Comment on Tory MP Philip Hollobone May Face Criminal Prosecution Over De-Veiling Request by Common Sense.

Mr Hollobone is indeed speaking for many people, including, I am certain, many of the women imprisoned inside their restrictive garments.

I find it vaguely sickening when I see muslim men walking around in t-shirts and shorts enjoying the freedom that western dress allows while forcing the womenfolk accompanying them to cover up completely.

It is not healthy physically or psychologically and much of it can be attributed to a culture that is completely male dominated and fully intends to remain so.

How many MP’s would permit anyone, male or female to attend one of their surgeries wearing a balaclava with only the eyes visible ? My contention is that the police would be called to remove anyone who refused to take this off first.

The principle is the same.

“Geezer” resorts to the usual terminology “racist” and “nazi” and blithely lumps PH in with those who murder or resort to violence. I know scores of people who find the full veil unacceptable for a number of reasons but not one of them could be counted as violent, nor racist. His remarks only serve to advertise his own blinkered bigotry.

Dare I add that one of the reasons this country is sliding into decay at an increasingly rapid rate is directly due to it’s tolerance of much that is unacceptable to people of all creeds, colour and faith, largely driven by the secular liberals of which “geezer” appears to be one.