Prime Minister and Labour Leader Gordon Brown, Conservative leader David Cameron and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will participate in the first ever UK General Election Live TV Leaders Debates: three debates are planned in the final days of the 2010 general election. Labour’s Leader, Gordon Brown, said: It is right that we set the […]
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You aren’t interested in seeing how well they debate with one another outside parliament?
I realise you’ll be voting BNP, but based on the fact the BNP currently have zero MPs there’s not a cat in hells chance who you want in power, will be voted in next year.
You still have a vested interest in who wins.
Yawn.. is my reaction to this forum UK General Election 2010 Live TV Leaders Debates.
Im trying to see policy from all sides(unlike yourself)
yawn because its just the same old shite that these liers feed the public.
Im sick of it
Vote BNP
We have heard so many lies, so much deception, and widespread fiddling and corruption from these three over the last few years, why on earth would we want to hear more?
You think that a short time on TV is going to change anything?
David, I quote you –
“I realise you’ll be voting BNP, but based on the fact the BNP currently have zero MPs there’s not a cat in hells chance who you want in power, will be voted in next year.”
There you go again.
When you engage in ‘Talking-down’ the BNP you are using political psychology, a trick, which strongly suggests you are actively campaigning against the BNP, which in turn, means you are afraid we might actually get somewhere.
See my other recent posting on this subject.
If there is no chance for the BNP, why does everyone slag us off?
If you truly believe we stand no chance, why not sit back, relax, and ignore us?
Vote BNP
So it’s OK for BNP supporters to slag of the other political parties and their supporters, but I can’t do the same to the BNP and their supporters?
Would it be OK if I was slagging of the UAF or any of the major political parties, if I agreed with the BNP?
Note that stating a fact that they don’t have a cat in hells chance of WINNING the next general election is not slagging them off. It’s practically a certainty they won’t run the country next year.
I did say a few times I’m anti BNP, and yes actively campaigning (not a phrase I’d use, I consider it debating since I won’t be knocking on doors next year) against the BNP because a significant number of comments here are pro BNP. If there was no pro BNP comments I’d have nothing much to say about the BNP here. You’ll note I’ve barely said anything about UKIP and I disagree with a lot of their policies as well.
If there was a lot of pro Conservative comments I’d ‘campaign’ against those as well, just like you would. The Tories are a bigger threat to my political ideals because there’s a strong chance they will win the next general election, no matter how you spin it the BNP at best are going to get a handful of MP’s that will wield no real power. That being said it would be a foot in the door and that is a concern for me IF the BNP’s unspoken ideals are the same as their founding ideals as suggested by things Nick Griffin has said, I don’t want one of them as an MP.
I’m NOT David Dimbleby on Question Time who is meant to be impartial: OK bad example when discussing the BNP, but you know what I mean. I have an opinion and I express it.
The beauty of free speech :))
To be sure, I did not say you were not allowed to express your opinion, of course you are.
When the BNP attack the main parties it is because the main parties DO stand a chance of winning.
We do not attack the parties near the bottom of your poll, because there is no point.
I was suggesting that you (and the others) attack the BNP because you fear they might win, not because of your oft repeated claim that they stand no chance.
If you truly believe they stand no chance, you wouldn’t bother, is what I was saying.
But I appear to have touched on a sore point.
The political elite do not own this country, it is the British people who own this country, and if the people of this country want to elect the BNP, that’s up to them, it is entirely up to them, that is democracy.
If they don’t, they won’t.
But to say the BNP don’t stand any chance of winning, and to say it this early on in the election, is to dismiss out of hand the hopes of a great many British people.
I think you misapprehend the true situation here.
G Curtis & Rosie G
You said “When the BNP attack the main parties it is because the main parties DO stand a chance of winning”
Can I add, When the BNP attack the main parties it is because the main parties have been in power (or are now), and we can see the mess they got this country into.
Like you said they all attack the bnp because they are scared of the bnp gaining real power in 2010.
I have never really been poltically minded, believing the labcons for what they say.
To all liblabcon supporters, why do you think the government support (and fund?) such groups as the UAF? (Unite Against Fascism)
Why are they not focusing on promoting their own policies and ideas?? Instead, intent on making themselves look good by bad mouthing other parties.
I, for one am disguised that they use OUR money to do this. Anyone else?
I was actually browsing for something else and came across this site by complete accident. Lucky eh?
I had a read and noticed the high amount of BNP dross so I couldnt help but post a reply.
I find it nothing short of hilarious that every BNP supporter has a conspiracy theory for everything that they see as being ‘done to them’ while at the same time having of course to deny every single similar story about the BNP that there seems to be more than a grain of truth about.
Now I wouldnt trust either of the three main parties as much as I could throw them, but, thats because they are politicians. That doesnt mean, however, that I would trust the views of a set of mindless racists and petty thugs attempting to be politicians any more than I would trust the others.
For those who support the BNP, I would suggest checking the leaders statements very carefully.
Oh he spouts exactly the right mindless drivel to attract the type of people he wants to get onside, but when it comes to dealing with those who do not share his views, he is more than happy to backtrack and give out a very different set of statements.
Its happened that many times Ive lost count.
The invention of the airplane meant that global travel because accessible to all and meant that the world became a much smaller place in terms of ability to move around. As a result, it was always going to be the case that every country became more diverse culturally.
At least it isnt being done by force, something we, the British, have done on a number of occasions in the past. Easily forgotten though that isnt it?
Im very proud to be able to say that the British as a whole are one of the most racially tolerant people in the world and as a direct result of that, groups with a racist agenda of any sort, such as the BNP, will never get into any position of power outside of protest votes and especially not while you have a leader who backtracks and changes statements to suit who is talking to, because for those of us with brains, its easy to spot when he does it and thus, easy to discredit him as nothing short of a one track mind, lying bigot.
Maybe read back over some of his comments in the past before attempting to discredit other parties for their lying and hypocrisy.
They can debate all they want on TV, I’m not going to vote for any of those 3!
Its interesting to note that the UAF have been putting out a somewhat mixed message
and I feel a vid coming on
Actually if there is to be leaders debates I would love to see Griffin as well as some of the other minority party leaders included.
We live in a democracy so I’d love to see him up against other party leaders.
Let people see for themselves what the actual policies are from the horses mouths.
VoteNo ToBNP – You can read the BNP policies on their web page
Suggest you educate yourself.
Thanks for your advice, but I actually have already read them.
1. Immigration policy “Stop All Immigration”, “Start Voluntary Repatriation”
2. Economy – turn Britain into a self-destructive Protectionist State.
I don;t need to go on, I would suggest you research Protectionism and see the damage it would do to the country.
But have a question for you,
The BNP Have decided that their Employment Policy should be put together with Crime and Justice: why unlike every other party who keep the two serpeate do the BNP do this?
Do they assume that everyone that is unemployed commits crime?
See proof that I have read them.
[[ VoteNo ToBNP – You can read the BNP policies on their web page
Suggest you educate yourself.]]
I have. What do you think of them arming civilians with assault rifles?
He may pretend to have our interests at heart, but the facts are clear. He wants to scrap the legal guarantee that gives us four weeks paid holiday, the right to be consulted about changes at work and our entitlement to parental leave – denying the legal right for parents to spend time with their newborn babies in the critical first few weeks. That’s just three examples – but Cameron’s threatening dozens more of your rights.
Sign the petition – send the message that your rights matter and join the thousands of people who are demanding that Cameron scraps his plans to pull out of the Social Chapter.
-1/3 down on Crime
-Highest education results ever
-Minimum Wage
-Gurantee of seeing a cancer specialist in 2 weeks
-D&D act
Don’t destroy what has been achieved
Don’t destroy what can be acheived
Don’t destroy what will be achieved
Don’t destroy what we can achieve
I think the debates are an excellent idea and if managed correctly and not made easy on the politicians they may even be able to raise the turnout over 70%.
As for who should take part, well this is a difficult one as all the parties are going to complain that they are not being included so maybe a different series of debates should be held.
1. The main three who will play the biggest part in a, being able to get enough votes to form a Government and b. being in a position to play an active part in any hung parliment i.e. Lab, Tory, LibDem.
2. The minor parties i.e. UKIP, Greens, BNP etc should have a seperate debate.
3. Seperate debates with the main party leaders in N.Ireland, Wales and Scotland but these to include the Nationalist parties as well to keep it far and balanced.
Parties like the BNP, UKIP, Greens etc etc shouldn’t be part of the main debates as they realistically won’t have much of a bearing on forming a Government or play that big a part in any hung parliment.
Having the minor parties in the main debate would be counter productive as we wouldn’t actually get to hear much policy debate as we would be too busy allowing each one to have their say on each issue and wouldn’t get to do much questioning of each other etc, so it would become just a timed showpiece and not a real debate with too many people taking part.