Comment on Reasons to Vote United Kingdom Independence Party: UKIP 2010 General Election by David.

Another British National Party conspiracy Theory :-)

A fact they are a “safety valve” for the Labour/Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition hey.

So BNP supporters believe there is a conspiracy between:

The Labour Party
The Conservative Party
The Liberal Democrat Party
The United Kingdom Independence Party

And from other comments
The Green Party (a Labour Party front).

Have I missed any political parties that are part of the big Labour/Conservative/Liberal Democrat/UKIP/Green Party coalition conspiracy group?

I suppose as you are a BNP supporter their main aim is to keep the British National Party out of power through their nefarious New World Order deeds?

I have to say the above parties do a damn good job of putting up a front that they hate each other, awesome acting.

I’m curious, if they are all in it together why would they all field candidates in areas where the BNP are a threat, wouldn’t it make sense for several to drop out so one of them would have a better chance against the oh so powerful BNP?

It’s basic maths, if there’s 20,000 votes available and the five parties in the coalition conspiracy group received as a group 15,000 votes and the BNP 5,000, if the BNP have one more vote than the highest vote of the other five the BNP win. So why split their votes between five parties?

You have no serious evidence they are part of a coalition conspiracy group to keep the BNP out of power.

The BNP supporters who believe this sort of tosh sound like nutters, it’s no wonder we have zero BNP MPs.

Does Nick Griffin believe rubbish like this?


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Reasons to Vote United Kingdom Independence Party: UKIP 2010 General Election

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