Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Charlie.

And your anticipation is over –

Have you not read the bible yourself? I mean actually read it and not believe the junk that the priests spew out?

I was not brought up in a Christian world, my mother did not baptise me as she thought it’d be good for me to make my own mistakes.

I am not intolerant, I said that religion is a waste of time, I know people who have been brought up as Christians, and whenever I speak to them, actually give them true insight into the world to actually understand it, they often refute their religion.

I never said I was against any one specific religion, but against religion as a whole. Don’t try and put words into my mouth Wilfred. I honestly thought you were a decent guy, I guess I was wrong.

Religion suppresses people’s minds, and turns them into husks, I do not wish for this, it does not allow for people to make their own mistakes or accomplishments.

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