“After this election the main 3 parties will be BNP, Liberals and UKIP. Labour and the Tories are not fit to govern a Kindergarten after their show down!!!!”
PMSL, I mean lets get some perspective here, the BNP have NO chance what so ever of becoming a ‘Main’ party, they currently have ZERO MPs, less than 50 councillors and 2 MEPs.
There position in all the major polls hovers between 1 and 2%, there is NO chance on this earth of Nick Griffin and the BNP becoming a major party in Westminster.
Look at the history of the Liberal Party and how many years it has taken them to get to the position of the third party with 62 MPs, then think just how long it is really going to be before the BNP have any chance to call themselves a major party.
The BNP would have imploded and destroyed itself way before they get anywhere near power.
Look at the real reality and not the dream world of the BNP, they are under investigation for dodgy accounts which could mean someone heading for prison.
We’ve had the ‘Publicity Director’ threatening to kill the leader, they have no real effective policy that isn’t written on a beer mat.
Wake up and smell the roses, the BNP are not a contender to become a government.
More Comments by VoteNo ToBNP
General Election 2010 Poll Results
And a message for David,
You did a great job with this website besides all the dross you had to contend with from certain elements of the BNP.
I bet you are …
General Election 2010 Poll Results
Sorry I haven’t responded to any of the replies sent re my original I told you so post, been busy doing some other things, including finally taking a few days …
General Election 2010 Poll Results
I have to agree, by not voting you are wasting your vote on a party that you may not have wanted to win.
Every person that doesn’t vote may as well …
BNP Manifesto 2010 : Immigration: An Unparalleled Crisis Which Only the BNP Can Solve
Which is why we need a sensible Gov to invest in training for British workers, but the BNP certainly isn’t that sensible Government.
If you have seen one of their plans …
General Election 2010 Poll Results
OOps lol, you can delete these two as well then David you beat me too it :) …
More Comments on Reasons to Vote British National Party by VoteNo ToBNP
Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
Oh an i’ll just add another little set of stats for you to blow your deleded BNP will be a main party bubble:
There have been 12 council by-elections in 2010 …
Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I would just like to point out the BNP position on companies sending call centre staffing abroad.
The FACT is they won’t be bringing those jobs back to the UK, the …
Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I do indeed remember Potter, the same person who posted a group on the BNP’s main party website trying to identify me, made me laugh.
I’m not daft enough to leave …
Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I see not much has changed on here then David, the BNP Supporters getting so desperate that they have to post in multiple names, effectively talking to themselves to give …
Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
How do the women who support the BNP or the men for that matter feel about the following BNP Policies from the 2007 Mini manifesto:
BNP Policies Against Women:
The BNP 2007 …