The next UK General Election date is technically fixed for May 5th 2022 thanks to the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, but with a weakened Conservative minority government supported by the DUP and Brexit Deadlock an early General Election in 2019 is a possibility.

General Election 2019

General Election 2019

General Election Poll

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If there's a UK General Election in 2019, who would you vote for?

If there’s a UK General Election in 2019, who would you vote for?

General Election Poll of Polls

The Britain Elects poll of polls only uses pollsters following the British Polling Council standards and uses a modified moving average with weightings to counter more prolific pollsters and uneven spacing of publishing. Pollsters used: BMG, ComRes, Deltapoll, ICM, Ipsos Mori, Opinium, Panelbase, Populus, Survation, TNS and YouGov.

Early General Election Motion 2019

The General Election could be held before May 5th 2022 in the event of an early election motion being passed by a super-majority of two-thirds of MPs in the House of Commons, or a vote of no confidence in the government that’s not followed by a vote of confidence within two weeks.

2017 General Election Results

The Conservative Party lost overall control of Parliament after the 2017 UK general election with 42.4% (318 MPs) of the popular British vote.

  Political PartyMPsSatNetTotal Votes%Swing
  Conservative Party318638-1313,636,68442.4+5.5
  Labour Party262631+3012,877,91840.0+9.5
  Liberal Democrat Party12629+42,371,8617.4-0.5
  Sinn Féin Party7183238,9150.7+0.2
  Plaid Cymru Party440+1164,4660.5-0.1
  Green Party14570525,6651.6-2.1
  Conservatives and Unionists014-283,2800.3-0.1
  Alliance Party018064,5530.20.0
  Other Parties

There was a 68.7% turnout with 32,204,124 votes cast: eligible electorate 46,843,896.

Above are all the parties that have MPs or lost MPs, plus a few others like the BNP due to their interest.

General Election Politics 2019

Looks like we are in for a very interesting 2019 politically.

If you have an opinion feel free to share it below…