The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom. Founded at the start of the 20th century, it has been seen since 1920 as the principal party of the Left in England, Scotland and Wales, but not Northern Ireland, where it has only recently begun to organise again. Labour first surpassed the […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote Labour at the Next General Election
I can think of several good reasons for voting labour:-
1) If you want this country to be over run with immigrants.
2) If you want to hand over control of this country to a foreign power.
3) If you want to make loads of money by fiddling expenses.
4) If you are a banker.
5) If you want to join in a long and bloody war, or two.
6) If you want a high unemployment rate.
I am sure others can think of many more….
I’m curious, if you took the BNP off the voting form, who would you vote for next year?
This is a serious question since well over 400 constituencies (maybe yours?) won’t have a BNP candidate. Hmm, over 2/3rds of eligible voters won’t have the option to vote BNP.
I hope you’d vote for someone, if you don’t vote at all you might be handing power to who you want least in power.
I will answer your question in the spirit in which it is asked.
Since I do not like the way any of the main parties respond to matters of democracy, like a referendum on Europe, or telling lies about WMD, or surrendering our heritage and national pride to just about anyone, I can honestly say that I would have a very difficult task trying to justify voting for any of them.
My long experience of life and elections has convinced me that I cannot believe any of their pre-election promises. Most of them contain a get-out clause, or are so cleveryly worded as to be meaningless.
I am fed up with all the politically correct restrictive laws that prevent free speech, and lately, even freedom of thought.
I also detest MPs who undermine the principles of democracy by setting up and financing the UAF.
MPs, who are supposed to be the champions of democracy, openly flaunt their disregard for those values. Many of them are Labour.
If they don’t like any particular political party, they should fight them at the ballot box, not on the streets.
So, who will I vote for if there is no BNP?
That is like asking me to choose my own poison.
I think I will just hide in a corner and get drunk, or go and buy a prayer mat.
I see no future at all for our grandchildren unless some draconian changes are made.
To my mind, the danger is so great, I would rather risk voting for an inexperienced unknown, than vote for more of the same.
But it is not just me, I can reveal a little secret, a great many evangelical Christians across the land are in a state of panic at what they see as an Islamic takeover.
Millions of Christians, a silent majority, might well vote BNP, so you may get an unpleasant surprise when the results are called. But if the BNP is not available, they probably will not vote at all.
Most certainly, I will never vote labour again, not while I have breath in my body, not after seeing with my own eyes what they have done to this fair country, and to the British people who worked so hard to build it, and suffered and died to defend it.
I really do not understand how a seemingly intelligent person such as yourself cannot see the danger, the mess, and the sorry state this country is in. What hope have our grandchildren if all we leave them is more of the same?
I guess you are in some way insulated (not an insult) but if you look at your own poll results you must wonder why the BNP is still ahead.
There is a reason for this, and it is not activists fiddling the poll results.
The reason is that many people understand something that you do not, – Britain is in danger, and badly needs emergency action, it desperately needs a drastic change of direction.
If I cannot vote BNP, I will not vote at all.
Vote BNP.
David, the BNP are almost totally dependent on subscriptions from their supporters and cannot afford to put up 600 odd candidates.
All of the media are biased AGAINST the BNP, in fact the NUJ actively discourage any of their members commenting favourably on the BNP. So much for frredom of the press!
Many BNP members who have declared themselves in local covernment or civil service jobs are hounded out, So Much for “human rights”!
Many people are scared by these tactics and of the UAF and wont openly say they support BNP’s policies, but many truly do, some are still deluded by the continuing lies of the big 3, but more & more are seeing the realities of our country and this is why there is such an increasing groundswell of public opinion of which the BNP are the only party to represent, that once the BNP get some more seats, the media will be forced to acknowledge and more support will start flowing in!
None of the Lib/lab/con & UKIP parties have that agenda, UKIP with Pearson, has now proved to be just a ploy to syphon the anti european vote away from the BNP!
Who to vote for if there were no BNP candidate? You would have to see if there was a GOOD independent who genuinely represented local British opinion, if not, spoil the vote by writing ” BNP” on it! enough of these would make the big 3 sit up a bit more!
Another point to consider.
As K Williams just mentioned, the BNP might not win outright this time round, due to lack of money and candidates rather than lack of support, but they sure as hell will win next time.
I can say this with confidence, because the problems this country faces are only going to get rapidly worse under the mainstream regime, which has proven itself to be utterly lacking in any moral fibre whatsoever.
The BNP present the only viable alternative to disaster, and next time round they will start from a stronger base.
Don’t forget, this is only their first serious attempt at a general election.
You can look forward to all your worst nightmares coming true, a BNP government within a decade.
God bless.
Vote BNP.
If the BNP ever win a general election we’d seriously consider leaving and since 90% of the money I make is from the USA that’s a loss to the British economy. There will be 10s of thousands like us who’d consider leaving (BNP policies are a joke, they would destroy this country!), more importantly so would foreign investment which would be devastating to our currently fragile economy.
Labour and Conservatives don’t do a particularly great job at running the country, but at least they live on the same planet as reality with what they want to do.
BTW You can not sit at your computer slating Labour and Conservative politicians over and over when the BNP ones are no better.
Considering how many years the two main parties have been in power (over 100 years) and the BNP haven’t got an MP yet you can still find plenty of BNP councillors and BNP organisers etc… who are criminals.
Wouldn’t you think considering how new the BNP are and how few there are relative to Labour and Conservatives you’d expect to have a couple of bad apples, but not as many as there are? How do you explain this?
If we have 650 candidates for Labour, same for Conservative, but 200 for the BNP, we’d expect to see way below 1/3rd as many criminals in the BNP relative to Labour or the Tories and this is with next years figures, in 2005 the BNP contested 119 seats, so should have about 1/5th as many criminals within it’s ranks and that’s based on them being the same as Labour/Conservatives, not better as the BNP supporters in the comments argue!
That’s not including local councilors, aren’t there over 20,000 local councilors in England and Wales?
Again only a small fraction will be BNP candidates, so when we take it all into account the BNP should not have so many criminals within it’s higher ranks. It should be one or two, not as many as we see.
And the leader, Nick Griffin certainly should not have a criminal record regarding incitement to racial hatred and denying the holocaust, Griffin studied history at Cambridge, he should know better! What sort of educated person, who is in their right mind would believe the holocaust did not happen!!! I can see skinhead idiots who think doing a Nazi salute at an EDL march is fun believing the holocaust isn’t true, they’d believe the moon is made of cheese, but someone with a private school education, went to Cambridge, suggests he isn’t very clever to be able to understand the historical evidence. Has he ever apologised for denying the holocaust?
If not he’s no better than any of the Labour/Tory MP’s who refuse to say sorry when they make a mistake. How on Earth can a Christian vote for such a man, I honestly don’t get it???
Shallow minded comments like the above impress nobody.
This country has already been destroyed. The BNP could do it no more harm if they tried.
When we have our country back, when we are once again Britain, rather than EuroAnglistan, then I don’t think many people would care if you stay or leave.
Most of your income comes from America. Right, is that all you think about. Income?
So America will welcome you with open arms.
Good luck.
How is my comment shallow minded?
You say you will leave this country if the democratic will of the people elect a BNP government.
Clearly you do not respect democracy, or the British people. In fact your whole reasoning appears to be centred on money, and your own personal bank balance.
Do you have no concerns at all about what labour has done to this country over their time in office?
Do you not worry about the way the country is going?
Do you not worry about anything, other than yourself?
Is it ‘Labour, right or wrong’ – That is what I call shallow minded.
You used to gloat that the BNP have no chance of winning, and suggested it was pointless voting for losers. Now it looks like Labour have no chance of winning – why vote for losers?
Vote BNP
Two misquotes already today, I did not say “will leave this country” I said “If the BNP ever win a general election we’d seriously consider leaving”.
Big difference between we’ve already made a decision and consider it.
What is it with the obsession with the money I make?
If all I cared about was money I’d vote Conservative, they are more pro well off people than Labour.
I vote Labour because I believe those who earn more should give more. If you earn way above the national average wage you don’t miss a £1,000 extra like a family on minimum wage does.
Note: we’ve lived on income support on medical grounds when my health ended my planned career as a geneticist. We know how it is at the bottom of the heap.
I have to agree David if the BNP ever won a General Election I would be leaving the country, the company work for have also said they will close down the UK office and move it somewhere else in Europe putting 5,000 people out of work.
The reason for that is simply that the BNP policies will make it so hard for international companies based in the UK to remain viable and profitable, and I have contacts with my counterparts in other very large companies across the UK who are international companies who all say the same thins, a BNP Government would ruin their UK operations and make them so unprofitable that they would also move to another European country and lay off all the UK workers which means close to 2 million unemployed within months of the BNP being elected.
David, You say that you & thousands of others would leave Britain if the BNP gain power. I can only say that you will be no loss to Britain as it is people like you that have allowed the current criminal idiots to get our country into this mess by allowing the massive flood of unwanted immigrants to enter & take all our hardwon benefits, pour billions of pounds more of OUR taxes into the pockets of corrupt, overpopulated third world countries, the unelected bureaucrats of Europe and the criminally inept Banks.
Dont think that the British public will forget this, there will be repercussions! The BNP will ensure that the people responsible will be held to account for their CRIMINAL lies & mismanagement!!
So a well educated, hard working, business owner, home owner, tax payer wouldn’t be missed?
What sort of people do the BNP want in this country?
The BNP only want white people in England.
Vote Labour to keep the Tories out of power.
David, if you are complicit in the destruction of our country & culture by failing to try to stop it, then yes, Britain is better off without you!
All your declarations about being hard working, home owning, well educated etc, sounds as if you are like many of the self seeking politicians in Westminster and their fellow travellers, with the philosophy “I’M ALL RIGHT JACK, SOD THE REST OF YOU”
You claim to be educated with an IQ of 149, (the same as mine by the way), and yet you cannot, or will not, see the absolute shambles that your beloved “nulabour” and the other political idiots have got us in!
For god sake, take a few days off, walk around many of our “culturally enriched” inner towns & cities, especially in the evenings, see the crime ridden ghettos they have become. Stop believing all the adverse propaganda you read in the biased media about the BNP, go as an observer and you will see most are normal British people from all walks of life, who are just totally fed up with the criminal lies & corruption of the major parties! There are no other parties that reflect the concerns & aspirations of the average Briton, UKIP has been proved to be just a safety valve for the anti europeans in the lib/lab/con with no real convictions, see the Pearson deal with Cameron!
You cannot honestly believe in a party like labour, who have continually lied about immigration, the economy, reasons for war and their own blatant corruption ever since they were elected to government! You have claimed you home educated your children because of the poor LEA in your area, this is reflected throughout Britain because of the marxist, politically correct, dumbing down of our once very good, education system. Most people dont have the luxury to home educate, having to work to pay the bills, hence the poor standards of many of our school leavers. I actually sent my sons to fee paying Grammar schools, because of the poor quality of state schools in my area, necessitating me to take on additional part time work to pay for it!
Once again I urge you LOOK AROUND our country & see for yourself!
Thanks for the misquote, I did not say “would leave Britain if the BNP gain power” I said “If the BNP ever win a general election we’d seriously consider leaving”.
Big difference between we’ve already made a decision and consider it.
New charter may send troops to top of Civvy Street waiting lists
A charter of rights, enshrined in law, is being considered for members of the Armed Forces to ensure that they get priority for health, education and housing.
The Armed Forces already benefit from an unwritten military covenant under which personnel are supposed to be treated with extra care and attention.
However, Bob Ainsworth, the Defence Secretary, said yesterday that he was studying proposals for a legally binding charter that would oblige local authorities to put the military on their priority lists.
“Another possibility is a more general legal duty to treat the Armed Forces properly,” Mr Ainsworth said during a lecture at the Royal United Services Institute in London. This would cover any form of discrimination against military personnel.
Full Story:
I’m NOT A Labour supporter but I do like this plan
jack straw the British are not worth saving as a race/mandelson I did not no the labor party would allow one to make obscene amounts of money,then jobs for Blacks ethnics women before white men! then the lie over the referendum! The massacres in Serbia?Iraq/Afghanistan/ over 200 of our troops killed/Climatgate/gold reserves sold off/vat to be increased>the credit fraud, bank bail outs !Brown did not no Frani may Freddi mac was going to go bust But nick griffin said it was going to happen a few years before ?they said he was scaremongering! Yes they new, and the admitted illegal invasion Lots more//HOW can you vote for more of this just what have they done that makes you want to vote for
more of it
Brown, such a great leader that ordinary folk write songs to mock him….
He will go down in history as one of the worst bumbling idiots this country ever had, fables will be written about this clown’s delusional state of mind…
Reasons to vote Liebour… I can’t think of a single one.
He is far from a bumbling Idiot. But what he is – is obsessed with holding onto personal power at all cost, including his own party’s. He knows that technically he is the PM, but I bet in his gut he realises like the rest of us, that he doesn’t have a mandate from the country to confirm this, he is PM by default, it must eat him up. The worst possible outcome for GB, would be a small conservative win, but a hung parliment, this would put Cameron as PM, and Brown presumably still hanging on grimly as leader of the labour party.
I have been listening to David Cameron and his Change models and paradigms on Sky News. For change to be successfully introduced, first and foremost you need very good leaders at the top who will support your ideas and carry out the change. You also need change of culture;the way things are done. David has been using the term change a lot without telling us how this change is going to be introduced. He got these old people around him who may not even understnad these terms. What a change we might end up with.