Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Anon.

I think you’re mistaken, it appears you are the one that is brainwashed, propaganda is abundant in right wing parties such as BNP, and I understand it can seem right sometimes – It is not.

If it was for those “Ignorant band wagon riders”, you wouldn’t have some of the brilliant liberties you have today, like your free* healthcare? That was created by left-wingers, like your free* police service and fire service? Again, created by left-wingers. If it wasn’t for those of us on the left wing, you’d be paying “Police Insurance” and “Fire Insurance” and “Health Insurance”, we’d be as bad as America on the terms of social care.

How would you like to be retired and not be able to afford health insurance, you have a heart attack and have to go to hospital, you have to pay £50,000 in hospital bills otherwise debt collection agencies will be round your house looting all your things?

*Free is denoted by paying social security, however if you’re unemployed, retired or in full-time education, this tax is waived.

Furthermore, how can you honestly justify killing a man for a crime he has committed? We have prisons for a reason, we have that prison to keep that person quarantined from society and not as punishment, that’s the fundamental of prison it’s not a ‘punishment’, but a ‘preventative’. The only time I can find justification for killing someone is when they’re a threat to many lives such as Saddam Hussein.

Not to mention that many paedophiles are born that way, is it really right to kill a man because of the way he was born? That’s like saying you should kill autistic children, or other people with birth defects, is this really right? The only thing we can do is educate them on the matter. Moreover sterilising someone won’t stop them from having sexual fantasies, it will only stop them from reproducing.

I personally don’t want to see Hitler MK.II being put into power, and I won’t allow it on my watch, and many other politically enlightened won’t allow it either.

Britain is built on immigrants, and to disallow them access to our country is utter nonsense. We’re not an imperialistic country anymore, we’re seen as the country where everyone has a fair chance no matter what background you’re from.

I’d just like to say – I love being part of the EU, it grants us so many benefits which many people don’t seem to realise. Vote Liberal Democrats on May 6th, 2010 if you wish to see real change, if you want a different part which is a party for the people!

Anon signing out.

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