Will President Trump Make A Good President?
Will President Trump Make A Good President? It’s February 2017, the Pokemon GO fad has come off the boil and the 70 year old billionaire businessman/reality TV show celebrity Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. Will President Trump Make A Good President Poll? [poll id=”28″] No, this isn’t […]
Climate Change Conspiracy Theories, Fact or Fiction?
I’m seeing quite a few comments on my politics site about Climate Change Conspiracy Theories etc… and having a scientific background thought I’d throw a challenge out to those who are climate change skeptics. Definition of Climate Change Climate change is defined by a statistically significant change in global weather patterns over time frames of […]
Osama Bin Laden is Dead
Al-Qaeda Leader and international terrorist Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was killed by American special forces on 1st May 2011 in a compound near Islamabad, Pakistan. “Justice has been done,” US President Barrack Obama The Pakistani Taliban are already threatening reprisal attacks against the US and Pakistani politicians.
Osama Bin Laden Dead – President Barack Obama Confirms
As of 1st of May 2011 that Osama Bin Laden has been reported dead near a compound in Abbottabad north of Islamabad. Osama has been hiding in the compound that was close to a Pakistani military base, apparently unknown to the Pakistan government. Osama Bin Laden was killed during a ‘firefight’ by US ground troops […]
US Politics : Democrats Hold The Senate, Republicans Win the House
I don’t understand US politics particularly well, though we do watch The Daily Show by Jon Stewart religiously (if that’s representative of US politics, Americans are nuts!). Watching BBC News and the Democrats have held the Senate and the Republicans have gained control of The House of Representatives. Guess that means President Obama will find […]
Us Warns National Security Threat Over Leaked Afghan Details
On Wiki-Leak 90,000 Top Secret Afghan Details/Records were published, but The White House has condemned the Publication as “irresponsible” and a threat to “National Security”. This is a Delicate issue, the publication could either catch lies and fibs within the MoD and Army (if they are stretching and altering the truth). Or it could as […]
Should Australia’s Kangaroo Meat Trade Be Banned in the EU
Australia’s Meat Trade Fights EU Food Ban. In Australia they can legally kill and eat Kangaroo’s, something I didn’t really know about. But this has come under fierce debate, people are objecting to the killing of the animal in order to sell the meat to the open market because if a mother Roo is shot […]
US Visit: UK Troops Could Leave Afghanistan As Soon as 2011
Forget 2014 – We want it all… We Want it NOW! Prime Minister David Cameron says UK troops could leave Afghanistan as soon as next year. This was announced at the US visit by PM David Cameron. David Cameron Told the BBC the same could be expected of UK forces “based on conditions on the […]
BP Claim Gulf of Mexico Capped Oil Well Not Leaking
Keep your Eyes and Ears Open Pelicans – We’ve got great news. Barrels of oil have been spilling into the gulf of Mexico since April 2010, but the latest cap is suspected to have stopped the spill from progressing any further. Yes… those pelicans will be jumping with joy, after a well deserved bath and […]
Argentina First Country in Latin America to Legalise Gay Marriage
Legislation was passed in Argentinian parliament to allow gay marriages in the country. This makes Argentina the first Latin American country to allow marriages of same-sex couples. The Law which also allows same-sex couples to adopt children met fierce opposition by the catholic church. I think this law is great, it is both improvement to […]
Parliament France – Should France Have Banned the Burqa?
A Bill has been passed making anyone with a face mask (any item of clothing that covers the face including the Muslim veil the Burqa and also the Balaclava) in a public place (street, shops etc…) can be arrested and given a €150 (euro) fine. This is utterly ridiculous, banning a face veil for no […]
Australia’s First Woman Prime Minister
Australia’s first Prime Minister – We had ours in the 80’s I know this is a UK political website but I couldn’t resist commenting on their first female Prime Minister of Australia. Julia Gillard Replaces Kevin Rudd in the Australian General Election 2010 I’m glad for them (Even though I miss Kevin basically because his […]