children starve every hour to sustain our lifestyle. People justify this by ignoring it, pretending it doesn’t exist, that it’s not important because it happens far away.

But that’s not true. Every one of those Children has a mother, just like your mother.Every one had a life just as important as your own, but because of the falacy of Capitalism, they die whilst you live.

So you decide to do something about it. You try to buy fairtrade. You avoid Israeli goods. You might even sign the occasional petition on street corners, all to combat that vague feeling of guilt in your gut.

Because you know it’s your fault.

It’s your fault. Its our fault, as a nation, as a group of states. It is the fault of so called “developed countries” like the UK. You have blood on your hands.

And only we can do something about it. Don’t think voting’s going to help, though. Every single party in the UK has the excluse aim of getting into power. Power provides wealth and status, the ultimate aims of our capitalist society.

So the only option left to us, the odinary people, is to revolt. WE hold the power to change the world. There are billions of us, and so, so few of them. Vote with your feet, with your fists. Take action against a system with a vested interest in the continued deaths of millions through war, starvation and climate change!

See you on the barricades, comrades!

(ps, not a communist. I hate the USSR as much as I hate all other states)