The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom. Founded at the start of the 20th century, it has been seen since 1920 as the principal party of the Left in England, Scotland and Wales, but not Northern Ireland, where it has only recently begun to organise again. Labour first surpassed the […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote Labour at the Next General Election
their is a choice, one can either vote for nu-labour,
the party with the unelected “leader” and the party that has been instrumental in destroying democracy in Britain through its politicly correct dogma,
or one can vote for the conservative version of nu-labour, same policies, elected leader.
or you can vote for the only real alternative, the party that will give back to the British People the right to be heard in their own Homeland.
He is actually an Elected MP so you can;t exactly say he is an unelected leader.
Their was a leadership election with two candidates he won, so you can’t say unelected leader.
So before you try talking politics you should get the basic info correct.
What do you mean, 2 candidates?
He was unopposed.
Get your facts right.
John McDonnell, his only challenger, failed to secure enough nominations in order to get onto the ballot and conceded defeat to Gordon Brown
There you go, Google it for yourself and see
I have swiched my vote in the past few munites. Labour is the only credible party. I love David Cameron and the Tories but l think they are too rich to lead us. We just donot want to see any class war.
I’m voting Labour who are the only party that cares about the UK working class
i would never betray the party that stands up for us workers rights
sam , manchester, are you deluded?
have you not noticed what 12 years of labour have done to this once great country?
Vote BNP
The country is better than under tory rule
Ive worked as a nurse in the NHS for nearly 25 years and labour have turned around many off the awful tory years
The NHS is still not perfect but at least labour care about us
What will the BNP do for the NHS they will remove half of my work collegaues and freinds becuse they are not white and christian
I would never ever vote BNP
Sam your obviously deluded from the real facts blinded by yur goverments lies and deciets
What other party would have bought in the national minimum wage Phil
I ment that comment for Andyk below sorry
Thanks for your reply Sam. I beg to differ in my views I’m afraid.
For me it’s more like what other party could have destroyed the economy and wiped our
industry clean off the map creating unemployment levels the likes of which we’ve never seen
before (and the figures are higher than they’ll ever admit).
It’s not much good having a national minimum wage when there’s no work about anyway.
It’s not much good having a national minimum wage when it has to be propped up with housing
benefits, income support and reductions in NI contributions amongst other things either.
The national minimum wage is encouriging companies to pay just that – thus devaluing our
jobs. If a jobs worth doing, then shouldnt it be worth paying for properly and outright.
Current system generates more worthless jobs just to handle the admin for the benefits
mechanisms I’ve just mentioned. The entire setup is false Sam.
It’s not much good when you are at the start of a major recession (and we are at the start).
Unemployment is rife amongst the natives and the labour party opens the doors to millions
of foreigners and enforces companies to operate policies of positive discrimination towards
employing them.
You have to look at employment as a whole Sam, not just the NHS. I’m on about us as a
collective. The NHS is by no means immune either. Labour blows far more away in foreign
aid and supplying benefits directly to people in other countries than it deems fit to allocate the NHS.
Hello again Sam – please read the last in the list of many comments I’ve just sent you please. I’ve been having a bit of trouble submitting comments and have been trying to reply to your message for ages. My web browser claims the link is broken after a long delay, although the server has received the comment I’m afraid. consequently I copied the original to a text file and ammended it a few times after each apparent failure :-)))) sorry mate
Moderator: I’ve removed the earlier multiple mistake comments
Just reading through some of the comments about this vid that was posted on youtube, I understand David that it was posted on “an unofficial BNP” website, is this website an actual site for BNP or has it been posted in an attempt to discredit BNP? I am sure that there are many people out there that would do anything to bring the BNP into disrepute especially as their support seems to be growing daily.
Hi Sam – interesting statement about labour standing up for the workers rights. Could you state how please ?
i have always voted labour but over the years i have seen a drastic change to britain my kids when they get older will struggle worst than we are so i say give britain back to the british. bnp cant do any worst than any of the other political parties have over the years
BNP are a real threat to labour in certain areas, they could well prevent a labour majority tbh.
As the BNP have stated they are going to clear labour out in a few places
Hey Tom, what about the threat of UKIP, they have said they are going to put up candidates directly up against all BNP candidates, won’t that split the vote and leave Labour or Tory or even LibDems clear to get even a very slim majority?
Although I see Lord Pearson as a person who has seen the dangers & is not afraid of speaking about them in this censored media climate the BNP alone are the only political party able to redress the treason by this government of uncontrolled immigration & forced multiculturalism.
UKIP in Chaos Over “Betrayal” Offer to Tories
The fake UKIP party is in chaos today after its South East Candidates’ Association chairman, David Samuel, demanded a meeting with party leader Lord Pearson over the plan to sell-out that party’s membership in a secret deal with the Tories.
In addition, two UKIP MEPs have announced that the party faces a “wave of resignations” after news leaked that its leaders offered to disband the party and join the Tories behind everyone’s backs.
According to the email circular sent by Mr Samuel to all UKIP prospective parliamentary candidates last Saturday, entitled UKIP South East Candidates Association – Meeting Sat 5 December, tension is running high within that party over the secret sell-out deal.
“The revelation that our new party leader, Lord Pearson, with the blessing of Nigel Farage, had a few months ago made an offer to David Cameron that UKIP would stand down from the general election in return for a binding referendum on the Treaty/Constitution, has brought forth an entirely foreseeable torrent of reaction from PPCs in the South East,” Mr Samuel wrote.
“I have today emailed Malcom Pearson inviting him to attend and speak to and with us at our meeting next Saturday . . . I have no doubt that he will wish to take the earliest possible opportunity of meeting his PPCs in what is the strongest region in the country. As soon as I receive a reply I will let you know,” Mr Samuel wrote.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
But all you need to do is to look at UKIP as the more acceptable face though, that’s the way the country see’s them.
The main element of the country don’t want repatriation, volutary or otherwise, the BNP has that as policy.
The main element of the country doesn’t want a total ban on immigration forever (the BNP does) UKIP say five years, the Tories say a fixed cap on the numbers.
UKIP get far better press coverage meaning as in the positive where as the BNP get more in the negative.
UKIP are better financied then the BNP, they have a Lord of the realm at the head, people (the average voter) doesn’t care about what happens in the EU parliment, they don’t get to see the YouTube videos, they read the papers and watch the news.
The internet coverage doesn’t hit every house in the country, so the older generation who are more likely to actually vote only see negative press on the BNP, so they are unlikely to vote for them.
And the kind of press they see is this; Richard Barnbrook and friends telling Non-Whites they can’t attend meetings, this one made the news papaers:
These are the types of stories the general public get to read in the papers not the kind of press the BNP want the general public to see.
Not to mention that UKIP already has a HIGHER vote share than the BNP, they have 13 MEPs to the BNPs 2 so that also shows you that they are seen as far more acceptable than the BNP as they already command a far bigger vote share than the BNP.
But for that matter the Green Party also beat the BNP in terms of votes in the EU Elections the BNP reached just over 945,000 and the Green Party took 1.25 million, so the BNP are still lagging behind even the green party in terms of voter share.
So I don’t see a dramatic turn around in that anytimes soon, the BNP are still in many peoples eyes the offshoot of the National-Front which many voters WON’T touch because of their history, and Nick Griffins OWN history also goes againt the BNP, many people won’t vote BNP because they know his history, so the BNP have too large a battle to fight to even out do UKIP as they don’t have the tainted history that the BNP has.
Labour have gave the working class no other option but to vote for BNP. LABOUR have abandoned there core vote to serve recent immigrants instead. lib/lab/con relies on the third world votes and of course the naive brainwashed liberals.
no other choice but bnp
what about the tories they are a better choice than the bnp
wake up we will be back in power by june
The traiterous Tories in power to continue where Labour left off. That thought fills me with absolute dread.
Having lived through a few alternating Tory / Labour governments I have witnessed the decline of this once prosperous country.
Voter apathy when it comes to elections is at an all time high (which I will bet is what the like of yourself is banking on) as the main 3 political parties are like a 3 headed dragon. What they may occasionally spit at each other to give the illusion of opposition they are all singing from the same song-book – waging war against the of the electorate by the wholesale surrender of our national sovereignty to a foreign power (there can be no greater act of treason).
True the Tories are the most likely candidates to win the next election, because the have the funding. Funding taken from the taxes we pay to use against us, whereas the BNP relies wholly on contrbutions from those members of the electorate who now realise that for the first time in decades we now have a real choice.
We can have a referendum on Europe by voting BNP to get out.
I suspect that you are unaware that on 20th February 2009 the European Parliament voted in favour of the creation of Synchronized Armed Forces Europe (SAFE) as a first step towards a true European military force. SAFE will be directed by an EU directorate, with its own training standards and operational doctrine.
Already a `think tank` feasibility report has been drawn up to completely integrate all European Armed Services within a projected period of I believe 10 to 20 years.
That will mean our beloved Army, Air Force and Navy will cease to exist to protect our country, and our bases will be filled with a cadre of home and foreign troops giving allegiance to the E.U and to deal with any usurpers that wish to withdraw from the E.U.
The effect of this will be totalitarian control, and short of a home rising, we will NEVER be able to extract ourselves from their `union`.
Meaning we only have the luxury of holding another 2 to 3 general elections after this one if we don’t get out as soon as possible. It will mean the end of Westminster and the UK parliament.
Don’t you think it funny that after years and years of abuse of the expenses system by MP’s that the facts should emerge about how we the electorate have been ripped off just about the same time as Ireland ratified the Lisbon Treaty after being force to hold a 2nd referendum so that they would come up with the “RIGHT” answer.
And here is something else for you to consider: –
As MPs are the people who put this dictatorship in power, they are the greatest threat to take it out of power. All dictatorships in the past have eliminated that threat.
Inside the EU, the lives of MPs will be even worse than our own; at best, they are likely to be institutionalised and held against their will. (This is the only good bit – these despised traitors will suffer severely.)
MPs were encouraged to file exoribitant expense claims. No matter how ridiculous; whether the house/flat/mortgage existed or not, they were paid. Now they have been betrayed by their puppet masters, and to their surprise they are now told what they were encouraged to do is illegal. And we British despise them for it, which was the intention in the first place. They will experience many more betrayals, to prepare us for the closing of Westminster, when we shall be so delighted to see them locked up in the institutions they deserve we’ll hardly notice Westminster’s passing.
Mussolini said: “Fascism (and communism) is the state collaborating with large corporations to defraud the people.” That is exactly what we have seen while we’ve been in the EU. And in 2008, the government agreed to give the banks two thirds of our taxes (£450 billion) to bail them out from their greed and incompetence.
The Conservatives answer to the crdit crisis is, amazingly to give the bank of England even more power.
So Tory Janet, is this what you really want. Are you really so blind that you cannot see what is happening under our very nose.
UK forever.
I agree withe you ecepy for one point.
You say “Voter apathy when it comes to elections is at an all time high”.
This is not strictly true, there are a lot of behind the scenes emails flashing around amongst my Christian friends, showing enthusiasm for this election, but they are all proposing to vote BNP.
Vote BNP –
Certainly not Tory.
A vote for the BNP is a wasted vote, vote Labour to keep the Conservative elite at bay!!!!!!!!!!
Vote Labour or you hand victory to the Tory party.
I vote Labour because I think they care more about the hard working British people than the Conservatives do.
I would seriously consider voting Liberal Democrat IF they stood a serious chance of winning a general election, but currently they don’t.
Since I want my vote to count it’s between Labour and Conservatives and after reading the pro BNP comments on my site the only reason I’d vote Conservative is if I lived in an area where the BNP might win if I didn’t vote Conservative!
In fact my voting order for the main parties as someone living in England would be:
1: Labour Party
2: Liberal Democrat Party
3: Conservative Party
5: Green Party
6: BNP
Absolute rubbish David, “nulabour” has totally betrayed its roots, the working class Briton. Most of the cosseted, self serving, politicians in the party today wouldn’t recognise a working class Briton if they bumped into him in the street!
Many are professional politicians who have no experience of the real world, solely concerned with keeping their snouts in the trough and are totally out of touch with the thinking and aspirations of the average Briton. They are foisting their marxist “multi cultural” society on us without any thought as to the effect it is having on the average Briton & OUR culture! They have conspired and lied over the last 12 years or so to FLOOD Briton with yet more immigrants trying to dilute the british vote & stay in power. They allow these people to come in & immediately claim all the benefits WE have paid for, free healthcare, education, housing etc! Without paying a penny towards it!
Brown in his years as chancellor of the exchequer, has permitted Banks to criminally mismanage their affairs, paying themselves obscene bonus’s, whilst artificially boosting the economy by encouraging people to spend beyond their means with unlimited credit!
Labour has refused to allow the British to have a say on the EU, knowing that most people have increasing doubts as to its benefits to Briton.
They have introduced ever increasing “human rights & racial equality” legislation leading to criminals having more rights than the victims of crime, especially if those criminals are ethnic.
They are pandering to ever more strident & agressive demands of the muslim community by trying to supress traditional British & Christian traditions.
They have continually allowed our education system to be dumbed down with marxist, racial & political correctness, where now many of our children leave school totally unprepared for the work place!
They have lied and got us involved in 2 major wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, whilst simultaneously cutting support for our armed forces CAUSING the loss of yet more lives!
They continue to pour Billions of pounds in aid into corrupt, overpopulated third world countries who do not make any effort to help themselves.
How anybody with half a brain, never mind the self declared IQ of 149, can possibly not see this, makes me wonder if there is a hidden vested interest in keeping the lying, corrupt, incompetent, criminal, fools in power?
The BNP are the ONLY party to address these very real worries!
You know some of the stuff you write above I do agree with, do you think I’m impressed with:
The MP’s expenses mess! Fecking greedy idiots, not even smart enough to change their ways when it was them who voted for their expenses to be made public!!!
Going into Iraq with no plan beyond taking over, even if you give them the benefit of the doubt on WMD, there’s no excuse for NO planning! What were they thinking!
Even I saw future problems with house prices with banks giving 6 and even 10 times mortgages under self certification! I didn’t know about the sub-prime mortgages banking ‘scam’ that was going on, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if house prices go up at a much higher rate than wages and the banks solution is to give bigger mortgages at some point there’s going to be a problem.
I was shocked Gordon Brown as chancellor didn’t see this coming, but that being said apparently no one else did either in this country or anywhere else in the world. I do not understand how no one important didn’t see this coming!
I’m not like the vast majority of BNP supporters commenting here who think the BNP can do no wrong (you wear rose coloured glasses). They are all the same, whether it’s Labour, Conservative, Lib Dems, BNP… not one party truly impresses me, but of course some less than others and the BNP are way, way down in my rankings of trustworthy politicians who will do the right thing for the country.
I’d love to have a better alternative, it certainly is NOT Nick Griffin with his racist and fascist past denying the holocaust and inciting racial hatred. I’d rather have a corrupt Tory in power who likes ornamental duck houses than an ex-National Front member like Nick Griffin with all his conspiracy theories!
BTW you mention career politicians and experience, what experience does Nick Griffin have with his privileged education and declaration of bankruptcy in the early 90s (he couldn’t even manage a business successfully)? Seriously, what has he done that puts him in a position to run our country next year?
He has struck a chord with the downtrodden British people, that is what he has done.
Vote BNP.