The main general election poll on this site at Who Will You Vote For In The 2010 General Election Poll has been running since September 2009. Since voters intentions change over time and the numbers voting has started to increase, each Saturday I’ll be posting that weeks poll numbers here. Numbers to the left and […]
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If this government gets in again, it will tell me that the British electorate are just as barren as they have voted for. Commonsense should tell every voter that New Labour have done their very best to socially engineer the UK; immigration for example. Just look at those three Labour MPs investigated who think themselves above the law. The fact is the UK only has a two party system; each one has had ago and each one re-invents itself. However, New Labour are without the worst; most dangerous bunch of politicians that the voter has ever had to tolerate. What about the Referendum; what about violent crime; what about education illiteracy; what about Stafford hospital killing over 1,000 patients; what about the number of cabinet ministers who have changed or gone. Vote Tory and give them a change.
I agree with you, we do need a change and I think the Tory will win and make that change for the better.The Conservative Party are the ones who will give the UK’s status back again and I think thats important, plus thats what British people want our country back again.Labour spend money, what on? They spend money like water and England is owes money out and now Tax Payers have to help yet again.
Law and Order, what hope does PCSO’s have in the community we need the offical Police Officer’s on the beat not plastic dolls.
So to conclude everything VOTE TORY AT THE GENERAL ELECTION even better become a member today by visting there website.
Come on British people its a new beginning, but the past behind and give the Tory a chance.
You donkey turkington – up to 3 weeks ago you were hoping to stand as a labour councillor ! Get back to cycling down Cleethorpes seafront saving kittens – ####.
No need to be insulting to get your point across, hence the edit.
Would really help to provide some evidence of what you just stated?
I used to live in Grimsby (awful place to live) and regularly walked down Cleethorpes seafront (quite a good beach considering where it is).
Dear David – no one knows what has been removed, so it’s hard to comment on what else Alan said.
Perhaps you would like to key in Shaun’s name and grimsby to see the comments left on the Grimsby Telegraph only last month?
By the same token, please don’t you be insulting to the people of Grimsby by saying it is an awful place to live. I have also lived there and Grimsby like many parts of the country has its problems, but the problems that were once in the poorer areas such as Grimsby, are now widespread.
So for someone who purports to be so ‘proper’, I think you should apologise to the people of Grimsby!
“please don’t you be insulting to the people of Grimsby by saying it is an awful place to live.”
Firstly you make the assumption when I said “I used to live in Grimsby (awful place to live)” I was referring to the people and not the area.
Grimsby as a place to live is awful, if it doesn’t smell like a dead fish it smells like an open sewer and when that’s not an issue there’s the smells from the industrial pollution from parts of the town (oil refinery) that burns the back of your throat!!!
There’s a football field right near the industrial estate and when we lived there (4 years ago) it was grey from industrial pollution! Fortunately we lived a mile away from the main pollution, but it was still a health issue.
My wife developed asthma after moving to Grimsby which cleared up (99% clear, still has the odd issue) about 2 years after moving away. While we lived there she had regular asthma attacks!
Some of the people in Grimsby are awful, but then that’s true of everywhere. Bigger a place more likely you’ll come across the dregs of society and Grimsby has it’s fair share.
During a neighbour dispute (neighbours boyfriend who was drunk) I was bit on the back of my head and if it wasn’t for being able to defend myself, I’d have been in real trouble, he tried to kick me in the face and stamp on my head while I was down! Fortunately I got the upper hand and he came off much worse, he got a broken nose for his troubles, I had a few minor bruises and scuffs and a bite mark on my head (what sort of man bites in a fight!!!).
The neighbour started the fight, but the Grimsby police dropped my complaint because they couldn’t catch him in when they called to talk to him and the police used the excuse it was my word against his (they never even spoke to him)!
Same neighbour, visiting kid caused trouble and I told him to pack it in, next thing I know I have his dad who was just out of prison at the door with friends looking to “sort me out”. Police came out, nothing happened.
The street next to where we lived was locally called “murder mile”.
Grimsby is an awful place to live. My opinion and I’m not changing it or apologetic for it either.
Thankfully my business was doing well and we bought a house in a better area. If you think Grimsby is a nice place to live, good for you, I have higher standards.
We have all had enough of the lies,false promises under the labour gov.Good riddence
Lets hope so JIm. its in our hands to win, surely we cant do worse, they are only trying to rectify the mistakes they made over the past 13 years, they could of done it a lot earlier. PCSO what a waste of money, they stood by and watched a child drown remember, what sort of human would do that, this is the UK not the Congo.
March 20th Weekly General Election Poll Results
Well that’s not a good result for Labour! This is the first time in my poll Labour’s got so few votes, Conservatives are almost 10 points ahead, that would be a clear majority in parliament!!
I hope it’s wrong, I’d hate to see Labour loose so badly! I have noticed the AdSense ads on my General Election site and on other politics sites I read are showing the Conservatives Web Cameron video ads that the Conservatives (AKA non dom Lord Ashcroft) must be paying quite a bit for.
If you compare the Labour YouTube Channel and the Conservative YouTube channel, the Conservatives have a lot more views, but similar numbers of subscribers (so regular viewers). Suggests they have already started paying a lot of money out for the online General Election campaign and it’s working!
Labour WILL lose the 2010 election because of two factors (i) Gordon Brown, a liability and totally arrogant foisting himself on the British people without a mandate and then hanging on until the very end, (ii) Labours’ “Nanny State” mentality interfering in our private lives, it never stops, the latest debacle being the law in The Policing and Crime Act 2009, Section 14 a sanction forced through by extreme and out of control feminists within Labour, a Strict Liability offence criminalising men who use prostitutes a law so vague it will be utterly abused by the authorities, another Witch Hunt, Labour have been good at them!!!
It would be interesting to add the English Democrats to the list of parties.
I’m not just saying this because I am a candidate, honestly :o)
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
Labour Party Votes 563 (21.94%)
Conservative Party Votes 870 (33.90%)
OK, where the heck are all the Labour voters this week?
Or why are there more Conservative voters?
The election will be another farce because there is really no choice. Neither Tories nor Labour represent different ideologies. It’s like having a choice of two identical cars in slightly different shades of grey.
Without proportional representation, voter turnout will continue to decline. Anyone who seriously thinks that the country’s problems will by solved by either the Tories or Labour needs their heads examined. It is either madness or stupidity which is defined by doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
Give the Tories a chance? How many have they already had in my 50 years? More Labour? You have to be kidding. This will only open the door to even more ridiculous extremist parties. Most people (more than 50% of voters) will choose to ignore the election. And that is a damning indictment of how meaningless is now is. So glad I have emigrated.
Alex.. Wherever you have gone abroad..I wonder how you will vote. If you were staying in this Country and voted I wonder who you would chose
I am a Conservative through and through and I have been voting for them since I was young. I am now 76 and know all about how, every time Labour have been in power, the Conservatives have had to clean up Labour’s mess, and what a mess there is this time round! It is very very sad to see what our Country has become under this Labour party. Lies, deceit, First Blair, and now Brown.(who was not even elected) then he brings in Mandleson! As Littlejohn says….YOU COULDN’T MAKE IT UP.
Vote Conservative….you know it makes sense.
This is the only statement I find true far as I am concerned both parties are as bad as each other. We have New Labour = conservative Conservative = conservative = both the same. Both parties in the last 20 odd years have pulled this country down.
I have to vote for Labour even though I don’t want to, as I may loose my job if the Torys get in (work for NHS in ‘National Programme for IT’.