Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by David.

The reason you won’t be able to vote for a BNP candidate in your area is because the BNP aren’t fielding one.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Labour or the Conservatives, it’s BNP choosing not to field a candidate.

You’d need to ask the BNP why.

The most likely reason are:

Not enough money to pay the £500 to field a candidate, every person who stands in the general election pays a £500 deposit** which is returned to those who get 500+ votes. To field 650 BNP candidates would cost £325,000 (same for any national party: BNP, Greens, Labour…) and the BNP will loose the vast majority of those deposits since BNP support is concentrated in a few areas. The BNP have little money to spend on the election as they wasted something like £100K recently on fighting an unwinnable court case! Since the BNP are hoping to gain one or two MPs this time makes sense not to waste hundreds of thousands on areas they don’t stand a chance in.

** I assume the £500 deposit is in place to stop people with no interest in being elected from standing as a candidate (the vote for my business candidates for free, or I’m a numpty candidate). Serious candidates in an area who gain 500 votes get their deposit back, the time wasters do not.

Not enough money and/or local support to afford a BNP campaign, campaigning is costly and takes a lot of volunteers to knock on doors, volunteers are particularly important for the BNP since the media is generally anti-BNP so to get their warped message across they need it to go door to door.

The BNP couldn’t find a suitable candidate for your area. They’ve already made major mistakes on candidates like Mark Collet who was recently (earlier this month) arrested for threatening to kill Nick Griffin!

I heard on the TV yesterday that the BNP are fielding 300 candidates (not confirmed it), which is a lot more than in 2005.

What would you like to see changed so the BNP can find it easier to field more candidates, 650 candidates for example?


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