Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Andrew.

Thank you Nick for your response, but I believe that David has already answered the question. Also, if you feel agrived by this then maybe you should stand as a candidate for your constituency. Or even better you should look at the BNP for what they really are and move your political affiliations firmly away from them. Proportional representation is a good idea, it would also benefit myself as I look for independence for Wales. But under the current sytem it would also mean that there would be even more MPs from Wales and Scotland voting on matters purely to do with England and vice versa.

And for Matt, if you really live in the real world you will walk outside and meet the hard working decent people of this country from varying ethnic backgrounds who have all had an impact on British culture. You will then probably see that the people you talk about are a minue minority that you have read about on the Dear Deirdre page of the Sun newspaper.

More Comments on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Andrew

Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election

I don’t believe that all people voting for the BNP are racist. But that still does not make what you are doing right. You have genuine greivances, but voting for …

Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election

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Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election

I don’t believe that all people voting for the BNP are racist. But that still does not make what you are doing right. You have genuine greivances, but voting for …

Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election

Here are the reasons I will not be voting BNP and I urge others not to do so –

Firstly, the only divide in the human race is that of …