The main general election poll on this site at Who Will You Vote For In The 2010 General Election Poll has been running since September 2009. Since voters intentions change over time and the numbers voting has started to increase, each Saturday I’ll be posting that weeks poll numbers here. Numbers to the left and […]
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This poll means nothing. It assumes that once you decide who to vote for and place a vote in this poll, that you will not change your mind! Once counted, numbers can only go up, but not move. That makes it useless.
Weekly General Election Poll Results
Did you happen to notice the title of this page? I pasted it above :-)
Weekly, means every 7 days, so though you are right about the main poll being based on both new and old data (up to 6 months old), the above results (based on the main poll) are fresh.
The latest Weekly General Election Poll Results is just 2 days old and shows a clear trend towards more people voting Conservative relative to both the main (entire poll) and previous weekly poll results.
The past 3 weeks has seen Conservative ~10 points ahead of Labour, relative to 5 points ahead in the entire main poll.
Assuming we have a true cross section of British voters voting (and we probably don’t, there are no controls on who can/can’t vote) it’s showing a trend of more people deciding to vote Conservative.
This suggests a stronger Tory win if we had the election today relative to a month ago.
How is that NOT useful information?
Will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks, as a Labour voter (though not strong Labour supporter) I’m hoping for a hung parliament resulting in a coalition government between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.
il vote for labour over an over again, they might have made alot of mistakes in the past but give them a chance to but it right again,
13 years worth of chances, each year more deplorable than the last. Brown should be a stock broker representing a company as he could destroy any cash cow for no profit to himself and provide any profits to the corporation he works for(the EU). He should be tattooed. “Dangerous to individual aspiration. Caution trust at your own risk.”
I would like to know where anyone thinks all the money is comeing from with the public spending and large loans the government is taking to pay its spending requirements. The drop in funding (except the military)is always put off. What will happen is he will bankrupt the UK and be bailed out by the EU who will gain full sovereignty without public accountability. We then become a depressed couch potato society of victims to criminalisation created by bureaucrats in a closed political system.
Had Gordon Brown’s government not taken the country into debt to save the banks and give the economy a life line when the crap hit the fan, where do you think we’d be now?
Please answer this question even if you ignore the rest.
BTW we are not in that much debt relative to both our past debt levels (we’ve had worse see: and relative to other countries like Germany that has a higher level of debt relative to their GDP (which is the important measure). Most countries like ours run what at first sight sounds like a high level of debt, but for whatever reason that’s what they do.
Take a look at
In 2008 our debt was between 45% and 55% of our GDP (different sources give different figures). CIA fact book figures had us at 47.20% GDP in 2008 with Germany at 62.60% of their GDP.
In 2009 the CIA fact book lists our debt at 68.50% of GDP.
To put it into perspective these countries have a much higher level of debt:
Zimbabwe 304.30% of GDP.
Japan 192.10% of GDP.
Italy 115.20% of GDP.
Greece 108.10% of GDP.
France 79.70% of GDP.
Germany 77.20% of GDP.
This is why it’s not a good argument to say Britain is bankrupt or anything like that. It would make me laugh if it wasn’t such a poor quality argument people like you make when you do say Britain is bankrupt!
To qualify my stance: I don’t think Labour was doing an awesome job of running the country before the banking crisis hit, but I do strongly believe they were doing a better job than the previous Conservative government. So given a choice between how Labour runs the country and how the Conservatives ran the country I’ll stick with Labour.
That being said, even if Labour had been running the country extremely well we’d have still had:
An American led banking crisis.
Resulting in a world banking crisis.
Which obviously had an effect on Britain.
This led to a world wide credit shortage, banks wouldn’t lend: the credit crunch.
Which inevitably led to businesses who relied on credit going under.
Which resulted in increased unemployment and higher welfare costs and more government debt.
Net effect recession (negative growth).
Please tell me which one of these dominoes did Gordon Brown or the Labour government directly cause?
The extra government debt is NOT the fault of the Labour government per se, we’d have a lot of it no matter who was in government. The choice was go into debt to stimulate the economy and keep the banks open or allow the banks to fail and let ordinary savers like you and me loose our savings and mass unemployment and rather than a recession a possible depression that could last over a decade before we got back into growth!
IMF article IV reports from the treasury website.
Clear warnings about 1. House Prices, 2. Stock Market, 3. Private Debt. 4 Regulation
All mentioned many years before the crash highlighting the problems which were not met adequetly.
In regards to debt compared to GDP, I would be interested to review this against inflation and the value of the pound against the currencies financing the loan. Remember that the value affects how easy or hard the loan is to pay off. Also the fall in value of the pound will be a difficult thing to fix due to the loss of gold reserves sold at rock bottom prices many years ago by Brown.
We are likely to find that although growth is earlier than a decade now the value of our debts are growing also. It will take longer to pay off and should be a more frugal time then we think even in growth. Spending is something which Labour also likes to do and seems set to continue with savings put off year by year and steath taxes preventing the ordinary person with a small business which would otherwise be fincable and capable of providing disposable income to regional areas promoting growth is being swallowed by the taxation system.
I have only just come back to this page so will review the numbers and compare them from other sources when I can get a chance.
Interesting that Labour is asking the LibDems to use tactical voting to support them by voting effectively agains the Tories. This just shows how morally corrupt Labour are: in their 13 years why haven’t they made the voting system fair so that tactical voting wouldn’t be necessary? Of course, I understand why: it’s because a large majority of people don’t support them and the like a system that allows them to have a large majority of seats in that situation (and they adjust seat boundaries to maximise their seats.) There is nothing fair and right about that.
Personally, if someone asked me who I was voting for at the up-coming General Election, I say that I’m voting AGAINST Labour: yes, tactically. It would be much fairer if I could put a 1 by my 1st choice, a 2 by my next and so on.
You are talking about the alternative vote system which if Labour stay in power is pledging to give us a referendum on.
So if you want the option to rank the candidates, 1,2,3 etc… you’d vote Labour not Tories. that being said if the Lib Dems gained power they’d be looking at bringing in proportional representation most likely.
Polls have switched today to give the Lib Dems more support, would be interesting to see what would happen if the Lib Dems actually won the general election (or was the party with most MPs in a coalition government) would they still change the voting system?
Like you I vote tactically, though I vote to keep the Tories out. In the alternative vote system I’d vote Lib Dems 1, Labour 2 as it is I vote Labour as I live in a Tory controlled seat with Labour in second place and the Lib Dems no hope of winning.
isn’t nick just playing the nice guy?
i don’t think he is very opiniated…however,i don’t think he would make bad leader in the future
cameron is just wanting the British people to stand as 1!
i really dislike the way Cameron wants to lead the country…England will be disliked! the world is changing,moving forward not backwards!
the country cannot be perfect! be realistic as is Mr. Brown…he’s done a fair job so far and was the only one who gave the best response as to how the UK’s economy will grow. who knows what the other two will do once they get elected! at this moment in time we need Gordon Brown to help us get out of the recession and Britain doesn’t need massive changes!the country’s doing good!
isn’t nick just playing the nice guy?
i don’t think he is very opinionated…however,i don’t think he would make bad leader in the future
cameron is just wanting the British people to stand as 1!
i really dislike the way Cameron wants to lead the country…England will be disliked! the world is changing,moving forward not backwards!
the country cannot be perfect! be realistic as is Mr. Brown…he’s done a fair job so far and was the only one who gave the best response as to how the UK’s economy will grow. who knows what the other two will do once they get elected! at this moment in time we need Gordon Brown to help us get out of the recession and Britain doesn’t need massive changes!the country’s doing good!
I see labours cyber division have noticed this website and got there claws into pumping up the propoganda.
I’m voting ukip, the tory party has lost my vote and this is largely due to our list referendum on Europe and there central party poltics. The Tory party already has broken promises even before it’s own potential election and simply can’t be trusted.
Gordon “good golly, coast to coast” brown is a liability who has caused much of the mess we are in now by badly handling our finances and spunking more than half our gold reserve. Combine this with the way they have underfunded our military, crippled the nhs, tied both hands behind each policemens back with silly politicaly correct rules and infected our country with millions of europes and the middle easts scum and we have the shit pie we live in before us.
Liberal dems………..hahaha no!
Bnp if all else fails as a protest vote.
Its time for the tide to come in again and leave behind all the drift wood that has been floating around for the last 7 years. Labour initially done a very good job and had my vote when they initially came to power. I thought they handled the banking crisis very well and took the lead worldwide. However there was no other option than to bail out, and the conservatives would have done the same if in power i can assure you. Why now is my vote changing to Conservative. It is because Labour have created a Political correct system that is massively hindering the advances of this country. They try to please evryone and it has caused policy that contradicts policy and goverment departments that rubber stamp the rubber stampers. I think they are now completely out of touch with what is right for this country. They need young blood to come through and lead in the future election with concrete policy not smoke and mirrors. Gordon Brown is not a good leader but look at what he is leading. He does not have the support of his misguided party. Labour are now the old Labour again.
They conservatives have a mess to sort out.