Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Charlie.

All right, you have my word, I will use my name from here on in, not that it really makes much difference.

I have not denied that there has been an influx of immigrants into the country; I simply do not think the BNP approach is a logical one. Closing the borders completely is stupid, and will only hinder us from furthering as a country. I hope you saw the live debate last night and realised what a good party the Liberal Democrats are, as you have seen their immigration policy (Which according to you is “Let everyone in”, obviously you haven’t researched it) is that they let people as they are required into the country and they allocate them certain areas of the country to work in, this is a brilliant idea and cannot be denied, and isn’t as extreme as capping the immigration or cutting it off completely.

I really do feel sorry for your colleagues if you have been an ACII for 13 years and understand so little about the area you work in. I’m not entirely sure what your insurance argument has to do with anything but I will adress it anyway – Of course insurers are going to move their call centres abroad as they can provide a cheaper service, while it would be nice to see English call centres I find there is no real fair way to stop them. I understand your anger as I also know someone who worked for AXA insurance, he loved the company, and was in a managerial position however his area all moved abroad and he was made redundant.

Again, if you understood healthcare around the world you would see that all the successful countries in the world have adapted universal healthcare as opposed to private healthcare as it is something that benefits everyone. I will happily pay tax to be reassured that my associates will receive treatment if they fall ill, or if I receive treatment if I fall ill. In comparison to the USA healthcare where it’s ‘every man for them self’, we need to build a society, not crumble it.

Name some countries, some first world countries that are ‘doing fine’ without it. I can list loads off the top of my head which are doing brilliantly with it, for instance: Japan, Canada, and China, most of Europe, India, and Hong Kong to name a few.
You say private healthcare works the same – it simply does not, have you ever really looked into USA healthcare system? It is dreadful, the first thing they ask for when you enter the hospital is your credit card details. Private healthcare in the UK works much better as they are competing with the NHS, if someone doesn’t like private healthcare they can go back to the NHS, and so private healthcare associations need to make incentives to keep people.
The reason I brought China up is because China has rich oil reserves, North Korea or Africa simply does not. You were using oil as leverage for the Iraqi war, so I chose another example which is China, why haven’t we invaded China if the ‘sole’ reason for going to Iraq was oil? Answer me this. Surely you’ve heard of Tiananmen Square massacre?

Yes, you can educate someone who is born that way, however much I disagree with suppression, I disagree more with execution, and if you can try to suppress such feelings we can work towards a better community. Another idea would be to have social workers visit those convicted of paedophilia regularly and make sure that they’re monitored regularly.

Liberal Democrats does not want to allow everyone into the country, if you have read my previous paragraph on immigration, and actually read the manifesto you would realise that the Liberal Democrats do in fact want to monitor who is coming in and out the country and want to regulate this, they want to allocate works to certain areas where they’re required rather than crowding one area of the country. I personally think this is a brilliant idea, it means that if you visit your local hospital and notice that there is a lot of doctors missing, we can get doctors from foreign countries and assign them to that hospital.

You were implying that people should not mix, just by saying you go to Turkey every year doesn’t instantly make you an extremely cultured person, by voting for the BNP you’re saying quite the contrast in fact. Your argument was that we are paying for immigrants to come to this country and learn, if they choose to come to this country and learn I feel quite honoured that they value our universities and schools so much, this is helping the world as they are able to take those skills back to their own country and help their own country – Say a man from Africa comes to the UK to study medicine and then further to become a GP, then returns to his own country, we’ve just helped that country that little bit extra. The standards of said nurses or doctors might not be as high as those in the UK, but as it stands more and more British citizens are becoming lazy and not finding joy in those educational areas, to become a doctor isn’t as simple as becoming a sales assistant, as you most likely know it takes 7 years of dedication in university (Which I do agree should be funded by the government).

My comments about the internet are not irrelevant, since we joined the EU in 1990, and residential internet was not widespread in the 90’s we didn’t essentially have ‘free speech’ on the internet as there was very few policies on the internet at said time. As you may know a recent bill was passed detailing censorship of the certain ‘illegal’ websites (Wikileaks being one of those), as well as the ability to cut off people from the internet altogether, Liberal Democrats (Along with a few rogue labour) were the only party to vote against this, and this is where the EU Human Rights plays it’s part by demanding a full scrutiny of the Digital Economy Bill. My friend, it is you who is not living in the ‘real world’ as you describe it, you’re living in a hate filled world which has been enforced by these right wing extremists.

Those who abused our soldiers are indoctrinated by religion, something which should NEVER be mixed with government if it wishes to succeed. As far as I’m aware BNP is a Christian-heavy party, and therefore another worry for me would be if religion was to get in the way of their politics such as denying homosexuals equal rights such as partnerships, forcing a church tithe, or denying other religions to be prominent here(For the record I am an atheist).

There are lots of shelters for homeless people and the government try to make available as much housing as possible, but there is only so much land they can build on. I think you need to get out of this “Our own people first” ideology, I prefer that everyone is treated equally whether they’re our ‘own people’ or not. I don’t want segregation, I don’t want those who are immigrants to feel like they are not part of our society, I don’t want a repeat of South Africa.

The BNP is full of racists, their membership was exclusive to British Caucasians until this was held against them in a court order in 2009, if it was up to Nick Griffin it would have remained as it was previous to the court order. I’ve met people who support BNP and the filth that comes from their mouth, every sentence contains racism it’s disgusting that they can even call themselves human.

Here we go again with the ‘ordinary people’ tag, will you please stop using that? You’re making yourself look bad. Of all my peers who I converse with not one of them support this crude party and their ideologies, remember question time? Remember when all those people came forward and supported BNP? Me neither. Remember all the people chanting “BNP, BNP” at Nick Griffins public talks? Me neither, all I remember is abuse being hurled. I honestly hope that one day you realise your mistakes Stuart, I do not dislike you as a person at all as you are just misinformed and I understand how it indoctrinates even the most intelligent of people.

Oh, I can see that you’ve done your research on Iran, I just think you missed out the part where they mentioned that everyone who didn’t go to vote had their vote used for them, and to vote for the current party there, as well as brutes standing by the polling stations stopping anyone from voting for anyone else except their party.

I understand that “Children of Men” is just a film, however films are generally influenced by real life situations, their inspiration has to come from somewhere.

Good day Stuart.

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