Comment on UKIP Policies : Immigration by Ellie.

We currently live in a 2 bed house having downsized from a 3 bed house. Due to illness I am unable to work and at the age of 53 have little chance of gaining employment, I receive the minimum DLA. My husband has worked all his life until the recession which was caused by the Governments mismanagement of the economy and the greed of the banks put him out of business. We lost everything. My husband has been told by the job centre that they cannot place him due to his severe sleep apnea, he has to wear a mask at night, sometimes sleeping in the other room as it can be noisy and it keeps me awake,I already suffer from chronic fatigue. He does not receive anY benefits for this. Now I am subject to the BEDROOM TAX. The government allowed disability benefits to be used in calculating income, this is a disgrace. The only reason that there is a shortage in housing is because thousands of immigrants are being allowed to come here and be housed at the expense of local people and the poorest and most disadvantaged are being made to pay for the governments mismanagement. How can there be enough money to send 55million a day to europe but not enough to look after your own people? It’s wrong on so many levels.

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