Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by johnb.

Well look at this another anti BNP smear site using a false flag to attract attention. Do you think that people don’t notice when you start out as “reason to vote for the BNP” then pile on a lot of twisted rubbish, masquerading as “explaining” the BNP policies.
Where to begin?? First in the eighties and the nineties Griffin thought the holocaust claims were over blown and the Germans were being held solely to blame for what were Stalin’s actions. In this he was a bit right. In fact what happened to the Jews was in good part the result of a pan European thousand year history of pogroms against the Jews. Every other nation who had contributed to the situation especially Belarussia and the Ukraine were more than content for the German Nazis to take all the blame for their acts. Griffin was suspicious because the Communist regime in Moscow never admitted admitted doing anything wrong, including the Katyn massacre and the “Kulak” pogrom against the Ukraine and Belarusia in which more than ten million perished. Griffin thought at the time that Stalin and his propagandists were just hiding more of their crimes blaming the Germans for everything just like they falsely blamed them for Katyn Forest Massacre. He changed his views when he studied the reports of the just declassified “enigma” intercepts In which the Germans fastidiously listed the approximate numbers and the district origin of people in each trainload of misery they brought to the death camps. In this case the Germans inbred mania for acounting for every detail undid the frantic work of the Nazis to destroy the records and the structures.
Griffin made the admission he had been wrong about the scope of the Holocaust in 2001. It was on the BNP web site, and I read it there. How ever here is the catch. If you go on the Shoa website in Israel,, NONE of the holocaust researchers says their were six million Jews dead. They all give various different ranges from 4.7 million up to six. Since these are the experts and they cannot agree on how many Jews perished , then why is it wrong for Griffin to say that more than five million perished rather than the politically correct six?? Are the Jewish scholars who dispute this sacred cow number of six million to be considered “anti Semitic”?? And why because he had honest doubts about the accuracy of the whole controversy before does this make him a “Jew hater”?
The fact is that Griffin and most of the twenty odd thousand BNP members are in favor of the Jews having their own state, Israel because it is and was their historic homeland, and homelands for individual cultures is the strongest of the common BNP beliefs. However they also believe that the Palestinians have claim to some of the land, And the official BNP policy is that they think the whole thing is a mess the British government should try to steer clear of. They believe that the UK is no longer able to impose pax Brittanica upon everywhere and the forces and money would be better spent on solving problems at home. Some might find that “racist” what ever that is supposed to mean, but IMHO that is just common sense.

Now let us go to the problem of health tourism. No, other countries outside the EU do not give traveling Brits free medical care. A Brit who gets into an accident in the USA gets essential treatment but before he is released he is given the bill. If he doesn’t pay the hospital will come after him in court. And when you go in to any hospital in most nations they want to know who your insurer is before they admit you. Further, You don’t get admitted into most other nations in the first place without a visa which you must obtain before you leave home. Only soft touch Britain gives residency visas, instant housing, and medical care to every one who shows up at the airport with a sob story about being a political refugee.
Next to correct Mr. “R U being serious” about the BNP welfare policy. Basically it is to make jobs available make training available and for able bodied people without children who take advantage of niether, to cut off the dole. If You find that policy unreasonable then IMHO your mind is too far gone for me to waste my time arguing with you. Helping someone with a bit of assistance who is struggling to pull his own weight is far better than feeding human slugs who won’t lift a finger to shift for themselves.

I could go on and pick apart all the smears but why bother. You will either not print this or just start another smear website. But you won’t win. In the end, Goebbels didn’t win with his lies either. Sooner or later people will see the other arguments and honest people will then be able to see your smear job.
Bottom line. Honest people when they are wrong, own up to it, like Griffin did. Others try to slither out of it. Which are you??

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