Comment on Should Britain Leave the European Union Poll? by ryan.

The EU is a disgrace. The purpose of the EU is to create a European wide centralised system for the purpose of aiding multinational corporations.

We simply need to look at all the main steps take by the EU to prove this. They firstly removed all form of subsidy and tariffs in individual countries, then they force member states(depending on how much control they have on each state), to adopt a single currency so the TNC`s, will not have to worry about currency values, lastly they harmonise tax laws, again for the sake of the TNCs riding over the backs of hardworking Europeans.

In terms of democracy they have completely centralised it, 84% of 27 different member states laws are all made in one city; Brussels. The evidence for this? How about the only study that’s been done on the issue, by an ex-prime minster of Germany.
This results in people feeling that they have no control over their lives.

Take the latest example of Ireland (where I live). The EU along with there elitist friends in the IMF have forced Ireland to burden itself with a loan, all of which will be transferred to the corrupt Irish banking sector, and who will pay for it all?, yes its the hardworking Irish taxpayer.

I could sit here all day and go through all the problems with the disgusting EU, but i hope that i will have convinced any mildly progressive or fair thinking individuals reading this that Britain needs to leave, not only is it in its economic interest but you would be doing the entire population of Europe a massive favor.
I don’t support ukip mainly for their absurd views on climate change and tax cuts for the rich, as for the BNP, Id take the EU super state any day over their fascist thinking.

Thank you,