Comment on UK Local Elections May 5th 2011 by Andrew Wright.

The reasons not to vote for AV are quite thin:
1. It is too expensive
2. Too complicated
3. The one with the most votes might not win.

1. The last time we had a referendum in this country was 40+ years ago. We can afford a few million for a fairer system or what is the point?
2. It is pretty simple to get to grips with how it works. The confusion is created by a vicious No campaign that is misleading.
3. FPP creates a two party race which forces us all to feel disenfranchised and to vote tactically, so as not to waste our vote completely. If AV can put a dent in this disillusionment and disenfranchisement of voters it is worth it. FPP is not representative of the overall vote anyway, with certain MP’s seats ‘fixed’ through gerrymandering.

The BNP btw are fighting AV. So it must be doing something right.