Comment on Should the Government Ban the Islam4UK Wootton Bassett March Poll by DarkMithras.

I am not surprised in the slightest that islam4uk have done this. Why not, pavlov’s dogs (I mean labour) dribble at the mouth the second a muslim shouts loud enough.
I’m very surprised that Gordon (compulsive liar) Brown is not backing the march from his own pocket. I would not be surprised to see Jack (im not a convert, honest to allah) Straw in the march somewhere…he’ll be the one with the biggest banner.

History tells us that weak governments get crushed…goodbye labour

I am very, very surprised that people find the march offensive. After all, isn’t it racist to say ‘no’ to a muslim (even though religion is not a race). A lot of BNP haters seem to be using BNP words abotu the march.

fact is.
1) you want them in (you certainly dont want them out), therfore sit down, shut up and keep quiet. All equal rights remember…democracy at its finest:P No soup for you.

2) you want them out. In that case, join the club, we’ve got jackets.

DarkMithras (If you dont like our flag…find another)

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